A Dark Twisted Web

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Chapter 18 avoiding Peter

Willow truly wanted to keep her promise to Steve but couldn’t. Peter the man she loves was hurt all because she brought a clone on board; that was going to kill him. Not only that, but Willow doesn’t like to talk to people in a time of loss. Willow knows it’s unhealthy and should let people in, but can’t. Willow sighed, unfortunately Fury needed her.

When she got there, she was the last one to arrive, so she took a seat between M.J. and Steve.

“Have you talked to him?” Steve asked referring to the conversation from earlier. Willow shook her head. Fury began to talk. He was in mid-sentence when a video call request came in. Fury sighed and hit accept.

“Well, well, well, looks like everyone’s her except Charles, such a shame.” Iris said in a twisted way. Everyone was quite.

“Want to know what more of a shame is? We have to kill the poor girls Uncle; she didn’t exactly follow your orders Chris, did she?” Magneto asked.

“No, not at all,” Chris said a small smile showing on his face. All eyes were suddenly on Willow. Willow could feel herself slowly breaking, but she wasn’t going to show it.

“No witty response from the weeping willow? People should hit you more often.” Loki said a huge smirk growing on his face before the screen went black.

“That was intense.” M.J. said breaking the silence. Willows head snapped towards her.

“Why the hell are you still here? You’re useless here; you do nothing other than make stupid comments.” Willow nearly yelled at the red head. But instead of M.J. being offended she just smiled at Willow.

“Why am I still here? Why are you still here? You were supposed to be dead a long time ago, all the way back in California. So instead of asking me that question why don’t you ask yourself why you’re still here, on earth, taking up someone’s oxygen, like your Uncles? M.J. said before getting up and leaving.

All eyes were suddenly on Willow again. Willow was playing with her thumbs in her lap.

“Willow……” Bruce began before Willow cut him off.

“I’m fine.” Willow snapped, getting up and leaving.

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