Help Me

478 33 11

(Taekwoon's POV)

"Taekwoonie, I'm sorry love... but you're 3 months pregnant."

I turned up my music as stares from people near me intensified. 'It's okay, Taekwoon. Just get the vitamins and leave. Where are they though?" I walked to the counter and was greeted by a smiling face. 'Beta' "Hi, how can I help you?" I handed her the paper. "I am looking the for these but I can't find them in the isle." She smiled. "Ah, these are normally kept behind the counter. Let me see your ID so I can verify your identity please." I pulled out my wallet and handed her the only ID I had with me... my school ID. Her face fell. "You're a senior in high school?" I nodded. She went for the vitamins as I took out my card. She returned and checked me out. 

"I guess it's true when they say all omegas are sluts." 

I froze. "Maybe if you kept your legs closed, you wouldn't be here. Now would you? Shouldn't you be focusing on your school?" "I am the top of my class." I muttered quietly. "Must of slept with every teacher to get there." She tossed me my card and I ran out of the pharmacy. I walked home, praying that no one would be home when I reached. Luck was on my side for the first time in two months. The house was dark, signaling everyone was at work or out. I went to my room and threw my stuff down. I stood in the mirror, disgusted with what stared back. Lifting my shirt, I saw the now-very-fucking-obvious bump. I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled down the top, giving them space. 'Taekwoon, you can't keep it. You'll ruin your family name even more. What about Wonshik. He'll really won't want you now.' My wolf growled at the thought of aborting the fetus but I have no other choice. I'm not ready for a child and maybe I won't ever be.

 "Taekwoon, are you home?" Seunghee voice echoed through the house followed by male laughter. I fixed my clothes quickly and exited my room. Hakyeon and the others were sitting in the living room while Seunghee was in the kitchen. "Taek, I promised them food if Hongbin was able to get a 100% on his next bio test and he came back with a 105%." She sent a wide smile towards Hongbin, who smiled back. "Taek, what did my mom say?" 'I should wait until the others come home... yea that would be good.' "I want to wait until Bora and Minju come home." His eyebrows knitted together. "You're not dying, right?" 'I wish I was right now' I shook my head. Hopefully I could buy myself some time and thi- the door opened and Minju and Bora walked in. 'So much for luck' Minju gave me a quick hug before going to assist Seunghee in the kitchen. "Hyung can you tell us now?" Jaehwan asked from across the room. "Umm... give me a second." I went up to my room and picked up the test results. Going back downstairs, I sat down on the floor away from everyone. Minju and Seunghee came into the livingroom. 

"So what did Dr. Cha say?" Seunghee asked. "She... um... promise you all won't hate me or throw me out." Seunghee instantly moved beside me and wrapped an arm around me as I dropped my head. "Why would we do any of that?" "Because...I..." a tear fell down my cheek and onto the paper. "Taekwoon what did she say?" Bora's voice was cold. She was annoyed. She hated when people took forever to speak. She reached down and took the paper from me. "Noona wait!" I reached for the paper but she crumpled it up, her eyes turning red as I stood up. "Noona, I'm sorry. I really didn-" "Shut up and sit down" My mouth closed instantly and I fell to my knees. "Bora don't you dare use your gender over him!" Seunghee yelled at her, eyes turning red as well. "Whatever is wrong, I'm sure it's not major and we can fix it." She reasoned. "He's fucking pregnant. How can we fix that mistake." 

She's right. I am a mistake. I shouldn't be here, making life harder for them. I ran to the laundry room, Minju hot on my tail. Grabbing the bleach, I tore the cover off. "Taekwoon put the down!" Everyone ran towards the door of the laundry room, my sisters standing in front. "Taekkie, what are you doing? Put the bottle down." I shook my head furiously. "I'm sorry I'm such a fuck up. You all were just fine until I can around. Life would be easier if I were never born or dead. I'm sorry that I am such a mistake." Without a second thought, I brought the bottle to my lips. 

다칠 준비가 돼 있어 (I'm Ready to Get Hurt On and On)Where stories live. Discover now