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3rd place winner: @Shy Drawss (From FrameCast).

.:Tord's POV:.
I can tell Paul was worried about me.
It has been a weeks since the accident, and I'm in bad shape. My hair all greasy, my clothes not even washed, I looked very tired to the point I can get knocked out very easily.
Paul slowly went inside my room, walking silently towards me.
"Sir... this isn't healthy..." he whispered. I stared back at him, a worried expression ran through his face.
"No worries Paul, I'm fin-" before I couldn't finish the word "fine", he slammed his hands on his desk and growled.
"No! You are NOT fine! You are our leader! You shouldn't be like this! I'm sick and tired of you seeing this sir!" He yelled.
I couldn't believe he was like this. It kinda scared me to be honest. Paul sighed and stands up straight.
"I'm sorry sir," he apologized. "Please, I'll take you out for some dinner, please?" He asked in a hush tone.
I couldn't say no, based on what JUST happened, there's no way I could say no.
I nodded and did a weak smile, his eyes sparkled and he grinned.
"Thank you sir! Please get ready and wash up!" He saluted and quickly walks out of the room.
I got up and headed to the shower.
(wHeeze this part is gonna be way to awkward for me to write so- LE TIME SKIP)

I got out of the shower and dried my hair. I carefully put on my robot arm, just a tiny groan of pain slipped out of my mouth.
I fixed my hair to the two devil looking horns that they would always look like.
I put on a clean red shirt and a pair of not-really torn jeans. I then put on black converses. (CONVERSES FOR LIFE MAH DOODS)
I walked out of the bathroom, seeing Paul there, starring at the old photo. I coughed to get his attention, he quickly put it down and looked back at me.
"Ah, you look great sir!" He said with a nervous smile.
I smiled back at him.
"Ready?" I asked. He nodded and headed outside of the base.
I sat next him in the front seat, able to see the road and everything.
It was currently 11 at night so not that much people are out in the moment.
Throughout the ride, it was silent. I tried to start a conversation, but it would end quickly. 
After 16 minutes, you finally arrived at a restaurant. It was HUGE, and it looked way to fancy for me to be inside. Paul stepped outside the car and opened the door for me.
I forced a smile and walked out. We approached the person who was standing outside. He stared at me, then at my clothes.
"We have a reservation, Paul and Tord." Paul said in a calm relaxed tone.
The man in the suit stared at the paper, then he grabbed a pen and crossed something out. He looked at us and nodded. "Alright. You may go inside."
We quickly went inside the restaurant, it was utterly beautiful. More beautiful than what I expected.
We sat down at a booth, with Paul sitting across from me.
We smiled and looked at the menu. So much food to choose from. I decided to go simple. Mac and cheese (sorry I had too, mac and cheese for life my dood).

Yea let's just end the chapter here, so then I can take a break from this writing.

Word count: 593

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