Bright eyes and Oh my's

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i take one last look in the mirror at my outfit and then proceed to the door. Gabbie had called me  up earlier this morning and asked if i wanted to go Target shopping with her to find an outfit for a tinder date that she was going on. seeing as i had nothing to do today i accepted the offer. it was about time my wardrobe got a bit of an upgrade anyway. 

"so have you talked to David lately?" she asked me, while she drove to Target in her car. i looked at her with a raised eyebrow. 

"ummm yeah i talked to him last night. why do you ask? did something happen to him?" she looked panicked for a second as if she had said something that she shouldn't have. she looked at me for less than a second and then averted her eyes back to the road. 

"ummm no reason just wondering. so anyway, anything you want to buy today?" wow! way to change the subject Gabbie! but i could clearly see that she was hiding something so i played it cool. 

"umm, just a wardrobe episode, but nothing in particular. so whens your date and who with?" this time it was her turn to look at me with a raised eyebrow. 

"what dat....oh right, yeah, the date. umm this weekend and just with a random guy, you know how it is." now i knew that she was hiding something from. did she make up the whole "I'm going on a date i need an outfit". what was going on. 

before i could question her any further we had arrived at Target and Gabbie parked the car. what on earth as going on? first she asks about David, and now she is lying to me. i shook my head in bewilderment and stared off into space as we entered my addiction, aka Target. 

"hey you ok? you seem quite, your never this quite?" Gabbie talked me out from my thoughts. 

"huh, what?" i shook my head "oh I'm just tired from dancing yesterday, Miss Abby really worked us hard!" thankfully she bought it and we continued to stay at Target for at least two hours before she got a text on her phone, then once again her attitude changed. 

"Liza it's time to go, i just remembered that i have something to do tonight, so lets go pay for our things and go home." i stared at her in an odd way but agreed and trailed behind back to the car. 

the car ride was defiantly different as well. it was as if she was in a rush for something and her phone was going on non-stop. she was very secretive about the texts as well. i was able to sneak a look at the contacts name when we had stopped at a stop light and was surprised when i saw that it was David. did he know something was up as well?  what could they know that i possibly didn't" finally we arrived back at my apartment and Gabbie left, but before she did she turned to me and spoke; 

"Enjoy yourself tonight little brown girl, see ya round." and thence drove off, leaving me to my bewilderment and many many questions. what could she possibly mean by have a great time tonight? i didn't have anything planned, did i? 

i was going over different scenarios that could have been happening when finally i reached my floor. i turned the last corner of the corridor and was amazed to find David standing outside of my door. 

"hey?" i caught him off guard. he was staring down at his phone leaning up against the door. he looked irresistible like always. he had a black cap on, black skinnies and blue jumper. he jumped at the sound of my sudden arrival and smiled his gorgeous smile. he look nervous for some reason. why do i have a feeling gabbie had something to do with this? was she distracting me today? 

"Liza!!! hey, geez you caught me off guard!" i laugh at his nervousness. 

"David what are you doing outside of my apartment?" his nervous laugh soon turned into a charming grin. he moved a bit from the door and i noticed that it wasn't fully closed. how the hell did he open my door? did he steal my spare key!!!

"well thats for me to know and you to find out. now before we go inside i need you to close your eyes and don't open them until i tell you to ok??" i was literally shaking a this point. i was so scared that it was going to be a snake or something. he knows i hate snakes and spiders! 

"but!" he cut me off. 

"ah, no buts! now close your eyes and take my hand." i knew that i wasn't going to win this argument so i did what he told me to do. i closed my eyes and put my trust into his hands. 

we started walking and finally we stopped. "ok now, on the count of three open your eyes, ready?" i nodded. "one, two, three" i opened my eyes and i was amazed. infant of my was this massive fort made from bed sheets. he led me inside, still in shock to find an even more beautiful setting. fairy lights had been attached to the sheets, pillows and blankets were strategically placed making it look so comfortable and welcoming, the tv was on and playing my favourite movie of all time, Beauty and the beast and a massive bowl of triple butter popcorn was placed right in the middle. 

i turned to him in shock. "David, you did all of this, for me?" i was on the verge of tears, happy ones this time! he nodded and sat me down. "David as much as i love all of this, is there a reason for all of this?" his facd turned to nervous again. 

"well now that you mention it, i have something to ask you and something else to give you." straight away a singular thought pops into my head. was he finally going to ask the question? was he going to ask me to be his girlfriend? my heart sped up and my palms got all sweaty, but so did his so it wasn't that gross! 

he pulled out a black ring box from the back of his pocket. then i really started to panic. oh god, he wasn't going to ask me THAT question was he??? Jesus i wasn't even his girlfriend yet. but i kept my cool as best as i could. 

"Liza, i know that we have been through a lot over the first four months of meeting you but these past four months have been the best four months of my life. I've been waiting for the right time to ask you and i know that you've been waiting, patiently, i might add! but, the real reason why i was putting it off for so long was the fact that i was scared. i was scared that you would say no but i know that you love me now, so thats why I'm here, right now, in this fort that i built you. Liza before i ask you the question i have something that i got made for you. here" 

he hands me the box and i was shaking really bad. i was already on the verge of crying because what he was saying was just so sweet and no guy has ever don that for me before. i open the box and inside is a gorgeous gold aesthetically pleasing ring with a beautiful stone. where have i seen this stone before, it looks so familiar. 

i glance up at David and he takes the box from my hands and takes out the ring. he reaches for my hand and places the ring on my middle finger. 

"the night that you and i met, was also the night that i fell in love with you. i remember just after we had kissed we both unknowingly picked up a collection of rocks, and then i turned around i said to you..." he wanted me to finish the line to see if i remembered it, i did.

"you said you have a rock collection to?" we both laughed then he continued.

"well, yesterday i went to gabbie and asked her to help me brainstorm some ideas for today and then i saw the rock box and it came to me. i never want you to forget that night so i made you a reminder of it that you can wear everyday." 

i took another glance down at my new ring and thats when it hit me. i gasped with surprise. the rock was one of the pebbles from that night. he had placed a pebble from kian and JC's party into the ring. i was so in love it hurt! i could no longer hold the tears back anymore. they were running down my face, making David chuckle a little. he grabbed my face and used his thumb to push away some of the remaining tears. 

"so, i guess what i'm trying to say is, Liza Koshy will you be my jeff! ah i mean girlfriend?" i was laughing and crying at the same time and nodding my head. 

"yes! yes i will be your jeff and your girlfriend!" he was laughing now to. 

"so that means i can officially do this now and no one will look at us weird." i was about to ask what he meant but i was caught of guard with his lips smashing into mine. once again fire works danced around my head. 

David was my everything, he was my jeff, my pookie but most importantly my boyfriend!

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