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.:Tom's POV:.

I woke up from the headache I had. I sat up slowly, groaning in pain and agony.
"Ugh... what happened?" I mumbled to myself, I then looked down to the Smirnoff bottle in my hand that was empty.
I groaned again and let go of the empty drink, landing on the soft carpet.
I got up and went into the living room, seeing Edd cook like usual.
"Hey Edd." I yawned. He glanced over to me.
"Morning Tom, breakfast is now ready." He said.
He went over to the table and placed three plates and one bowl down. He then placed scrambled eggs on the three plates. He quickly went into the kitchen and grabbed Matt's favorite cereal. He poured it into the bowl then got some milk and poured it into the bowl.
"Matt! Breakfast is ready!" He called out.
Matt came out of his room yawning, then walked straight to the table. Eating quickly.
Edd stepped out of the kitchen and headed towards to couch.
He bent down and started to shake something... or someone(???).
"Hey... it's breakfast time... wake up." He whispered. His voice was calming and sounded relaxed.
A soft yawn was heard from the couch... and it was NOT Edd...
Another per was on the couch. They sat up and started to stretch. A male with a grey shirt with their hair in a mess.
He inhaled sharply as he raised an arm up, revealing a small bandage on his elbow.
"Good morning Edd." The Norwegian commie said with a thick accent in his voice.
I growled over the idea of HIM being here. I didn't want to be around them any longer, i quickly grabbed my plate and stomped off into my room, slamming and locking the door behind me.
Footsteps was heard, approaching the door.
"Tom, please open the door..." A familiar voice said on the other side.
I couldn't believe he was there, TORD.
My eyes started to burn as more of the painful memories started to flood back. The hot tears started to stream down my face.
"GO AWAY!" I snapped. I knew he was terrified, I never snapped at him before, well from what I could remember.
I moved my hoodie over my legs, having them stuck. I put on my hood over me and buried my face into my arms, trying to muffle the sound of cries and whimpers that I was creating.

...((_@ノ¨ ...::;.:.::((ヾ(ゝ∀・`。)p个.:.: アマヤドリ オイデ♪

For about a few years, Tord was with us. I would always be in my room, rather drinking, cutting, or being on my phone. I was considered a "Hot Mess". Empty Smirnoff bottles everywhere, piles of dirty clothes scattered across the room. I was wearing the same shirt that I was wearing for about a month now, having terrible stains and started to reek. My hair extremely greasy from the lack of hygiene, haven't had a shower in months.
My life has gone to shit.
Tord then had to leave.
As he said, "I need to make it in the big city!" Which I never believe, only coming back to betray us for leadership and his stupid hunk of metal.
Hey. I fell in love with that, and I wouldn't help it.

And now here we are... in the present.

The Unknown Reason |TomxTord|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें