Hyung we need to talk

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Sooooo, there's something you've all been waiting for in this chapter 😏😏😏 ENJOYY (also enjoy Hobi bcs 😊)

Today's concert is long, for both V and Jungkook.

V hangs closely to Jimin throughout the whole concert, clinging tightly to him. On the occasion that Jungkook does come close to them, V would generally go meet another member farther from Jungkook.

And Jungkook was not so happy about that. Every time he approached V with a happy smile on his face, V would automatically run to someone else, leaving Jungkook alone everytime.

At first, Jungkook was fine. He was okay. He knew they'd be a little awkward to start off after yesterday's concert. However nearing the mid-way mark of the concert, V wouldn't even look at Jungkook. Instead, he would play around with Jimin, jump on his back and play with his hair. They would be fooling around in their own little world, V looking happy enough.

And Jungkook was starting to hurt a little.


The members rush off stage, grabbing water bottles and filling the small area before tightly walking to the changing rooms for their outfit change.

Jungkook stays behind the group, trying to look for a certain brown haired member.

V is at the front with Jimin, walking quickly through the white hallways of the complex to reach the changing rooms.

Jungkook tries to walk quicker too, trying to reach V, however he gets caught up with Jhope. He tries to go passed Jhope, however the boy is too excited about te concert and rambles on about it. So Jungkook decides to take a break from trying to talk to his hyung.

Jhope notices Jungkooks strange mood and asks if he's okay.

"I'm fine don't worry about it." Jungkook says with a smile, hoping Jhope won't ask again. Jhope just wraps a comforting arm around Jungkook as they walk and he continues to talk.


Jungkook changes out of his leather jacket and into white shorts and a white dress shirt. He walks out of the changing room and starts walking over to the hair station.

As he's just about there though, he finds himself banging into another member, harshly. Jungkook stumbles back and the other member apologizes.

When Jungkook looks up, he see's V, who's not looking at him.

"Wait Tae." Jungkook says, taking this chance to grab V's wrist tightly. V turns around slowly, not making eye contact with the maknae.

"We need to talk." Jungkook says, making the decision to tug V's wrist until the older member is following him. It's quick and unplanned but Jungkook can't be ignored any longer.

Jungkook isn't quite sure where to go so he continues walking until the hallway is less populated. Then he lets go of V's wrist, hoping the older member won't run away.

"What is it?" V says, his voice barely audible.

"Tae why are you ignoring me?"

Jungkook's voice cracks, he feels pressure in his upper chest and his throat is tight when he speaks.

"I'm not ignoring you." V says, staring down at Jungkook's white, shiny sneakers.

"Hyung." Jungkook says, his voice shaky, a voice that V has rarely heard. With that, V looks up, feeling his stomach drop when he see's Jungkook looking so sad.

"I don't want to be separated again." Jungkook says, now he's the one looking down.

V feels sad all of a sudden, remembering the disappointment they had both felt back then when they were told to split up back then.

"We... we don't have to be separated Kook." V says, feeling guilty for making Jungkook look so sad. He takes a step closer to Jungkook, wanting to hug him so bad. He shouldn't have done what he did, he shouldn't have ignore Jungkook.

"Then why are you doing this?" Jungkook bites his lip. Being upfront with V like this is harder than he thought.

"We have to. For a little bit. Rapmon said fans are getting more talkative about us being closer." V starts. Jungkook still doesn't look at him though.

"That doesn't mean you have to completely ignore me Tae." Jungkook mutters, leaning his back against the wall.

V doesn't know what to say. He thought he was doing the right thing by following Rapmon's orders. However instead of fixing the problem, he made it worse.

"Shit Jungkook, ahh I didn't realize what I was doing. I didn't mean to ignore you, or make you feel bad. I just wanted to protect our friendship." V says, hoping it will help Jungkook trust him more.

However, Jungkook feels no better when he hears the word friendship. He doesn't know what it is, or why he suddenly hates that word, but it leaves a disgusting taste in his mouth.

"Whatever." Jungkook spits out, regretting the second those words leave his mouth. His heart is racing and he doesn't understand why he's suddenly so irritated. He begins to walk away, without another glance at V.

However V instantly grabs Jungkook's hand, pulling him back.

Jungkook is caught off guard, his eyes wide when he see's V face, smiling. However he doesn't have much time to think, when suddenly V's snaking his hand around Jungkook's neck and closing the gap between his and Jungkook's lips.

Next thing Jungkook knows, V's warm, soft lips are colliding with his own. And they're kissing.

AHHH idk what I'm doing but HERE YOU GO! Sorry if this scene isn't the best I TRIEDD :)

Thank you all for the comments I love them ❤️

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