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.:Tom's POV:.
The scenery was absolutely unbelievable. This couldn't be happening!
The city looked amazing at this point of view, I loved what I have saw throughout the time of me being here.
We went over the ocean, and holy shit it was incredible.
I loved how the water glistened with the sunlight.
Man... I can't believe Tord did this all... for ME.
And what did I get him...?
I really don't deserve this... I don't deserve Tord. He has done so much for me and I have done so little... he was really the best man you could ever ask for.
I felt my excitement die a little due to all of these negative thoughts.
And Tord must of noticed.
"Tom, what's wrong...?" Tord asked looking back.
"I... can we go down... let's return the the ground... please" I said softly. He nodded and looked at the guy next to him.
"Come on, take him back." I said. He nodded and started turning the plane around, going back to the air pad.

.:Tord's POV:.

I knew something was wrong. Just by the tone of his voice, something wasn't right in any way possible.
I just didn't know what...

Once we got down on the AirPod, I quickly got off, so did Tom.
He put his helmet down and quickly walk back into the building.
I grabbed his shoulder and stopped him.
"Tom. What's wrong? You've always wanted to go sight seeing in a plane" I said in concern.
No respond
"Tom...?" I asked him, he slowly turned around, his eyes were filled with tears, he was shaking intensely.
"Tom?! What's wrong?!" I yelled, I quickly hugged him.
He held a tight hold onto me. His legs wrapped around my waist tightly. I picked him up and carry him inside, muffle crying turns into sobbing.
I quickly headed to the car and sat in the back seat, still having him on my lap.
His tears soaked my right shoulder. I rubbed his back softly, trying to calm him down.
"Tom... what's wrong...? Is it the view?" I asked whispering
Tom lifted his head, shaking it slowly. I can see his dry tears on his face, dark bags underneath his "eyes".
"I... I don't deserve you..." he said.
My eyes widen due to this.
Not deserving me?! What?!
"Tom... why would you think that??" I asked calmly. 
He places his head underneath my chin, resting his head on my neck and on my collarbone.
"You have done so much. And what have I done? Nothing! You are spending so much for me and doing so much. Sight seeing, ice skating, protecting me?! I'm just here not giving you a single drop of anything.
I don't deserve you as a best friend..." he cried. I brushed his hair with my fingers softly.
"Tom... you don't need to get me anything... you are literally the best thing in my life. All I need is you, I don't need anything from you well... besides YOU. " I said kissing his forehead.
I can feel his stress slowly going down. I didn't believe him thinking this way. It's TOM for fucks sake.
"Hey, my last surprise is at night... how about you take a nap... I'll wake you up when it's time." I said moving his hair back. He nod and yawned quietly.
"Alright..." he said sleepily. He rest his head back on my neck, and within a few seconds, he was out.
I put on the seatbelt on top of Tom's back and nod at Paul. He nodded back and started driving.
I hope he does like the last gift...
This last one will hopefully make him feel better... I hope.

\_Later On_/
.:Tom's POV:.
I woke up on a soft warming bed. Tord was no where to be found.
I saw a note on the closet door. I rubbed my eyes and got up towards the note.
Dear Tom, wash up and put on the outfit I got you that's on the bathroom's counter. Once you are finish, there should be another note on the door, follow the steps once you're done.
I headed inside the bathroom, a neatly folded suit was there that had a little card that said "For Tom" on it.
Wow Tord, you can never stop impressing me.

I slowly turned the shower on, put my hand under the water for the right temperature. Once the temperature was just right, I took my clothes off, stripping myself down.
I turned the lights to a medium to low volume, having barely any lights in the bathroom. I went back and I turned off the shower. Stepping into it, slowly laying down into the water. I watched the water slowly rising when I got into the tube. I carefully got some shampoo and started to massage my hair, smelling the nice scent of Hawaiian Breeze in the shampoo. Once I finish, I took a deep breath and lower my head into the water, massaging my hair in the water.
I went up for air and did the same thing for conditioner.
Once I finished washing myself off, I went and drained the tube, making sure no water stays there.
I grabbed a towel a wiped my hair till it was dry, then putting hair gel into my hair, making sure my hair was standing up to its usual form.
I then started to wipe myself down, drying every inch of me so I won't ruin the suit.
I slipped into the suit, fitting in comfortably.  I slipped into the pants, having a belt wrap around my waist. I got out of the bathroom and went to the door.
Tom, by the time you read this you should be fully dressed. Please go to the elevator.
And I did exactly what I was told. Once I was in the elevator, I saw a note that said "PRESS" over the "ROOF" button.
I hesitated a little, but clicked the button anyways. The elevator went down just an inch or two, scaring me, then started heading up.
Soft elevator music started playing as I waited. The music was calming, I started humming to the beat.
The elevator stopped and opened the door.
There was a table with two seats nicely placed and tucked in. The table had white cloth that barely went off on the side. There was two candles on the side. And on one of the chairs, was a long box leaning against the chair. The other chair, had Tord.
Tord was wearing a suit with his hair slicked back. He had a light blue flower sticking out of his pocket in his suit.
I gasped as I looked around, impressed and speechless.
Light violin music started playing, as it played, Tord looked at me and got up.
He smiled and walked towards me.
"Do you like it?" He asked in a slow pace. I couldn't resist. Of course I did.
I quickly gave him a tight hug, answer his question.
"I'll take that as a yes." He chuckled.
I looked back at him, his sliver eyes sparkled with the night sky. I felt my cheek get a little warm, loving every moment.
He held my hand and walked towards the table, once we approached it, he handed me the big box to me.
"Open me" it says. (No pun intended please.) I opened it.
A brand new blue guitar was there, with a strap that said "Tom's Property" neatly engraved on it in cursive.
I gasped and have my hand hover over it softly.
"This is incredible..." I said in a hush tone. I looked over to Tord, a smile went over his face.
"I'm glad you like it." He mouthed. I placed the guitar strap on the chair, letting it swing around a little.
Tord clapped his hands and a boy with a suit walked up to us...


"What would you like to eat." The brunette asked with a smile.
I picked up the menu, my eyes roaming over every option.
"I would like the steak please, with rice of course." I said handing the menu to the semi-short male. Tord gave him the menu.
"I would like the same thing please." He smile. The boy nodded and quickly walked back into the elevator. Leaving me and Tord alone.

.:Tord's POV:.
Everything is going just as planned.
I placed both hands on the table, having Tom placing his over mine.
"I can't believe you did all of this, for me... why...?" He asked. I knew deep down he was hurt because how I was treating him, me spoiling him. But I wanted to show him how much I would do for him....
I smiled and answered his question.
"Because, you are the best thing that happened to me. The day we met on the beach, was the day I knew we would be the best of friends. When you stepped into my life, I couldn't help but want to see you every part of my life..." my voice trailed off. And I let it happened.
I went over to Tom and have him stand up.
"I want to have you in every part of my life, you are the one that I want." I said with a smile. I went down on one knee and brought out a small box from my back pocket, I lifted it to reveal a ring.
"Will you be mine?" I asked. I could feel my heart racing, beating to the beat of the music that was still playing.
Tom just starred at me, amazed and surprised. He covered his mouth, covering the gasp that escaped his mouth. Tears started to fall down. His surprised look turn into a grin.
He grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss, making me kiss back.
"Yes! I will! He said as we kiss.
Yes. My dreams finally coming true. The man I love, finally being my own partner (Still, I don't need any puns, they are not intended.) I pulled back from the kiss and took out the ring and slipped it over Tom's finger.
Tom held his hand up and looked at it, the words "Tord" was graved onto it.
He smiled and kissed me again.
I love this moment.
I love him.
We went back to sitting down at the table as the elevator went off.
Edd came out holding two plates that had stake and rice.
He placed it nicely on the table and nod.
"Dinner is served." He said smiling. He then went to the elevator and going down.

\_Time Passed_/

We both finished our food, becoming full. I got Tom and picked him up, placing his guitar on my back. We headed back to the elevator.
We got inside and clicked the bottom floor.  During the ride down, me and Tom were kissing. His body against mine, his hands exploring my back.
He bit my lower lip for entrance, I grinned and opened my mouth, having his tongue explore my mouth (No, I'm not adding smutt in this part. They are too young. And if you guys are wondering, Tord asked Tom to be his boyfriend, not his husband.) We were both tongue wrestling, fighting for which one was the dominant one. Once I saw we were on the second floor, I pulled back. Getting a good chance to breathe.
A strip of salvia connected to our mouth, as we were panting softly.
The elevator door opened, we quickly got out and went inside a black car, sitting in the back seat. Pat started driving off, heading to Tom's house.
My hand went over Tom's hand. I softly rubbed his hand with my thumb, feeling our cold rings going over our hand and each other's rings.
"I love you..." I said smiling.
He pecked my cheek and smiled back.
"I love you too, Tord Larrison." He said as he pecked my cheek.
We finally arrived at his house, I walked him to his front door, before I kissed him goodbye, I gave him his clothes and his guitar. And kissed me again and left inside his house...

I love him... so much...

Woah this was one hella long chapter. I would have make this a two parter but that would have ruin the moment for you guys, cause I don't want you guys waiting for a day to hear the next part xD anyways I hoped you love this chapter :000

Word Count: 2090

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