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"Holy shit, baby your hair!" Seunghee ran up to me, running her hands through it. "Why did you cut it? I liked it long... and black. You looked so adorable and squishy but now," she combed out my bang. "You look like a grown man." Bora came downstairs but stopped at the landing. "Taek... why are blonde. That was gonna be my thing." She crossed her arms and pouted. "Sorry, noona. I was gonna go red but I thought that would be too drastic of a change." she chuckled ruffling my hair a bit. "Where is Minju noona?" I walked to the living room and flopped down on the couch, stretching across it. "I think she went to the grocery store or something." Seunghee came and sat on my back turning on the tv. "What do you guys want for dinner?" Bora yelled from the kitchen. "Can we have ox bone stew?" Seunghee stopped channel surfing and looked down at me. "You feeling okay, Taekkie? You hate ox bone stew." I shrugged, burying my head into the couch pillow. " I just really want some." Seunghee started to play with my hair again, her worry spreading throughout the room. "Noona, can you please contain your emotions. You're making me feel sick." She chuckled slightly, pulling her pheromones back a bit. The door opened again, Minju's scent filling the room. "Minju noona, where did you go?" I asked, looking up as she locked the door. "I went to the grocery store then to the mall. Hey, did y'all know that DSW..." She started at my hair. She screamed. "TAEKWOON YOU LOOK FUCKING AMAZING!" I covered my ears. "Thank you but please stop yelling. You're hurting my head." A spoon flew from the kitchen, hitting the back of Minju's head. "Don't hurt my child." Bora said before going back to cooking. Mumbling, Minju went upstairs with her bags. "Guys, dinner should be done in an hour." A text came in.

From Asshole 🐷🐷: You need to come over now.

'Who the fuck do he think he is?'

To Asshole 🐷🐷: And I have to listen to you because...

He responded two seconds later, literally.

From Asshole 🐷🐷: My dad wants to talk to you.

I froze. 'What did I do? I was showing up to every session since I've been back to school.

To Asshole 🐷🐷: What happened? Is something wrong?

From Asshole 🐷🐷: He won't tell me. Just hurry over, please.

I pushed Seunghee off my back, standing up. "Noona, I'll be back." I slide on my shoes and ran out the house, ignoring their calls. I ran through town, reaching the alpha's house in ten minutes. I rolled up the sleeves of my sweater and fanned my face, knowing that I had started to turn red. The door opened before I could knock and Wonshik stood before me. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside, running up stairs. He opened the door of the room I've never been in and alpha Jaejoong sat inside. I bowed, lowing my eyes to the floor. "Hello alpha Jaejoong. You wanted to see me?" he nodded. "Please have a seat." I sat in the closet chair. "Taekwoon, in the short time that Wonshik has been working with you, I noticed a rapid increase in his grades. How you got him from failing to passing within two weeks is beyond me but I could never be more grateful. It seems like he actually has a brain." He chuckled lightly. 

"My only concern is your disappearance after your first session. Why did you stop showing up? Wonshik did inform me that you went into heat that night but I know that you did come the following night." I felt his gaze pour into me as I kept my head low. "I-I was dealing with a family issues." A hand pushed my head up. "Please look at me when you talk to me. I know most alphas hate eye contact but I want you to be able to talk to me comfortably. Can you please elaborate on the situation?" I nodded. "As you may know, my mother is... a woman of many men. She had come home last week and had derailed our house a bit." he pushed for more. "She told me that she... matter of fact, I'm not comfortable talking about this right now. There are too many ears right now and I don't know how my noonas would react to me letting something so personal to me outside of our house." Alpha Jaejoong's eyes remained soft. "Please Taekwoon. If there is opportunity for me to help, I want to take it." I looked back at Wonshik before continuing. "Apparently she had slept with my mate before we officially mated." Shock spread across his face. "How old is your mate and your mother?" "He's 17 and she is 37." His jaw tightened. "He's still a minor. That's an offense against the government. Thank you for telling me Taekwoon, I will go speak to her. Before I go, may I ask who your mate is?" I shook my head. "He rejected me after our mating so I guess I technically don't have a mate." Disgust crossed his face. "Who would do that?" I put my head down. "He didn't want to give up his lifestyle. I guess he wasn't ready for commitment." an unnoticed tear fell down my cheek and I felt Wonshik's glare on me. "Alpha, I-I've said too much." he nodded before his phone went off. He pulled it and looked at the caller id. "Boys, I will be right back. I need to take this." Alpha hurried out the room. 

