Hyung I'll take care of you!

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V wakes up to a dark room. He's unsure of where he is, however he feels extremely comfortable for some reason. When his eyes adjust a little bit more, V realized he's in a cramped bed. And he's not alone.

Jungkook sleeps right next to him, covered in blankets. One of his arms is wrapped tightly around V's waist. He breaths quietly against V's neck and it tingles a little. V suddenly remembers everything.

Jungkook had brought him back to the dressing room and taken care of him. He fell asleep for a bit but then Jungkook told him to wake up.  V was still in his stage clothes and he needed to get changed quickly for the finaly. Jungkook was worried for V and didn't want him to perform the last number but V did anyways. Jungkook helped him get changed and they walked back to the stage.

When the performance was finally over, they all headed back to their dorms. Jungkook had the dorm room to himself so he brought V with him. V had fallen asleep in the car so he had no clue where he was until just now. Jungkook must have carried him back to the dorms.

He looks down and realizes that Jungkook even changed his clothes. He's no longer in his stage clothes, but rather, boxers and a plain white t-shirt. He blushes a bit at the thought but quickly thinks of something else.

The time reads 7:30am and they have another long day today. Dance practise is at 8:30 so they should probably get up.

"Jungkook get up." V's voice is raspy as he shakes Jungkook lightly. Jungkook stirs a little and pulls V in closer. It's quite comfortable but their schedule is tight and V can't stop blushing so he shakes Jungkook a little harder. Finally the younger member opens his eyes and groggily stares at V.

"Hyung?" He quickly says, still half asleep.

"We need to get ready Jungkook." V says, his body sore but pulling the covers off of Jungkook. Jungkook groans as the sudden cool air tickles his bare chest. V freezes for a moment, almost thinking Jungkook was completely unclothed, before remembering the plans of the day and shaking off the thoughts.

V starts to make his way off the bed when suddenly, Jungkook grabs his hand.

"Wait Tae, how are you feeling?" He asks seriously, tightening his grip on V's wrist.

"Much better..thanks." V says after a lingering moment. Without another word, he leaves the room.

He heads straight to the bathroom, not looking at the other members passing by as he shuts the door. He walks over to the small mirror and notices a birds nest currently sitting on his head. He grunts, grabbing a brush and ripping through his messy hair

After spending 10 minutes in the bathroom, suddenly a knock reminds him of the time.

"V hurry upp." A familiar, needy voice says. V's face lights up as he replies.

"I'll be out in a sec." He says with a mouth full of toothpaste. He spits and wipes his face off before opening the door shyly, only to spot an impatient Jungkook.

"Hyung I have to get ready!" Jungkook says as he pushes through V. V stands there for a few seconds before moving away from the shutting door. He combs his hand through his silky hair before heading to his own room to change.

Rapmon is in their room, also getting ready in the same kind of rush.

"Ah Taehyung how do you feel?" He says once Tae steps into the room.

"I'm good, no worries." Tae says, not wanting to worry anyone. Rapmon just nods as if telling him good, and he rushes out of the room with his tooth brush. Obviously he woke up late like the rest of the members because he forgets to put his pants on. Tae just sighs, relived to finally have space to himself. He walks over to his drawer and fetches some loose clothes for dance practise, yet still stylish.

Once he's finally done getting ready, Tae hears the other members fighting for the bathroom in the hallway. He laughs a little before exiting his room and walking past the unhappy crowd.

"Jimin you already went pee, its my turn!" Jhope says to Jimin, pulling him away from the bathroom door while Suga calmly splits them up.

"Jhope you also went pee 5 minutes ago. I have to brush my teeth which is more important." Suga says leaving Jhope and Jimin in silence as he walks by the both of them arrogantly. They both start to laugh and Suga yells at them through the bathroom door.

Rapmon walks to the door with Jin, both of them already ready, bags in hand.

Then there's Jungkook, who rushes around the dorm to grab last minute supplies. And Tae, well Tae just watches all the commotion.

Finally after 15 more minutes, everyone is ready to go. They get into their big van, and Tae takes the back seat, along with Jungkook who decides to join him.

Suga decides to join them in the back as Jimin, Jhope and Jin take the middle seats and Rapmon calls shotgun. The ride isn't that far so Tae decides not to close his eyes and fall asleep even though he's still tired.

After a long quiet ride, Jungkook eventually breaks the ice.

"Tae are you positive that you're alright?" He says quietly to Tae. Tae doesn't look back atJungkook, instead he stares out of the window, pretending not to care.

"I'm 100% fine Kookie." He says. Jungkook doesn't seem to believe him though because he pushes even more. He leans in a little closer so that only Tae can hear what he says next.

"Well Hyung, if you're not okay, Jungkookie will take care of you okay?" Jungkook says all of a sudden, acting a little cuter than usual as the words leave his mouth. V blushes again and he hates it, but he finally makes eye contact with the younger boy, and they stare at each other for a good 30 seconds before Tae finds his words.

"N..no Jungkook!! I'm older than you don't say stuff like that." Tae finally says when he feels weird about it all. Jungkook just laughs and punches his Hyung in the arm. Luckily Suga is too focused on the other members to notice how little distance they save between themselves.

Hyung are you okay? (VKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now