Hyung are you okay?

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Bts is in Thailand for a concert and it's been a long night. They've already performed 10 songs with full routines and some of them are starting to feel exhausted. Especially V.

V wipes sweat of his face with his towel before heading back to his place for the next number. The crowd quiets down as the song comes on, and then screams all at once when they hear "I like it" coming on.

V is thankful that the choreography isn't that hard for this song and he flows with the rest as Jungkook starts to sing.

He feels a little bit thirsty as the chorus comes but he continues to dance. Jungkook smiles at him as they squish past each other and he tries to smile back even though he's tired.

The song feels longer than usual and eventually comes the part when Suga climbs onto V's shoulders. He crouches and allows the weight of Suga's body to fall onto his back before standing up slowly with shaky legs.

V starts to feel more sweat dripping down his face and he wishes he could wipe it off but his hold is on his members legs, holding them tight so that suga doesn't fall.

Finally V crouches again and allows Suga to climb off of him, however as he tries to get back up, he stumbles a little.
Jungkook watches from next to him and makes eye contact for a slight second to see if V is good. None of the other members seem to have noticed so V just nods and stands back up.

He finishes the rest of the song, focusing on not passing out from the sudden exhaustion that hit him. His eyes close a few times but the song ends and he can finally grab a sip of water.

The concert is almost over and now they have a 5 minute break to get changed into new clothes for the final song. V walks slowly behind the members, following them with slightly blurred vision.

Jhope runs off the stage with Jimin as they spray water at each other. Then Suga walks behind them with a discrete smile and rapmon slings his arm around Jin as they walk off together.

All that's left is V and jungkook, who is a few meters infront of V. V notices Jungkook slowing down a little so they're walking at the same pace and he appreciates it a little. Jungkook side glances at V again and this time V feels a little more open. He lets out a sigh as if Jungkook could understand how tired he is and they walk faster off stage.

Finally when they escape the flashing lights and the audience, V's legs feel like they've given up. He stumbles a little down the stage stairs and Jungkook grabs his arm before he fully face plants.

"Tae hyung are you alright? You're sweating so much." Jungkook says with worry as he tightly grips V's arm. V takes deep breaths before he can finally speak.

"I w..want to lay down." V says, feeling his eyes closing slightly. Jungkook feels slightly panicked as he notices V falling more and more.

He can't walk any longer so Jungkook decides to pick him up bridal style. He carries V in his arms, passing the rest of the now-worried members, and he brings V through the hallway towards their dressing room. It's a struggle to get the door open but he finally gets it and heads into the room.

"Tae hyung it's going to be okay, we're here." Jungkook says, unsure if V can hear him anymore. He lets out a quiet sound, which is enough for Jungkook.
Jungkook walks over to the couch and slowly lies V down. He keeps his eyes closed as he feels the soft couch under his back.

"W..water." V says, reaching for Jungkook. Jungkook just nods and heads into the small kitchen to grab a water bottle. He quickly gets back to V and opens the water for him.

V now opens his eyes and looks at Jungkook holding his water. He sits up a little bit and grabs the bottle, taking a big sip from his dry mouth.

"Thank you Jungkook." V says, feeling a little more refreshed. Jungkook just nods and stares at his hyung with worry.

"Tae you're still sweating a lot." Jungkook says, watching the sweat soak through V's brown hair. He just nods, still in a daze.

"Hold on a second." Jungkook says, once again leaving V's side. V groans a little, not wanting him to leave but Jungkook assures V that he's coming back and V relaxes. He lays back down on the couch and waits for Jungkook.
V tries to collect his thoughts a little on what happened but he's too tired. He knows he was really exhausted on stage and when they finally got off, he kind of just gave out.

Jungkook comes back moments later holding a small bowl of water and a cloth in his hand. He quickly reaches V's side and looks down at his poor hyung.

V gives him a questioning look, but Jungkook sets the bowl down on the coffee table and looks back down at V. All of a sudden, he lifts V's head and takes a seat on the couch, placing V's head back down on his lap. V freezes for a second, but then relaxes a little because his younger members legs are a lot more comfortable than he'd have thought.

Jungkook grabs the cloth and starts to dab it on V's hot forehead. It's cold and makes V jump at first but Jungkook caresses his face a little and V feels better.

From above him, V stares at Jungkook, conplelty concentrated on V right now. He smiles a little before closing his eyes and letting himself fall asleep.

Hyung are you okay? (VKOOK)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon