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.:Tord's POV:.
Things with me and Thomas has been going well. (If you guys DONT know- Thomas is Tom, from what I understand.)
We have been getting along great, no fighting what so ever.
But the thing that worried me the most is... My Army...
Don't get me wrong, I do love leading, kinda. And Tom finally understood.
But I don't want him in danger.
And plus, I want him to join the army. But that's not a good idea, and I know it.
A leader... Commander... Chef... in love with a Soldier... Friend... Newbie... that's DEFINITELY dangerous. And I don't wanna risk Tom's life in any way.
But... does he mind?

I was at my office in the base, doing paperwork with the new trade deal.
Knock Knock
"Come in." I said without looking up. The door make a small creak noises, having someone enter. They approached my door.
"What can I do for you?" I asked, still signing papers.
"The blue leader needs to speak with you, sir!" A female voice said. I growled and pinched my temples.
"State the reason" I said with irritation in the tone.
"He said some plans have been canceled with the trade. He said that they will be traded in September, sir!" The female said, her voice a little shaky.
I looked up at her and dismissed her.
"Thank you soldier." I said. She walked outside and closed the door.
I turned me and my chair around, clicking a button on my chair.
A huge blue, semi see through, screen popped up. Kinda like a computer, but it's a hologram instead.
I clicked my "Contacts" icon and scrolled through my list of people.
"Blue leader" I said. The screen quickly put up a page with the word "Blue Leader" on the top of the page.
"Call with camera." I said.
The medium size little window popped up, a little phone in the middle screen.
Calling "Blue Leader" the hologram said.
"Ah yes, well isn't it the Tord." A voice said on the hologram. The phone soon turned into a live video of the blue leader. He wore the exact same outfit, but just with opposite colors. (Obviously blue)
"You know well that you are NOT allowed to called me by my real name, Danny." I growled.
Dan (Danny) rolled his eyes.
"What do you want 'Red Leader'?" He asked sarcastically.
I slammed my table and anger and stared at the screen.
"You know E X A C T L Y why I am here!" I snarled at him.
At first, I can confusion wiped his face, then he just burst out laughing.
"Ah Red, you love to loose your temper! You don't need the shipment yet! You'll be fine!" He laughed.
I can feel the anger and rage bubbled inside my stomach, running through my body.
"Of course I do need it! You can break our deal! We need it so we can conquer London, the plan was next week!" I exclaimed.
He pretended to wipe a tear then looked serious.
"Red, the trade is off, period. Now get off my balls and deal with it. You can wait for September." he sighed. Before I could refuse and argue back, he turned off his screen.

"AGH! You SHIT FACE!" I yelled in frustration, I could feel the hot steaming tears pour down my cheek in anger. I grabbed my hair, ready to pull them out.
Someone is now in the room.
"T-Tord...? Is everything alr-" the familiar voice paused and was instead interrupted with their gasp. I put my hands down and looked at them... Thomas...
Before I could even say "I'm fine Tom." he ran up to me and tackle hugged me, causing me to fall back. I just burst into tear, unable to control myself.
So this is what it's like to have a mental break down... I thought to myself.

I've never seen Tord break down like this, and honestly, I didn't know I would see it.
Tord may be a hot head, but he wouldn't get frustrated to the point when he just have a outburst like this.
I picked him up and cradled him in my arms, slowly rocking him back and forth. I sat down on the bed to let him sit on my leg.
He wrapped his arms around my neck and lays his head onto my chest. I rubbed his back in circles, holding him close.
"Just let it out... let it all out..." I said in a hush tone. He just bursts into tears, soaking my hoodie with his salty tears. I listened to him rant the whole time while he was crying.
He had so much to get off his chest, it surprised me so much.
"Everything is going to be alright..."

The Unknown Reason |TomxTord|Where stories live. Discover now