Hyung don't worry about me

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V stands at the end, nervously fidgeting with his jacket zipper. Next to him, is Suga, who seems to share no emotions. Jimin and Jin both put their hands together, ready to clap while Rapmon stares down at the microphone in his hand. Jhope and Jungkook patiently wait as well.

"Bangtan sonyeondan." The female announcer says, and the crowd screams. They wave their army bombs and chant loudly as the confetti goes off.

The members smile greatly as V gets handed the trophy and bouquet. He lifts the trophy in the air before Suga grabs it from him and protects it with his heart. They all cheer, especially Jhope who yells.

Rapmon gives a short speech and let's Suga also say a word. Then before they know it, the rest of the groups are leaving behind them and Run begins to play. They wave off the other groups and exchange hugs and handshakes.

The members smile brightly as Rapmon starts the song. They all huddle in a circle, nodding to each other to do what they had discussed before. The sexy dance.

Jungkook starts the sexy dance, by slowly squatting til his butt is almost touching the ground. The members laugh hysterically. Jhope follows along soon though, and so does Jimin. V laughs at them three.

They all laugh and dance sexily while cherishing another win. Suga holds onto the trophy throughout the whole performance while Jin holds the pretty flowers.

Run finally comes to an end, and the members say goodbye to the fans before joyfully walking off stage. They're greeted with a cake that one of the managers holds out to congratulate them on another win.

Rapmon says another speech to everyone, thanking their crew and the members for working hard and practising constantly. He blows out the candle and digs his finger into the icing of the cake, smearing some on Jimin's face.

"Yahhh!!" Jimin yells as pink icing falls down his cheek. He grabs some of the icing and tries to get Rapmon back but accidentally smears V's face. And next thing they know, everyone's smearing icing on each other's faces.

"Where's Jungkook?" V asks, looking around for the maknae as they hand the messy cake back to the staff.

"Oh.. did he go to the changing rooms already?" Jimin asks, looking around. V looks too, not noticing that the coconut haired boy had left.

"Well I'm gonna go clean my face, I'll meet you guys in the changing rooms." V says, licking some of the icing off from his face.

"Okay, be back quickly, we have to record a video about the win."

So V heads off, separate ways from the members and to the backstage bathroom. He walks in to an empty room and heads over to the mirror to look at his messy face.

"Ah really?" He sighs when he finds icing in his hair. V grabs a cloth and wipes all of the strawberry icing off of his face and from his hair, even scrubbing it off of his jacket.

When he turns the sink off though, he hears a noise coming from one of the stalls he thought was empty. It's a sniffling sound, like someone's crying.

V curiously walks over to the closed stall, trying to figure out who's in there. He looks down at their shoes, and recognizes them quite a bit. Could it be?

"J..Jungkook?" V says, not too loud incase he's wrong.

"Oh.. uh...hyung?" He hears Jungkook's unsteady voice from behind the stall. V's about to tell Jungkook to open the door, but the maknae abruptly walks out from the stall and looks at V with a casual face.

His eye makeup is slightly messed up and his eyes are red. His face is puffy and his nose is sniffly. He blows his nose before walking past V to the mirror. V just watches from behind Jungkook, with a surprised expression.

"Kookie..are you okay?" V worries, taking a few steps closer to the maknae.

"Yeah, why?" Jungkook acts as if he wasn't just crying alone in a bathroom stall.

"You were crying."

"Ahh whatever, don't worry about me." Jungkook brushes V off, fixing his eye makeup in the mirror.

They stand in silence for a good minute, V just watching the maknae sniffling while wiping the mascara off of his face.

Before V can ask why he was crying, Jungkook decides to explain.

"I'm just happy. I know we've won before, but it's happening more frequently and.. I just feel like our dreams are finally coming true."

Another tears slips from his eyes and it makes V sad to see, even though they're happy tears.

The maknae rarely cries. He's usually trying to tend to the other members, but this time he couldn't hold it in.

V walks closer so that he's standing right next to the maknae.

"Yeah I get it. Will you be okay? We have to record a video." The older says, sternly watching Jungkook wipe his tears. Jungkook just nods, not wanting to say anything else.

V suddenly grabs Jungkook's arm and turns him so that they're looking at each other. Instead of saying anything else, V just wraps his arms around the maknae and hugs him tightly.

Jungkook hesitates before wrapping his arms around V's waist and excepting the hug.

V hears Jungkook's shaky breathing in his ear. Jungkook's sheds a few more tears, feeling weirdly warm from V's comforting hug. He's about to pull back but V pulls him in, tighter.

"I'm so happy we won." V whispers, giving the cute maknae one last squeeze before letting him go. Jungkook nods again.

They stay in the bathroom for a few more minutes, fixing Jungkook's face before heading back to the changing rooms to meet up with the rest of the members.

Hyung are you okay? (VKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now