A Dark Twisted Web

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Chapter 2 Caught

“Logan, did you just say Willow?” Peter asked with an edge in his voice.

“No….” Logan was about to say more when Charles entered the room.

“Forget it; they know she’s alive now.” They all turned around and looked at me.

“Explain.” Peter said angrily.

“It’s a long story Peter.” I said moving blonde hair away from my face.

“I’ve got time.” I sighed before telling my story; once I was done I looked around the room. No one spoke.

“Wow.” A redhead said breaking the silence. I looked at her.

“I’m sorry but who are you?” I asked.

“Mary Jane Watson, but people call me M.J.” I looked at her up and down. She seemed nice, maybe a little too nice.

“Hi, I’m Willow.” I replied. I looked at Fury. “Not to be rude or anything, but why is she here.”

“She’s in danger Miss. Manz.”

“And why is she in danger Fury?”

“She’s dating Peter, and was attacked.”

“Well that makes sense.”

“Willow now that we know you’re alive can you please take off your disguise, unless you’re going to be naked, than please don’t.” Tony said. I looked over at him when Natasha punched him. I rolled my eyes and changed back to my normal self, with her dark brown hair slightly curled, and all black clothing. I looked over at Logan who was looking at Steve, I knew Logan hated him, and I knew they had issues.

“Logan babe, let’s go upstairs.” Logan started to move, but instead of moving by the stairs he started walking towards Steve.

“Logan what are you doing?” I asked, but instead he kept walking towards Steve. Logan finally stopped and whispered something to Steve, and Steve whispered something back. Logan was walking away when he swung around and punched Steve square in the jaw. A fight broke out, and when People pulled them apart I quietly went upstairs unseen by everyone expect Peter.


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