Chapter 2: Flaming Water

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It is now the year X776 and May still continue training with her mother Aqua. May has become extremely powerful not just magically but physically as well. May got up and stretched and ate some fish, then Aqua stands outside of the cave. May notices and walks up to her.

"Good morning mom. Whats the plan for today?" May asked.

Aqua chuckles a little, "Morning to you to. You always want to train."

May frowns a little, "You make me sound like i'm training for power to which i'm not. I just like the knowledge of it or of all magic." She told Aqua.

"I know dear, no worries. However we have a new skill to learn today. It's called Flaming Water." Aqua told her. 

"Flaming Water?" May asked.

"Yes come." Aqua told her as she walk towards the water and May follows.

"Now Flaming Water is a spell that sets your body on fire or some body part if you want. Now what do you think or how do you think that spell is going to work?" Aqua asked her.

May looks at her mother, "Flaming Water huh... well how I think the spell works is that it uses my blood to allow me to become on fire. because most of the human body or all creatures is made up of water." She told her.

Aqua looks at her daughter proudly, "That is correct. However each flame will be different because each element will be a different color, now it's not like the element fire. Flaming Water allows you to think of an element and it sets you on fire based on that element but in a liquid form. So for an example May you'er a Water Dragon slayer your main element is water, when you think of the element air. Your body will think of the element air in a magical liquid form like you did when you first started to learn how to eat your element make sense?" she explained to her.

(A/N Was I the only one confused on how Aqua explained it... I'll just go with the flow.) 

May nodes her head, "Yeah it does, but... it sounds so much like Earth dragon slayer. I might as well just been that." May said to herself but let her thoughts out with it as well.

*Bonk!* Aqua hits the top of May's head.

"OW! what was that for!" May complained while rubbing her head.

Aqua looks at May sternly, "That was for think that like Earth and Water Dragon slayer is different. Both are very different Water dragon slayer is basically Elemental dragon slayer, but we dragons don't call it that because its water dragon slayer magic. Don't forget that." She told her.

May sighs, "I wont mom I promised. I love being a water dragon slayer don't get me wrong okay." May told Aqua while looking at her.

"I know you wont. Now its time for you to attempt Flaming Water are you ready." Aqua asked her.

May nodes her head.

"Okay lets just start with your element first. If you can do that then we will try the others okay." Aqua told her. "Now I want you to close your eyes feel the water in your body feel it burn, and then I want you to picture what that flame looks like and where you want it. Now be careful with it, it's a lot like fire but hotter than fire it self and can melt anything magically thing or anything."

May nodes her head and close her eyes. She picture her element in dark blue. May then suddenly feels a great deal of power coming from herself. she feel her hair moving up in all directions she felt the burning sensation. She then opens her eyes to see herself covered in Dark blue Flames, she could feel her flame it's as if it was alive she knew it was water was like a bound.

(A/N As sad as it sounds I could not find the image I put it on. How hard could it be to find different color fires... apparently really hard. But we all know what fire looks like so just think of it in a different colors okay. Anyways Flaming Water Color Key: Dark Blue Flame: Water, Light Blue Flame: Ice, Blackish Green Flame: Iron, Light Green Flame: Earth, Bright Yellow Flame: Lightning, Red Flame: Fire, Black Flame: Shadow, Purple Flame: Chaos 'Its basically what Acnologia Element. I didn't know what his element is called so i'm calling it that', Grey Flame: Sky, Light Grey Flame: Light, White Flame: All Elements.)

"I'm proud of you May, you were able to set your whole body on fire with your element." Aqua told her daughter.

May smiled and then let her flame go out. May was no longer on fire.

"Okay now I want you to pick another element that is not yours and do the same thing." Aqua told her.

May then thought of all the elements she pictured the color white. May released a tremendous amount of magic energy, she was so in thought she didn't noticed that her body was surrounded in white flames. May snapped out of her thoughts and saw that she was in white flames, she smiled.

"Her power has grown and increased a lot. she even able to go into dragon force by will..." Aqua thought.

Aqua smiled at May, "I'm so proud of you May. You were able to combined all elements on the second try." she told her.

May then let her flames go, "How did you know I combined all my elements?" May asked her mother.

"They called to me. I could feel each element within your flame." Aqua told her daughter.

May nodded her head.

"Alright I think that's enough training for one day." Aqua told her.

"Okay." May said.

(A/N Think of Natsu when he sets his whole body on fire. That what May did.)

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