Hyung are you cold?

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The walk starts off quiet. Too quiet. You'd think seeing each other everyday 24/7, that you'd have more to talk about.

"I wonder what I'm gonna eat."

V talks first, more to himself than to Jungkook. The maknae just nods, thinking the same.

It's gets a little colder as they walk and V shivers a little.

"Are you cold Tae?" Jungkook asks,  worried for his hyung.

V however, shakes his head.

"Nah I'm fine."

They continue walking side to side down the not-so-populated, dark street.

Jungkook brings up the photoshoot and how V's leg was comfortable on his head or how he almost actually fell asleep when they were closing their eyes.

V laughs and he's glad that Jungkook lightened the mood.

The wind blows a little more and V looks down at his hands, noticing they're practically frozen white. So he discreetly lifts his hands to his mouth and blows hot air on them, trying to cool them down a little.

Jungkook turns his head as soon as V starts rubbing his hands together to conserve the heat.

"Tae you lied. You are cold!"

Jungkook watches his stubborn hyung blow on his hands like a child. V realizes that blowing on his hands does nothing and he drops his hands back down to his side.


They're almost there and Jungkook knows V can handle the cold, however a weird part of him acts out of instinct.

He can't control his hand as it reaches out slowly towards the older boys hand. At first he just skims his hand against V's. V doesn't seem to really notice though so Jungkook slowly slides his hand into V's and connects them tightly.

V feels heat filling his hand all of a sudden and he looks down to see Jungkooks hand intertwined with his own. He's not sure how to react but for some reason the small action makes his heart race faster than ever. And Jungkook holds his hand tighter, caressing V's hand with his thumb.

The cold that V was feeling is now completely gone and only warmth fills him. They walk another five minutes, hand in hand, before finally arriving at the restaurent.

The waiter brings them to the back of the restaurent, in a private room because they can't be seen by others. They don't usually see too many fans around their dorms because it's a hidden location, however there's been some crazy stalkers on the occasion.

The room is kind of small, and the lighting is dim. There's a few tables in the room however all empty.

V and Jungkook take a seat on each side of the two person table. V looks in front of him at the maknae.

Jungkook is dressed nice, his hair is puffy, just barely covering his eyes. V doesn't even realize how deep he's staring but for some reason, it feels like they're on a date.

They're literally alone in a private room ready to eat a nice dinner together. But he doesn't like Jungkook like that...they're just friends so it's obviously not a date...

Instead of making eye contact, Jungkook lifts his menu up and shy's away from his hyungs intense gaze.

"Jungkook." V finally speaks up.

"Yeah Tae?" Jungkook lowers his menu.

"I like your hair like that."

Jungkook's face glows a discreet pink, not expecting the sudden remark from the older member.

Hyung are you okay? (VKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now