Hyung don't be nervous

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(I hate writing about 2015 when it's 2017 but just bare with me ;p)

November 29th 2015, it's finally the day. The day Bts releases their run music video.

After Jungkook and V's supper, they had gone to sleep and tried to get the best rest that they could.

They woke up early, and all the members headed to the studio to finish their last dance practise before the run video would come out and they'd be performing at Music Bank, Show Champion and all the other music programs.


A few hours after the Run music video is released, Bts finds themselves sitting in the waiting room at Music bank, getting their makeup done individually.

"I'm so excited!" Jhope yells, bouncing up and down while his hair gets styled. Jin's next to him, also beaming with excitement.

Rapmon and Suga get their outfits adjusted and go over lines together.

Jimin, Jungkook and V warm up their voices.

Jungkook wears a blue cardigan on top of a white shirt. He also wear red suspenders and blue jeans that are rolled at the bottom like the rest of the members.

V has on a faded pink leather jacket  with a white shirt underneath. He also wears a black choker. He's singing the chorus of Run when the stylist calls him for hair.

V takes a seat in the black chair and faces the mirror, looking at his stylist through it. She has a questioning look on her face and V's about to ask when she starts talking.

"Today we're changing things up a bit." She says, putting her hands in V's hair.

And by that she means, green highlights. It doesn't take that long because they aren't permanent but by the end of V's little hair makeover, his straight, brown bangs now shine a glint of green. It's not as bad as he was expecting.

"Thanks." V says, bowing to his stylist before walking back over to the members who are now all together at the table.

"What will we do if we win?" Jungkook asks, looking at Rapmon first. Since they won with I need you, the members have wanted to make their fans more excited for the winning performance. Rapmon just looks around the table at the curious members.

"Ah we could switch parts? I can sing and you can rap." Rapmon says pointing to Jungkook.

"Nahh everyone does that." Jungkook says, wavering off the idea. The members think harder, wondering what would make the fans laugh.

"Ooo imagine we did a sexy dance!!" Jhope says, giggling when he thinks about it.

"That's not.. a bad idea.. the fans would like that." Jimin laughs, covering his face when he thinks about sexy dancing on stage.

Jungkook suddenly gets up from the table and starts doing dance moves from coming of age ceremony and the members suddenly break out in laughter and cry at their hilarious maknae.

"Yahh Jungkook you have to do that during our second performance." Jin wheezes, calming down his window wiper laugh. Jungkook gets embarrassed and laughs it off as he takes a seat back at the table.

"Okay so it's set, sexy dance if we win." Jimin says, looking at Suga who clearly has no say in this. The rest of the members nod with a laugh, and a tad of nerves.

"Bts is on in five." One of their crews walky-talkies muffles the call.

"Let's go." Rapmon says abruptly getting up and waiting for the members to follow. They all get up, hearts pounding. They fix their clothes and hair quickly before follow Rapmon through the hallway.

Jungkook and V walk together behind the group. Jungkook is excited and smiley, whereas V is slightly nervous. He gulps as they walk to the backstage door, Rapmon opening it without looking back.

Everyone enters quickly, music loudly filling their ears. V is last to walk through the door that Jungkook holds for him. Jungkook notices how V doesn't look up at him or smile.

He taps the older on the shoulder as their walking.

"Hyung are you okay?" Jungkook asks, looking V directly in the eyes.

"Yeah, just a little nervous." V says, taking a deep breath. They continue to walk through the confusing, dark area. Crew, music and wires surround them and the members rush through everyone.

Jungkook slows his walking pace a little so that he's walking next to V again. He notices that V's still straight faced.

Since it's dark, no one will see, Jungkook thinks as he stretches his hands out towards his hyung. And without any warning, Jungkook grips V's hand tightly, reassuring him.

V's surprised when Jungkook grabs his hand and squeezes it. He expects him to let go since their surrounded by people and cameras, but Jungkook doesn't. He walks a little in front of V and leads him through the dark area.

They finally reach the stage, standing just where the stage starts.

"Bts is on in a minute, stand by." Crew members say, pushing the members closer to the stage entrance. Lots of stuff is going on, crew members running all over the place and Rapmon talking to many people. V can't keep up.

Jungkook hold V's hand tightly before they're called to go on. Once Rapmon starts to walk onto the stage, V and Jungkook go their separate ways, getting to position for run.

In the audience is a full sea of pretty army bombs, lit up. The crowd cheers loudly, awaiting their favourite boys to perform. The members wait for the music to start in their positions, feeling many different emotions.

They perform great, and without many mistakes. Every member is covered in sweat and hot in their outfits.

Rapmon dabs his face with a cloth when exiting the stage.

He's met with many back stage cameras and speaks to the one in front of him. Jhope joins, talking to the camera as well and hopping up and down. The rest of the members head back to the changing rooms to clean up before the award ceremony.


Everything happens so fast and before the members even have time to take a breath, they're back on stage with the rest of the groups. Bts stands at the front of the stage with a girls group next to them. The crowd quiets down as the announcement starts.

"With the most points, the group that's won tonight is..."

Hyung are you okay? (VKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now