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~|_Still In Flashback_|~
.:Tom's POV:.
Yes, my dreams have came true. Tord is finally back and I love it so much. I couldn't ask for more... well besides one thing... I need to tell him the truth...
My developing crush towards him.
I remember it like it was yesterday...

The year was
It was the beginning of fifth grade. Tord and I was in the same class with each other, listening to the teacher as they introduced them self.  We all gather around on the floor, listening to each other as we introduced ourselves. Tord was the next one to go up
"My name is Tord Larrison. I am currently 10 years old. I came from Norway and I love the cold. And right now I have my best friend in this classroom right now." He looked at me and winked quickly. I could feel my face becoming red.
"Thank you Tord! Who would you like to choose to go next?" The teacher ask, placing her hand on his shoulder.
He looked at me and smiled, pointing at me.
"My best friend!" He chirped. He offered his hand to help me up.
I was hesitant about accepting this, I was semi-shy around this time of stage due to puberty. But I took his offer and stood up, looking at him.
He came close and whispered into my ear. "Don't worry, you'll do great..." I shivered as I felt his breath go against my ear.
I held onto little tommie tightly as I was standing in the middle of the circle. I took a deep breath and started to introduce myself.
"Hello... my name is Thomas ( ) (since I don't know his last name so let's just cover that part up as well). I go by the name of Tom and this is Little Tommie," I held up my teddy bear for them to see. "I am also 10 years old and I come from New England. I also love having people getting along." I smiled at that thought. everyone clapped, especially since I was the last one to go up. My teacher motioned me to sit down, I sat next to Tord.
"See friend, I told you that you would do great!" He said with a chuckle, wrapping his arm behind my neck. At first, I felt uncomfortable, but then... I started to like it... it felt... nice...
During this part of my life, I knew I was gay, and so did Tord. Me, Tord, Matt and Edd were all basically gay. And we couldn't help it. But we tried to hide it from the rest of the world, most importantly, our parents.
My parents don't believe in gays, saying that they are just using others for love and affection. I never believed a word that they said. People should just be themselves and be left alone.
But one day... was the day my crush towards Tord started to happen.
We were watching tv together in my room. Bored, Tord decided to speak up.
"Hey, wanna play truth or dare?" He asked, looking at the tv.
"Sure!" I said, facing my body towards him, having him do the same.
"Alright, truth or dare?" He asked me.
"Mmm let's see... truth!" I said with a grin.
It took him awhile to think of a truth, but he finally came up with one.
"Is it true if I asked you out to be my boyfriend, would you say yes?" He asked with a devilish smile.
I can feel my face burning up quickly. I looked away to avoid eye contact.
"Y-yes..." I whispered. I knew he heard, but he wanted me to say it again to tease me.
"What? I didn't hear you... can you say it again?" He laughed, cupping his hand and putting it behind is ear.
"Yes!" I said louder. He grabbed me and messed up my hair.
"I would do the same for you~" he said, pecking my cheek. At that point, I felt like fainting. But something kept me from doing that...

There's was more that he has done in the past from having him get me to like him even more... I couldn't help it. He was just a lovable guy, and that's what I love about him. He pretty much knew me like the back of his palm.
I remember how much he made me happy...

So many flashbacks. flashback within a flashback :000 don't worry, the next one, you will definitely love~ ;))
No, there's no sin- no lemons- no smutt, pff nice try though- but nope :0

An Y waY s:

Word Count: 802

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