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.:Tom's POV:.
Days turned into weeks that turned into months.
We have been dating for almost a year now...
tomorrow was our one year anniversary, and it's was no secret to anyone at school.
Everyone knew, well besides our parents. Which is good.
I couldn't risk my relationship with Tord, he meant everything to me. Without him, I would be a mess.
I had to get something planned, but I don't know what...
I was think about it throughout homeroom. I scribbled some thoughts down but none were good.
I crumbled the paper and I threw it against the wall. Tord looked at me and looked confused.
"Babe...? What's wrong?" He asked quietly.
I looked at him frustrated, I couldn't tell him, but he needs to know.
"I can't find anything to get you for our anniversary." I cried softly.
He kissed my cheek, and chuckled.
"Don't force yourself to get me anything... there's no need to get me anything. But if you do want to give me anything, do it from the heart...." he said with a smile.
From the heart...
From the heart...
From the heart...





Once school was out, I quickly got out of school and ran home, getting a great idea.
I knew the one thing that I could do well.
I got into the house and ran into my room, closing the door and locking it so no one got inside.
As I was getting a chance to breathe, I looked at the photos of me and Tord. I have some in sections.
First Section:
Second Section:
•Hanging Out
Third Section:
•Special Occasion
Forth Section:
•Just Random Photos

Of course the first one was the was when Tord asked me out.
I still remember it...
The second one was with me and him.

We were hanging out at the old park. It's was around 1540 (or normally people would think- 3:40) p.m. There was not much people around, but there wasn't little.
We were laying down on the soft grass, watching the view. Tord's arm wrapped behind my neck as we layer on the grass. I loved every moment of it.
"We should take a picture together!" I said getting up, excitedly. He laughed and got up as well.
"Alright alright. you act like a small kid sometimes and it's so cute~" he purred. I growled and stuck my tongue out.
"Quiet you!" I snapped childishly, he laughed even more. I could feel my cheeks getting warm. I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.
A small gasp escaped from his mouth.
"What's with the hug?" He asked quietly. I buried my head on his shoulder and rubbed my head against it.
"I just wanted you to know, I love you so much." I said with a lovable voice. His arms wrapped around me tightly, his breath against my skin, causing me to get chills.  I looked at him with a smile on my face, making him smile back.
We brought each other's face towards each other, his forehead against mine, his nose against mine.
It felt the world just stopped, and we were the only one in the moment that was able to move.
Then, it happened so quick...

I was pulled away from Tord. The moment ended like a flash. I felt myself being dragged away from Tord. . .



We kissed, I couldn't help but melt into the kiss, feeling his soft lips against mine.
I wanted this to last, but we all know that all dreams can't come true.
I instead grabbed my camera and took a picture of us kissing instead. Yea, I know. That's fucking weird, but honestly, I don't give two fucks.
|~_FlashBack End_~|

Meh I'm too lazy to do the other flashbacks in this chapter, I'm like way behind with everything, which I'm sorry about. School is out and I'm at my brother's graduation so imma get time.

Word Count: 666

The Unknown Reason |TomxTord|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt