Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 (Elemmire’s POV)

It did not take us long to pack up camp and get traveling when dawn came around. The sun was almost setting when we had finally reached the city of Dale. It took a lot of convincing, but I finally got Reinya to agree with me and let our horses roam free until we need them again. There was no point in risking their safety within a town we are not familiar with.

Many people from all races were busy at work attending to their needs. I felt extremely tall walking around, most were men, but there was also a few dwarves.

My eyes were constantly drawn to the architecture of the building. It was so simple, yet beautiful and complex. Dale was very different from our elven cities, but it had almost a warm and cosy feeling to the place.

All of a sudden a strange man with long dark hair walked up to us, “Name’s Lord Girion of Dale,” He said gently picking up my hand to place a kiss down on the back as a kind gesture. “You bunch seem to be lost. Is there anything I can do to help?”

I could probably trust this man, but just incase I took my mother’s advice and used my old name when I had lost my memory. “Lady Elinya,” I smile politely and elbowed Reinya in stomach when I realized her face had a confused look in it, “Nice to meet you Lord Girion, and it does seem as though you are correct, we are a little lost. Do you know of any good accommodations for the night?”

“Ah, yes. Right this way please,” Girion took my arm and led me deeper into the city. I felt Legolas tense up beside me as he did, but I tried to give Legolas a reassuring smile to let him know it was alright. “We haven't had many elves travels to this city since the Dark Ages.”

“Oh really,” I tried to continue the small talk with Girion, “That is too bad, since Dale is such a beautiful city.”

“Thank you Milady,” Girion paused for a second, “If you don’t mind me asking, where are you four headed?”

I considered whether how I should respond to his question, but it wouldn’t hurt to tell part of the story, “We have some business to attend to in the Iron Hills.”

“Our brothers, the Durin's Folk.” He stopped us just outside of a small inn, “I hope you enjoy your stay here at Dale, and if there is anything you need please don’t hesitate to ask, I am located in the far building to the right.”

“This was awfully kind of you Lord Girion, maybe one day our paths will meet again.” I thanked him for his help.  

It took me by shock at first but Girion out of kindness placed a polite kiss on my cheek. “Anything for a pretty lady.” My cheeks turned a little rosey where he lips touched my cheek.

Girion bowed before taking his leave. I smiled towards him for a few seconds before turning my attention back to the inn. Now let’s hope they have private rooms available, I thought to myself.

I took a step forward when Reinya pushed by me and grumbled in my ear, “You didn’t have to turn on the charm, we could have found it by ourselves.” I let this comment slide, yes, maybe we could have found it by ourselves, but this was much easier.


I was thankful that there were two room available for us. I could finally have some alone time with Legolas, but before we settled in for the night, I promised Reinya that we would meet her in the bar. Personally I was a little worried with all the alcohol drinks that she might get drunk, but if it does come to that, I will deal with it then.

“You ready to head down stairs?” Legolas asked after he finished settling in.

“Almost… Okay done,” I finished putting away the last of my things before I stood back up. Together the two of us walked down to the Bar, where Reinya had already started indulging herself in different alcoholic drinks.

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