Butterfly Effect

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(4 am)

A cry filled the room and I shot out of bed. Wonshik continued to snore as I crawled out of bed. "Hush, it's okay. Mommy's here." I picked up Hyomin from her crib, rocking her gently. "We gotta be quiet before we wake up your sister." Hyomin cries lessened as if she understood me. I quickly changed her diaper before putting her back down. "Might as well I change you too." I picked Hyolyn gently, not wanting to wake her. Hyomin started gurgling from her crib as I put Hyolyn back down. "Minnie, you're still up?" she smiled before stretching her arms up and kicking her legs. I picked her up gently, cradling her to my chest. I tiptoed downstairs and sat down on the couch. I turned on the Sprout Network and sat Minnie up in my lap. She squealed watching the colors go across the screen. "Umma should get a tv upstairs apparently. Might get y'all to sleep faster." 

"Taek?" Wonshik came downstairs, Lyn in his arms. "Did she wake up?" he nodded. "I figured she was hungry so I came to make her a bottle." I stretched out my arms for her. "Take Minnie, I'll breastfeed her." Swapping out kids, I put Lyn in my lap and pulled my shirt up. She latched on quickly, her hand resting on the middle of my chest. "You were hungry, huh?" Wonshik laughed lightly, keeping his attention on Minnie, who was playing with his fingers. "So Taek... you never answered my question from earlier." Cocking my eyebrow, I turned my head to him. "What question?" "Do you want to move in with me? You know Nana and my mom are hating that they have barely seen them in the past 5 months." I nodded. "I know but you know they can't leave the house for the first hundred days." Wonshik pursed his lips. "It's been 150 days." Oh yeah. "Taek, what are you scared of?" Lyn released my nipple as she started to fall asleep again. "Burp Lyn and let me feed Minnie."

 "Taek please don't ignore me." I propped Minnie up before turning to Wonshik. "I'm not ignoring you, I just... I don't want them to have to be exposed to what I had to go through at such a young age. They don't deserve none of that." Wonshik's face fell. "Taekwoon, as long as I am here, nothing is going to happen to them." "Well Wonshik, you've said that before and you still left. I had to suffer on my own without you." Wonshik but Lyn down in her bouncer after she burped. "When Ilhoon and the others attacked me, what did you do?" hot tears ran down my face as Minnie started fussing. "I'm sorry love." I wiped her face quickly before putting her down. "Wonshik, you treated me like you hated me majority of my pregnancy. When you started dating Eunbi, it was like a slap to my face." Wonshik slid closer to me, wiping my face with his thumb. "I know that no amount of sorry can make up for anything that I have done in these past months but I want to show you that I really do love you and the twins. You are the best thing that happened to me and you have given me the only thing that I could ever want. Taekwoon, move in with me so I can show you. Please." The brown in his eyes fled as a reddish-purple took its place, his wolf pleading with me. Hesitantly, I nodded. He threw his arms around me, capturing my lips. "I promise that I will make it up to you."

다칠 준비가 돼 있어 (I'm Ready to Get Hurt On and On)Where stories live. Discover now