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So I had a flashback idea from this song, well the whole playing in the sand part. So credit to them I guess xD
If I were you guys, I would PROBABLY play this in the background, idk if it would match the story, but it's a good song. :000 enjoy! Also A/N from the future- I can't speak nor write/type Norwegian, so I had to use google translate xD sorry

.:No One's POV:.
It was a bright summer day. It was the year was ⊂⌒~⊃;-ω-)⊃
A small boy was playing in the sand (pfff the song). He had black eyes with spiked hair. He wore a blue shirt with a pair of shorts that had straps on it. He was very cheerful on that day. He was building a sand castle with himself. Once he finished, he stand up and he felt proud.
"I have finished! I shall name it- Tomtopia!" The small blue boy giggled.
All giggles have ended once the wave came in the torn down the once living dream from Tom.
Three pair of boys walked by and laughed at the now heartbroken kid.
"Nice castle, loser!" One of them laughed, walking away.
Tom was a very emotional kid when he was younger. He couldn't help himself but cry uncontrollably.
He cuddled himself into a ball and continued crying. From a distance, he heard someone running up to him, but Tom didn't want to look up.
"Hey! Er du ok?" Someone asked. (Hey! You alright kid??), Tom looked up. It was a boy with devil looking hair, he had a square type of bandage on his right cheek (which looked like on his left in Tom's POV). He wore the exactly same clothes as Tom but red.
The red boy help Tom up and stared at each other, Tom wiped him "eyes" and looked at the strange boy.
"W-what? I can't understand you..." he mumbled softly. The Norwegian boy gasped.
"Sorry! I asked if you var ok" he apologized. Tom nodded slowly and offered his hand out, waiting for his hand to get shake.
"The name's Tom" he said smiling, showing his toothy smile. The brunette smiled back and shook his hand.
"The navns Tord." He grinned.
Tom and Tord started to build the castle with each other, going into the water, and watched the sunset.
What a great way to earn a friend.

Sorry for another short chapter :,)

Word count: 411

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