A Dark Twisted Web

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Chapter 19 avoiding everyone

After M.J. and Willow exchanged words, Willow avoided everyone. Something about what M.J. said still burned fresh in her head, her near death experience in California. How does she know about California? Willow thought.  She knew she never told Peter about California, so how did she know? Willow began to think more and more. She remembered what Chris said about an inside source. Could Mary Jane really be that inside source? She seems so sweet, but maybe it was just an act. When M.J. told me I shouldn’t be here she sounded so, so evil. Willow thought to herself. Should I tell Fury? Would he believe me? Willow thought. Why would he trust me? Willow thought as she remembered the clone. I’ve lost all of his trust. Willow thought.

“I need evidence.” Willow whispered to herself. Willow was passing a room when she heard M.J.’s voice from the other side.

“Are you sure you want me to frame her?” M.J. asked. There was a pause.

“Okay, I’ll do it. Where do you want me to put the murder weapon?” There was another pause.

“In her luggage in her and Peter’s room, got it.” M.J. said before hanging up the phone.

Murder weapon? Willow thought. Willow began to think of everyone who was murdered, and only one name came to mind. Charles.

“Oh my god,” Willow whispered. M.J. was the inside source. 

A Dark Twisted WebOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora