Hyung I'll help you!

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V wakes up with his arms around Jungkooks body and his head right under the maknae' chin.

The members all get ready quickly, rushing to catch their plane back to Korea. The Thailand concert was fun but eventually everyone starts to feel homesick after being away for too long.

Once they arrive at the airport, as usual it's filled with fans, seeping through every corner. However they give Bts space to walk and their body guards push off the crazier fans.

Rapmon leads the pack, along with Jimin and Suga. Jhope and V walk behind them with Jin and Jungkook . All the members are exhausted from the late night and Jungkook wears sunglasses to hide his sleepy eyes. They make it through the airport with no crazy incidents or much pushing. Then Bts waves to their fans before leaving the building.

The plane ride is quiet. Sitting in the corner at the window seat, Jungkook flips his seat down and closes his eyes. The plane ride is about 6 hours so he has more than enough time to catch up on sleep.

Jimin and V are sitting in the middle of the plane, staring at the TV I front of them. The rest of the members are in back of them, all sleeping.

"Yah how was the movie? I fell asleep." Jimin says, switching his eyes from the TV to V.

"Oh it was kinda boring, not much happened." V says, leaving out the small part where he was scared as hell.

"Ah I see. I remember when you used to be so scared of horror movies!! Those days were funny." Jimin laughs all of a sudden, and V's eyes widen, remembering that time he cried watching the shining.

"Ahh Jiminie that was so long ago, don't bring that up." V says, brushing it off like nothing.

"But Tae you would literally hold onto me and hide your face, just like Hobi does." Jimin starts laughing even more, holding onto V's arm.

"Yahh Jimin I get it. I'm a scaredy cat, whatever." V says, rolling his eyes at Jimin.

"Tae, I never say you are one. I said you were one! Wait are you.. still scared? Wait did you get scared last night!!" Jimin starts up again, looking at Tae and trying to fight the laughter escaping his mouth.

V turns his head from Jimin, wishing he had stopped talking sooner.

"No... I was jus..." He starts

"Tae is still scared of horror movies, I can't believe this." Jimin loudly blurts out, causing a few eyes to dart towards him. V just glares at him and Jimin realizes that eyes are on him so he quiets down a bit.

"Why didn't you tell me! We could have chosen another movie." Jimin says a little more sincere this time.

"Because it's not a big deal anymore okay." V says, shrugging Jimins hand from his shoulder.

"Yes it is! Wait..did you.." Jimin looks at V who looks back at Jimin with a annoyance.

"I didn't cry Jimin! I'm 20 years old." V says and Jimin just looks at him, not quite believing his hyung.

"Okay look, I didn't cry. I just got a little scared and might have yelled a little and..." V starts, his face turning pink the more he talks about the embarrassing experience. Jimin already knows about him getting scared. And about what he does when he gets scared.

"Oh my gosh you totally hugged Jungkook didn't you? That's why you guys were so close when I woke up." Jimin says with a smirk on his face. V rolls his eyes again and no longer answers to his best friend. It's really not a big deal, the members hug each other all the time.

"You know V, now that he knows you're like that, he'll use it against you." Jimin starts to say, a little quieter so the certain member doesn't hear. He's only a few seats away after all.

"What do you mean?" V asks, suddenly curious as to what Jungkook would do now that he knows V is a scaredy cat.

"Well for one, he's going to start treating you like you're younger than him. He did that to me when I got yelled at by that 15 year old. And let me tell you, it gets on my nerves more than anything." Jimin says, balling up his fists as he thinks about it.

Yah Jimin, treat your hyung with respect~Jungkook would always say.

"Okay well, I won't let that happen. I'm older than Jungkook and he should respect me as his elder." V says, turning his glance to the maknae who's currently going over his singing notes. Jimin laughs and agrees with V before turning back to the movie. There's still a good 4 hours on the plane.

The plane finally lands and the members stretch their legs before collecting their luggage.

"Jin you left your bag behind." Rapmon shouts, holding Jin's bag as they begin to exit the plane.

"It's yours now." Jin says, walking off the plane with a smirk. Rapmon groans, carrying his luggage along with Jins. Once they get off the plane they all group up and wait for their manager to come off.

"Well we wait, let's play a game." Jungkook says, making all the members a little curious. Jungkook is a troll that no one likes to play games with, however Jhope is naive and agrees right off the bat.

"What's the game?" Suga asks, not wanting in on the maknaes little trick.

"Everyone do Rock Paper Scissors. Then I'll tell you." He says and glances are exchanged throughout the group. However the members get into a small circle and start.

Jin and Suga are first out, then Jimin and Rapmon. All that's left is Jhope and V because Jungkook isn't playing.

"Rock papers scissors shoot!" They yell and Jhope wins.

"What now?" Jhope asks with excitement. Jungkook walks over to V with a smirk, causing the other members to watch with confusion.

"Well Kim Taehyung, it's your lucky day." Jungkook says, raising his eyebrows. V stands there, confused as the other members start to get more and more excited.

"The one who looses Rock Paper Scissors must carry all of the luggage." Jungkook says, sliding his bag off of his shoulder and hanging it to V. V feels a surge of anger rising as Jhope also follows along, tossing his heavy bag into V's chest.

"Yah Jungkook, I'll kill you, really I'll kill you." V starts, getting louder and louder as the bags start to weigh him down. They all begin to laugh at poor V, who wants to laugh too but the bags are really heavy.

Their manager finally comes out of the plane and the boys begin to walk, all ahead of V who struggles with the bags.

They're half way to the car when V drops someone's bag.

"Oi Tae don't drop my bag!" Jimin says, walking a little faster when V runs up behind him to get a good slap in. He misses though and Jimin gets away.

"Argh really, why am I doing this." V mumbles, picking up Jimins bag and feeling himself getting hotter by the second. He watches the members in front of him, walking farther and farther ahead of him. However Jungkook seems to slow down a little bit, clearly feeling responsible for V's struggling.

"Hyung I can help you, if you want." Jungkook says and V laughs. Of course he wants help, he didn't want to be in this situation in the first place.

"Nah kookie, I'm a strong, tough man." V says in return, regretting his words the second they come out. The bag around his arm starts to leave a red mark and it burns. He groans a little as he pulls the bag back into his arm for better support. Jungkook seems to notice though because he approaches V and grabs the heavy bag from his arm. The pressure is lifted and V sighs in relief.

"Strong man huh." Jungkook says and V's head snaps, fire in his eyes.

"Don't push it kookie." He says with dry humour that has the maknae laughing. The continue to walk to the car which seems to be parked a lot further than they expected. Jungkook ends up carrying half of the bags, relieving V's aching shoulders.

"Thanks Jungkook." V mumbles, only for himself to hear.

Hyung are you okay? (VKOOK)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang