A Dark Twisted Web

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Chapter 5 it begins

We all had settled in on the heil-carrier around six in the morning and Logan wasn’t happy for two reasons. One being we had to be there at six in the morning, and two being we had to be flying. We were walking in the hallway when he stopped me.

“Are you still in love with Peter?”

“Logan, I’m not in love with Peter, not anymore.” I lied.

“I want you to stay away from him while we’re here, okay?”

“Okay,” I said not wanting to fight with Logan.

“I love you.” Logan said wrapping an arm around me.

“I love you to.” I said trying to convince myself more than Logan. We finally made it to where the others were, and we were the last ones to arrive. Logan sat down next to Peter and I sat down next to Clint who smiled at me.

“Now let’s begin, shall we,” Fury began, “Logan did you tell Willow what happened in the video?” Fury asked.

“I was supposed to be paying attention?” Fury looked unamused, and I had the same expression on my face. He finally looked at me.

“They just talked; nothing about your Uncle was in the video.”

“So you have no leads?”

“Yes, we don’t have any leads.”

“Told you.”  I said in a whisper. The room was silent. Peter felt bad for yelling at Willow, he knew her Uncle was the last family member she has left, and he knew he might die, or might already be dead. Peter could tell it was hitting Willow hard as well.

All the screens in the room suddenly went black, a moment later Chris and Iris were on the screen.

“What do you want?” Willow asked breaking the silence.

“You,” Chris simply replied.

“Well it seems to me you have the wrong person.” I said.

“It seems to me you’re wrong. You needed motivation to get back in the game Willow.” Iris said matter-o-factly.

“How’d you know I was alive?” I asked.

“We have our ways Willow; now tell us something, what would you do to get your Uncle back, alive?” Chris asked

“Anything,” I replied simply.

“Interesting, isn’t it interesting Iris?”

“It is.” Iris said a smirk growing on her face.

“We could really have fun this time.” Chris said

“You guys are crazy.”

“Just a little. Oh, and Willow?”


“It’s just a shame you might lose your Uncle. You already lost Peter the man you love, and he’s still alive, for now.”

“I’m not in love with Peter, Chris.”

“Are you trying to convince me, or yourself?” Chris questioned before the screen went black. Logan quickly got up and left. I looked around the room and noticed all eyes were on me and Peter. I peeked at M.J. she had a murderous look on her face, and she was looking right at me.

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