Another A/N

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Ah yes. Hello.
When you get this- it is the 25th right now so who knows when you guys might get a chance to read the chapters.
I am super sorry for the log delay, my mother turned off the internet from my phone to give me any chances to update anything. Mostly the chapters. I have been working on so many chapters since the 24th, catching up with about under 8 chapters (of course, most are short like always :,))
I am extremely sorry that I am behind. I am at chapter 14 right now as I'm typing this.
I've been using this time to be catching up on a lot of TomxTord fanfics and working on mine, being able to get inspired and continue to work on this fanfic.
Summer is coming up, so more likely I will be able to get more chances to finish. Plus, school is ending next week- so even more time :00

And with this time off of the internet, I was able to take a break from FrameCast, due to all the bullshit that has been happening in my current stage of my life.
So I just wanted you guys to get a heads up from the past author's note.
When you read this, I might fully recovered and might even post two chapters a day- depending how much I get done.
I'll try to keep my chapters more longer unless they have a flashback, which happens in the next chapter. I hope you guys understand :000

A/N from 5-25-17 (May 25th, 2017).
And yes, you will get a message from my past self when I went on the western playland trip- oooooooboiiiiiiii it's crazy xD alright, thanks for reading!

The Unknown Reason |TomxTord|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang