Chapter 13- Setting things straight

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 "Jared! Please slow down! I can't walk that fast in heels!" I cried as he continued to pull me down the path way to the very back of the school. We came to a stop and he roughly let go of my hand, before ripping out his phone. I rubbed at my now sore hand, trying not to yell at him for yanking me around like that.

"Do you want to explain this?" Jared said shoving his phone in my face. I backed up farther to see better, slowly taking the phone out of his hand.

There was Shane standing in the chorus room, with the guitar in his hands, eyes locked with mine. It was the day he confessed he loved me, the day we kissed, and the day I lost my best friend. It showed everything. It showed me rushing out of the room and Shane following after me. Then we made it to the back and I started to realize what was about to happen.

"Ella!" Shane called bursting out of the door. "Please wait! Ella we need to talk abo-"

"About what?" I snapped turning on my heels. "About the fact that you just embarrassed me in front of a class full of people I hate? Or how about you confessing that you...I cant even say the word!"


"Yeah that horrid word! That you confessed your love for me on the day that I finally get a boyfriend!"  

"Well would you have liked it better if I did on your wedding day? Or how about when you give birth to your first kid? Even better, what about on your death bed Ella?! Would that be the right time to tell my best friend I love her!"

"You know what!? I wished that you would have never told me! I wished that we had never met damn it! I wished that you had never talked to me on that bus! Because then I wouldn't have to feel what I'm feeling right now!"

"And what feeling would that be!?"

"I don't know! I don't know what I'm feeling and it's your fault! It's your fault that I don't know what to do about Jared or you! What to do about the friendship I need to last and the love I want from that same friend! I don't know what to do about the love I feel for you damn it!"


"I-I don't know what to do about the love for you, Shane! I don't know why ever since I got drunk and said the things I did, I can't get the thought of kissing you and being with you out of my head. I don't know why even though I'm happy with Jared and I know my feelings are strong for him, but you always seem to make your way into my mind. I don't know wh-"

Then he kissed me and I kissed back. It showed me linking my arms around his neck and pulling him closer. The way his hands rested on my hips and pressed me against him and the low 'I love you' he mumbled on my lips. It went all the way up to were I put my hands on his chest to push him away, but it went black before I did.

It flashed words across the black screen. Slut, whore, nobody, cheater, nerd, heart breaker, disgrace to man kind, freak, someone that no one cares about. Flashed over and over before a face appeared. That face was surrounded by bleach blond hair. It was covered in light freckles, with big blue eyes, and heart shaped mouth. That face has been me tormenting me since sixth grade. That face belonged to...


"Ella Hall is not the sweet innocent girl you think she is. She is as nasty as all the other sluts of the school. The video that was just played was on the same day that she got a boyfriend and look how she treats him. By kissing some other boy, but not just any boy. This boy happens to be her best friend and the heart throb of the school. My heart goes out to her boyfriend; Jared Mathews. I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but you girlfriend is a slut." Kayla voiced with a wicked smirk plastered on her face the whole time. She sent a kiss good bye and wink before the camera cut off.

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