Heads Up

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"David are you in? David... DAVID!!!" My head jerks up at gabbies yelling coming from across the room.
"Huh, what?" She shook her head at me and smiled.
"Why don't you just ask her out already, Its been four days since you met her and you both have not stopped texting one another!" I started to feel myself blush.
"Liza and I are just friends gabbie. Anyway what were you saying?" I hated saying that Liza and I were just friends, I wanted to be so much more than that but I wanted to give her time, I mean she did just move down here and also I'm kinda nervous that she'll say no.
"I asked if you wanted to go to target with me later, Zane and Heath are meeting me there." Just as I was going to say yes, Liza texted me and asked if I wanted to come and hang wit her at her apartment.
"I would but I've got some errands to run, sorry Gabbie." I felt like she knew it was Liza that I was going to see but she played along and left two minutes after that.

I looked myself up and down in the mirror knowing that I had to look good for Liza, So I paired a black sleeved and blue middle half quarter sleeved top with a usually pair of black skinnies, and vans of course to top it all off. I decided that I looked half decent to say the least!

I couldn't stop sweating all the way to Lizas. It was actually quite concerning!
"Come on compose yourself David. You will be filming for the vlog any way, so you can't let the followers see you so vulnerable and mooney eyed over Liza." I psyched my self up the whole flight of stairs to her apartment until I reached her door. Then I turned on my camera and knocked on her door. She knew that it was for the vlog so she pretended to want want Alex the minute she opened the door. It was now an ongoing joke that we had together!

"So today I'm with Liza and we are going to play a game of heads up. You ready Liza?" I asked my camera. Liza had had a look at the name that was on her phone, as she didn't think I saw!
"Drake!" She said before I could even start giving her hints. We were both laughing.
"Liza! You can't look haha, ok ready? Let's go" she shakes her phones revealing the next thing.
"Justin beibers underwear "
"Calvin cline! Next one" damn she good!! The next thing was blowing your nose, as much as tried she couldn't get it.
"What are you Stupid?!" I joked around and she just laughed. Next was sweeping.
"Cinderella did this!" I kept making a sweeping gesture with my arms but probably looked like a weirdo doing it haha.
"Slinging round a penis" Liza had to make it dirty, just for the camera so I played along with it and relied with "blow job!" The last one was mascara so I pretended to put it on my eyes.
"You put this on your eyes!" She had that look on her face like she knew what it was but she was just going to say something completely different from the camera. And she did.
"Eyeliner" I laughed and pretended to walk away from the game!

After we played a couple more round of heads up, I turned the camera off so Liza and I could just hang out, alone! We sat on her couch watching a movie and eating popcorn.  She scooted closer to me, so subtly. I made the move and wrapped my arm around her shoulder, it just felt so right and so natural. She looked at me with her gorgeous eyes and gorgeous smile, then I we leaned in and was just about to kiss when the freakin doorbell rang.
"Dang it!" Liza said, unintentionally as she covered her mouth after she had released the words and ran to the door. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at her dorkiness. It was so cute.

"Gabbie" my head shot up as soon as I heard Liza mention that name. Shit, gabbie did know that I was here after all, and it sounds like she bought all of our friends along as well, seeing as there was loud laughter coming from the hallway. Gabbie looked over my way with a smirk on her face.
"Running some errands are we David?" Damn she caught me out! Liza just looked so confused. I didn't blame her.
"Yeah, I ah finished all of things I needed to do earlier so I came over here. What are you guys doing here?"
"Yeah, no offence but what are you guys doing here, I thought u were going out today?" Liza asked.
"Yeah target got boring so we decided to come here and hang. Do you guys wanna go out to the movies or something?"

Liza and I quickly glanced at each knowing that no matter what we say Gabbie will be hanging with us anyway, so we all decided to go to the movies and watch a pretty average movie. Gabbie sat between Liza and I, stopping me from putting my arm around her. Was Gabbie punishing me for lying to her? Thank god the movie finished and we all left. I walked Liza back up to her apartment.

When we reached lizas door she turned around to me and smiled one of her million dollar smiles.
"Do you wanna film an outro together?" She asked so innocently. How can someone be so perfect?
"I thought you'd never ask! How about I pretend to kiss you and you drop something and close the door on me." She agreed. So I turned my camera on and we filmed the outro.
"It was nice hanging out with you today."
"You too" she then drops her charger adapter and I go to pick it up and she closes the door.
"Liza, Liza! I'll call an über then!" And that's when I shut off the camera and her door opened back up.

"It's getting really late so you should get some sleep, but I'll call you in the morning." I pulled her in for a hug and as we were pulling apart our lips pushed themselves onto one another's. I felt like the luckiest dude in the world. We both pulled away after a little while.
"Night David!" And then I left.

Best day ever!

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