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Oh boi- wheeze let's do this.

.:Tord's POV:.
"I don't know if I'm suit out for being a le-" before I could finish my sentence, I felt my shoulder being tapped. I heard a small gasp before I could turn my head around.
I saw Edd... by himself... we looked at each other, confused.
"Hey E-Edd..." I said chuckling awkwardly. He looked away, only moving his eyes.
"Hey Tord..." I can hear the depressed tone in his voice, I quickly left my booth and set next to edd, giving him a hug.
I could he was hesitant about hugging back...
"I-I'm sorry... my friend..." I whispered softly, he gripped onto my hoodie, feeling something wet soaking through the hoodie.
I ran my hands through his hair, trying to calm him down...
"T-Tord..." he whimpers. I sighed and I looked down.
"I'm sorry Edd... this was my fault..." I groaned. "I... I especially need to apologize to Tom... I broke his heart..."
I can hear a small little gasp underneath the table.
I looked down and saw Tom, biting down on his hoodie, tears pouring out of his "eyes".
I tried to grab him to pull him up but he ran quickly out of the table and straight into the bathroom.
"Tom!" I yelled and ran after him. I entered the restroom, the lights were softly flickering on and off. I looked in the corner and saw Tom, curled up in a ball, crying his ass off.
I ran towards him and pulled him into a hug, feeling him hug back.
"I'm so sorry Tom... this was my fault... all of this was my fault...."
I whimpered. I couldn't stand seeing Tom like this... it honestly killed me...
Why do I feel pity for him...?
I shook my head, shaking every thought that was going through my head and held onto him.
I felt him clutch onto my sweater tightly and him burying his head on my chest.
I continue to run my hand through his greasy hair and kept whispering comforting words softly.
I can feel his grip slowly getting less loose, hearing a small snore coming out.
I looked at the small snoring blue boy that was laying against my chest.
Heh... Classic Stupid Tom...
I chuckled at the thought. I carefully picked him up and hold onto him.
His hands slowly went around my neck and his legs wrapped around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder.
As soon as I went out of the bathroom, I was greeted by Edd.
"What happened?!" He said was a irritated tone in his voice. I sighed and looked at Tom, avoiding eye contact.
"I hugged him then he fell asleep." I said softly. On the corner of my eye, I can see his expression changed to a softer one.
I looked at Paul and Pat, motioning my hand for them to come next to me.
"What about Tom?" Edd asked with a concerned look.
I tried to get Tom off, but his grip got tighter and tighter.
"I guess he won't get off..." I giggled.
I stared at Edd. He didn't like this... not one bit.
"I'll take him home, and I need to explain everything. I won't let anything happened. My two best men well help me through out everything if something goes wrong." I said.
He nodded and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Please take care of him..." he mouthed, and walked over to the booth, bringing his phone out.
Me, Paul, Pat walked to the car, Tom still in my arms.
This was some hella of a night...

Word Count: 612

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