Before I could think anything, Wonshik slammed my face against the table. "You fucking slut, trying to rat me out to my father. Did you think that he would force me to be with you?" anger laced his voice as he started to pull at my pants. "Wonshik, stop! Please!" he held my hands behind my back and forced my pants and underwear down. "Why should I? You deserve everything coming to you for defying me." Tears ran down my cheek as I tried to fight against him. He forced three fingers into me, pain shooting through me. My body locked up trying to push him out. "You look so damn fuckable with your hair." he moved his fingers faster, adding a fourth. The pain continued to double and I continued to cry. "Wonshik, please..." He pushed harder. "Please what?" I stayed silent as he chuckled.

 "Fuck, I could take you-" the door slammed open. The pain left my body and there was a crash behind me. Alpha stood me up and rushed me out of the room. Wonshik's growl echoed throughout the hall. Alpha pulled me into a bathroom and helped me redress. He wiped my tears. "I smelled your fear and I got up there as fast as I could. I'm sorry, Taekwoon. I didn't think Wonshik would ever do something like that." I hid my face in my hands. My sobs came out strangled as I tried to breathe. "Taekwoon... is Wonshik your mate?" my head shot up and I looked him in his eyes before another sobbed ripped through my chest and curled into myself. "Come on, let's get you home." Alpha grabbed my hand and led me out of the house and to his truck.

(At home)

Alpha helped me out of the car and wrapped an arm around my waist since I was limping a bit. He knocked at the door and it flew open less than a second later. "Jung Taekwoon, where have you- Alpha Kim." She stepped back, eyes wide, and bowed. She grabbed my arm, "I'm so sorry for whatever he did. He's normally a good boy." he chuckled lightly. "Good evening, Seunghee. Taekwoon has done nothing wrong. Is Bora awake, by any chance?" She appeared next to Seunghee. "I'm here Alpha." "Can I speak to you in private please?" She nodded. "Seunghee can you please take care of Taekwoon." We entered the house and Seunghee helped me up the stairs. We went to my room and she sat me down on my bed. "Taekwoon what happened?" A tear escaped. "Wonshik tried to rape me." Anger rushed through the room but it wasn't from Seunghee. Her eyes filled with tears before she pulled me into her chest. More tears fell before the door slammed open. "Taekwoon, you're done tutoring that pig." Bora spat. Alpha nodded. "My son's actions tonight are unforgivable and I am truly sorry that you got someone like him as a mate. If I could change that I would. You are too kind of a boy for such an ass."

( A week later)

My stomach churned as the smell from tonight's dinner invaded the living room. "Hyung, are you okay?" Jaehwan asked, looking up from his calculus homework. I nodded, returning to my calc homework as well. Hakyeon scooted closer to me and I rested my head on his shoulder but the feeling wouldn't go away. My jaw and throat started to tighten as my stomach churned even more.


I pushed my homework off my lap and sprinted upstairs to the bathroom. Hakyeon called me as he ran after me. I turned the knob but it was lock. I turned to run for my garbage pail in my room but it was too late. I threw up, vomit hitting the floor. I grasped the wall, trying to remain upright. "Oh shit, Taekwoon!" My knees started to give out but Hakyeon caught me. The bathroom door behind us opened and Minju walked out, wrapped in a towel. She gasped at the vomit on the ground. "Shit, I'm sorry! I didn't hear you at the door." Seunghee and Bora came upstairs. "Minju, why would you lock the bathroom door!? There are other people in the house!" Bora grabbed the mop and bucket, silently cursing as Seunghee and Hakyeon helped me to my room. "Taek, what did you eat today?" I shook my head. "Nothing." I laid down and buried my head in my pillows.


A/N: If you all are interested, I made one of the texting stories with their text message [I was really bored]

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