Hyung I'll teach you!

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The first hour of dance practise goes well. Jhope goes over a few moves with Rapmon, Suga and Jin while Jimin helps V. Jungkook works on his own to improve his intensity. It's not so bad and even though it's quite hot, everyone seems to be having a fun time.

"Okay let's go over it again." Jhope says to the members, lining up in the front, facing the wide mirror. Suga sighs a little, grabbing a sip of water while everyone else gets into position.

V feels a little sweaty and hot but he still has stamina. It hasn't been that long and they usually practise for a few hours at a time so he should be perfectly fine.

However V doesn't quite ace all the moves today and his mind moves a little slower this morning. Jhope corrects him a few times and they redo a few more moves than they usually would but it doesn't get to him much. Jimin even brings him over to the other side of the room to go over a move that the brunette is stuck on for a while but he eventually gets it.

Jungkook barely breaks a sweat as he treads across the room with lots of energy. The other members seem to be getting a little bit more tired as the practise never seems to end.

"Okay everyone go get some water." One of their managers says when he notices the loss of energy coming from every member. V is te first one out of the hot studio, racing to the bathroom to freshen up. The other members run over to the water fountain, eager for a drink.

V heads into the bathroom, still out of breath from the last run through they did. He swipes his hand through his wet hair, feeling hotter by the second. He decides to shed off a layer, considering he was wearing a light sweater this whole time. Once that's off, he feels a bit better and a little less heavy. The brunette tries to air his shirt out a bit. At one point through the practise, V felt light headed and a little out of it but he feels much better now that he splashes cold water on his face.

After cooling down a little, V heads to the door, just turning the handle when another person seems to turn it at the same time, pushing the door open. V bangs right into the source and abruptly stumbles back.

"Oh s..sorry." He says, eyes widening as he tries to push his way back out the door before.

"Oh Hyung you good? You look hot." Jungkook says, making direct eye contact with V. He almost reaches out to feel V's forehead in case of a fever, but abruptly stops his hand. V ignores the younger boys flinch, bowing his head before pushing through the door and back into the hallway.

V is even more out of breath as he walks back down the thin hallway. He's unsure as to why he feels so weirdly flustered every time he bangs into the maknae. Maybe it's the fact that he woke up this morning, hugging the younger member tight to his chest. Or how casual and comfortable it felt to wake up inches away from Jungkooks cute bunny face. No.. that can't be right. They're super close friends so it's normal to be doing that. It's probably just because Jungkook seems to be everywhere all of a sudden and V is only starting to notice now. That has to be it.

Practise starts up again and the air feels thick again. Jungkook takes off his sweater, revealing a very tight, white shirt, stuck to his sweaty skin. Not that Tae focuses on that because he's too busy working on the current dance move that Jhope is demonstrating.

Eventually their 5 hour dance practise comes to an end, and V more than anything wants to get back to the dorms and finally eat a real meal. But that's not what their manager has in plan.

"Jungkook, I noticed you did the chorus very well, can you stay behind and help Taehyung get it right?" He says and Jungkook just nods as the manager thanks him. The rest of the crew leaves the studio and allows the rest of the members to do what they want. So of course, most of them head back to the dorms while V is stuck, with Jungkook, going over the chorus once again.

"Hyung you just need to be sharper that's all. Show me again." Jungkook says as he walks back over to the speaker to turn the chorus of Run back on. It's a dance that uses a lot of energy and Tae is starting to lack that. Maybe if he had some food in his system, he'd feel better.

So V re-does the move, jerking his arms back and forth and hopping up and down. This time Jungkook approaches him from the back and reaches out to grab his arms.

The distance between them closes as Jungkook's arms are basically wrapped around V's back. He moves the older members arms in a slow motion to demonstrate the move. His grip is gentle, almost sincere as he lifts V's arms in a circular motion. V notices Jungkooks voice deepening when he explains the next move. He tries hard to focus on the move but instead he hears the un-even breathing of the maknae.

"Okay I get it." V barely gets out when the close distance starts to feel too comfortable. Jungkook let's go of his arms gently and backs away, giving the floor to the older member.

V waits for the music to start, remembering to add all the important factors Jungkook told him to remember. When the chorus starts, he pops his shoulders, swings his arms and motions himself the exact way Jungkook demonstrated earlier. And to say Jungkook is in awe, is an understatement.

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