A Dark Twisted Web

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Chapter 24 clues

Willow quietly searched the Heli-Carrier until she found what she was looking for. The room where S.H.I.E.L.D keeps there cases, both old and new. Strangely the door was slightly ajar, so Willow crept in. When she did, a screen greeted her that has all the cases. Willow searched until she found the one she was looking for.  Agent Phil Coulson’s Hostage came on the screen, and Willow clicked on it.  When she did the screen gave her a letter and some numbers.

Area P3961. Willow began to look for the area and found it with ease. Inside were Coulson’s badge and the first video along with the names of the other videos. Willow looked at the badge, and noticed the edges were a little bit rough. She began to peel. When she finished a message was written in blood red ink.

You found the first clue. Every first word holds a piece of the puzzle. –C, I, L, M

Willow took the card and the first video along with the names of the other videos. I’m going to figure this out, Willow thought leaving the room and heading back to the bedroom. When she got there Peter was awake, and Willow quickly put what she found in her bag.

“Where were you?”

“I couldn’t sleep, so I decided I was going to walk around.”

“Sorry, I was worried.” Willow slightly smiled.

“It’s okay.” Willow said lying down as Peter wrapped his arms around her. Willow was about to fall asleep when she thought back to yesterday night.



“I don’t want to sleep.” Peter sat up.

“Why’s that?”

“I’m going to see him die.”

“No you’re not.”

“Yes, yes I am.”

“Willow sweetie, you have nothing to worry about.” Peter said bringing her body closer to his. “I’ll wake you up, you have nothing to worry about.”


“Promise.” Peter said in a reassuring tone before falling asleep. The thing Willow didn’t want to do, sleep. Willow was excited, she was going to get a lead in her Uncle’s case and she couldn’t wait.

The next day Willow was tired, but she knew she had to stay awake to figure out the puzzle. When the team met up that day there was no new video, and no video call request from the enemies.

Now it was night, and Peter was fast asleep. Will went to the meeting room and began to watch every video, and wrote down the first word in every video. No matter how Willow put them together no sentence was made. The, death, murder, you, me, clue, suddenly, tricked, liar, phatic, weak, die, sick, and hope. Willow was tired, she looked at the clock and it read 3:37. Willow looked at the paper she had with all the words, and names of the titles, the names spelt all the information she needed. We are going to kill Coulson and destroy the world on 12/13.

Willow was proud she figured out the message, but was upset because there was no location on where Coulson was. Just then a video call request came on the screen, Willow quickly hit accepts.

“Congrats Willow, you figured out part of it.” Willow nodded. “You need to look more closely to find a location though.” Chris said, and with that the screen black. Willow packed up her things and went back to her room with Peter. When she entered Peter was asleep. Willow tried to sleep, but was too excited.

Peter woke up around 5:30 and saw Willow sitting up in bed.

“Hey.” Peter said pecking Willow on the lips.

“Hey.” Willow said softly.

“How long have you been up?”

“Not long.” Willow said softly. Willow looked over at the digital clock next to the bed.

“5:33, don’t we have to meet at 6:15?” Willow asked Peter. Peter nodded.

They both got ready in a hurry and grabbed breakfast, well Peter grabbed breakfast, and Willow just had a lot of Coffee. They sat down with Tony, Steve, Bruce, Natasha, and Clint. They were in the middle of a conversation when Willow got up to get more Coffee.

“Where are you going?” Peter asked.

“To get more coffee,” Willow replied nonchalantly.

“How many cups is that.”

“Ten, eleven, twenty, I don’t know.”

“Thirty,” Tony said.


“You’ve had Thirty cups of Coffee.” Tony said in a know it all tone in his voice.

“You counted.”


“Thirty cups of coffee Willow, that’s insane.” Clint said.

“That much Coffee could kill you.” Bruce piped up.

“Willow…..”Peter began.

“What? What could you possibly have to say?” Willow cut Peter off.

“You need to lay off the coffee.” Peter said taking the cup from her hand.

“Fine.” Willow replied taking a seat. Steve looked at the clock.

“Its 6:13, we should probably get going.” Steve said. With that they all got up and left.

The rest of the day Willow made it through with ease. When Peter was asleep Willow went to her bag and pulled out her paper from the other night. She went back to the control center after she grabbed coffee, and began to re-watch the videos. Her old house in California, her old house in New York, and her grandmother’s house were all in the videos. This is where they’re keeping him. Willow thought to herself as she wrote the houses down on Paper. Willow threw away her cup and began to walk back to the bedroom.

When Willow entered the room, she began to feel light headed. It’s from the lack of sleep Willow thought to herself as she put the stuff on her bag. When she walking toward the bed she fell over. The last thing she heard before she blacked out was the bed moving.

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