Beautiful Killer

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*Minor character death*


We spent the rest of the day at the office since Wonshik didn't have any meetings. Hyomin sat in his lap, drawing while he typed away. "Love, thank you for not severely hurting her, even though she really deserved it." Wonshik was happy that there wasn't a mess to clean up but happier that I stood my ground. "I hope toothless gets it now and stays away." I looked down at Lyn in my lap as she drew. "Lyn, who are you drawing?" "Grandma Cha and Uncle Hakyeon." I waited for her to draw Hakyeon's mate, Hyuna, but she moved on to the house behind them. "What about Auntie Hyuna?" she shook her head. "I don't like her." The twins were the first set of kids that Hyuna has been around and she's... still getting used to them. "Umma, I want to give it to Grandma Cha." she held up the picture, handing it to me. "Sure, love. Wonshik, I'm going to take the girls to visit Cha umma at the hospital." he nodded and put Minnie down. "I'll see y'all at home." the girls waved as we exited his office.

(At Home)

We didn't stay at the hospital long since Cha umma had an emergency. We met Wonshik in the driveway and he helped the girls out of their seats. Unsettlement became present in my stomach as I opened the door. 'Something is not right... let me not start nothing.' I started making dinner for the girls as Wonshik bathed them. "Taekwoon dear, how was your day?" Nana entered the kitchen with grocery bags in her hands. I put the spoon down and took the bags from her. "After this morning, it went well." she cocked an eyebrow at me. "What happened this morning?" "My beautiful wife finally put Eunbi in her place." Wonshik said walking into the kitchen with the twins in his arms. "Did you now?" A smirk spread across Nana's face. "About time that you told off that old witch." I put bowls of kalguksu in front of the girls, both of them picking up their spoons quickly. "Shik, I'm going to head up for a shower." he nodded, sitting down with his own bowl.

I walked up the stairs slowly, that sick feeling settling in my stomach again. Pushing the door of my room open, anger rose quickly in me. The mattress was no longer on the bed, as it was thrown against the closet door. The curtains were shredded, pieces of it on the floor. All of my colognes were either broken or thrown on the ground. The standing lamp was now laying on its side, its glass shell shattered. The mirror had a gaping hole and the tv was hanging off the wall, white noise filling the room. In the center of the room, there was an empty spot. Nothing was there but a picture, carefully placed to get my attention. I picked up the picture, seeing it was Wonshik and I's wedding picture that would have normally been placed on the nightstand on my side of the bed. Wonshik's smile was bright, happiness evident on his face. My face, on the other hand, was gone. The bitch cut my face out of my wedding picture. "Taekwoon..." Wonshik's scent filled the room as he wrapped me in his arms. He took the picture from my hands, his grip growing tighter on me. "She can't stay here no more. I'm cutting her link with this pack."

(The next morning)

We, or should I say Wonshik and the girls, slept in the guest room with the girls last night. Wonshik wasn't going to risk something happening to them while they slept. Dain and Jaejoong came over in the morning after Wonshik told them that he removed Eunbi from the pack and after seeing what she did, they were all for it. We tried to sit down for a peaceful breakfast but a knock at the door interrupted us. "I'll get it." I whispered. Opening the door, Eunbi's bitch ass stood on the other side. "You really had the audacity to come here. Clearly, knocking out your front teeth wasn't enough." her eyes were bright red. She wasn't in control and it was easy to see that her emotions were all over the place.

"Because of you... a filthy omega like you, my life fell apart." I rolled my eyes. "When are you going to take responsibility for your own actions. If someone doesn't want you, you shouldn't force yourself onto them. Now, if we're done here, I would like to enjoy breakfast with my family." An animalistic growl ripped from her chest as she tackled me. I covered my face as she clawed at me. "Mom, get the girls out of here!" I pushed Eunbi off of me, grabbing her hair and slamming her head down into the marble floors. Arms wrap around me and pull off the bitch. "Taekwoon, you shouldn't be fighting!" Jaejoong held onto Eunbi as she fought his hold. "What is the meaning of this?" Anger dripped with every word. "This slut ruined my life. I was supposed to be with Wonshik, not this bitch. I should kill those mutts so you finally get the message." Wonshik's grip loosened as those words left her. I snatched her from Jaejoong's and held her by her throat. "I wish you would put your hands on my kids, bitch." I was loosing control. This bitch was overstepping her boundaries.

"Let me go and I'll show you. The quite one that looks like you, I'll take her first. I'll tear her from limb from limb while the other watches. Th-" she fought for air as my grip tightened. "One more word and I'll end you right now." she smiled. "I regret not taking up Ilhoon's offer." Without thinking, I slashed her throat with my claws. Blood splattered on my clothes and the floor as her body fell to the ground. Jaejoong and Wonshik stood shocked. "T-taek... your stomach..." Looking down, a pocket knife protruded from my lower abdomen, blood seeping out of the wound. Wonshik moved to remove it but I stopped him. "Don't touch it." Black dots danced in my vision. "Removing it could lead to more blood loss and we don't know if it hit the baby." Wonshik took my arm and lead me to the door. I held onto him, my vision still dancing. 'If I never get to meet you, I'll never forgive myself.'

Everything went black.


A/N: Eunbi is finally gone y'all. Hopefully everything will get better for Taekwoon and Wonshik but you never know 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️

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