A Dark Twisted Web

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Chapter 22 the nightmare of the future

“It’s just a shame no one could save you.” An unknown girl said looking at a bloody Phil Coulson dead in the eye. Phil opened his mouth, but now sound came out. He was too weak to do to anything, speak, fight back; even breathing was hard for him. The girl held a gun at Phil and was about to shoot him in the head when Peter shook Willow awake. Willow shot up as fast as lighting and looked at Peter.

“How did you, why did you?” Willow stumbled trying to find words.

“You kicked me awake.”

“Oh,” Willow said as tears started to roll down her cheeks. Peter wrapped his arms around Willow and began to stroke her hair. Willow continued to cry in his arms. Willow knew she had dreamed the future, her Uncle was going to die, and she didn’t know when.

“Peter?” Willow whispered.


“I need to tell you something.”

“Okay, go ahead.” Willow began to tell Peter about what she had seen in her dream. Peter told her it was probably just a nightmare, but Willow knew it wasn’t and deep down inside Peter knew to.

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