Hyung be happy!

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The concert is about to start and the members are all waiting patiently backstage. Jimin always gets a little nervous before going onto the stage so he paces back and forth. The rest of the members stretch and loosen their vocal cords. Their Intro video is almost finished playing ok the large screen above the stage and the crowd starts to cheer louder, anticipating the boys to come out.

Rapmon takes the stage first, the rest of the members following behind. V is the last member onto the stage and they all bow, welcoming the ARMY's.

The turnout is good, V thinks when he looks at the very filled arena. He can't spot one inch of space that's not filled with fans. It makes his heart warm, as always. Being on stage in general makes all the members glow a little more.

They start off the concert with Run.  By the end of the song, all the members are already sweating. Jin grabs a towel from the side of the stage and wipes his face.

The lights are always really hot on stage and they always wear many layers which doesn't really help. Jhope wore shorts this time though so he's not as hot as the rest of the members wearing blue jeans.

After a few more numbers, their first costume change comes. Bts quickly walks off the stage, promising the members they'll be back quickly. They head backstage, greeting their stylist who hands them individually their next outfit.

V grabs his clothes and heads to the changing room. On his way there though, one of their managers calls him over to the other side of the room. V walks passed the members, looking at Jimin with confusion before greeting his manager. He looks up at him with confusion.

"Taehyung don't look so scared! I just wanted to ask you if you're okay to perform. Last concert you didn't feel good, so are you feeling better today?" Their manager asks with concern.

"Ohh, yes don't worry I'm feeling much better today." V says, thankful for his managers concern. They go over V's condition a little more before V gets called to go and change. He rushes over to te changing rooms where Jin and Jimin ask him about his conversation.

"Oh it was just about my health, I'm fine don't worry!" V says in a rush to get changed. Jimin trusts his best friend and let's him go, this time.

V takes off his blue jeans, only to be putting on tight black jeans. He also wears a plain white shirt with a blue blazer full of military-looking badges. Then he heads over to the hair stylist for touch ups.

Jungkook also wears tight black jeans, that make his thighs pop, and a red and black striped shirt. He walks over to the stylist behind V, for his hair to be done, since the other members are all occupying the other stylists. V just sits in front of the stylist, staring at himself through the mirror in front of him. His bangs get combed out and sprayed with some hairspray. Their stylist suddenly looks up though when Jungkook leans on the chair impatiently. 

"Jungkook what do you need?" The stylist asks, looking at Jungkook through the mirror.

"Ah just a touch up for my bangs please." He says, noticing V in the mirror. V's just adjusting his jacket as the stylist plays with his brown locks. However he feels a stare on him so he looks up to see Jungkooks eyes on him. They make eye contact and Jungkook makes a funny face. V mirrors Jungkooks face and they both laugh. The stylist also has a smile on her face. Jungkook always makes V laugh when it comes time to get back on stage because sometimes the older member gets nervous.

V eventually stops laughing and focuses back to his own face in the mirror. The stylist finally finishes V's hair and he gets up, Jungkook replacing him in the seat.

The crowd gets hyped up as they perform some older songs like danger and boy in luv.

The stage is really slippery though so at one point, V slips and falls on his butt. Jungkook's right next to him when it happens and he turns to V, suddenly laughing at the situation. V just looks up at him, annoyed at the maknae for laughing at him instead of helping him up. What a brat.

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