Let nature take its course

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"New York here we come!" i spoke to my camera as we walked through the airport terminal. when i say we i mean the whole vlog squad, including Gabbie. it has now been a month since it all went down and fighting was so tiring. over time everything returned to normal and it was as if it never even happened. 

Big Nik came past David and I on his electric scooter and talked about how he was going to start creating vlogs. i laughed along with him and questioned him if i would like them as a joke. David then jumped in and made another smart remark making us all crack up, not at his comment but how much of an adorable nerd this kid was!

"David sucks in other peoples blogs!" he came and wrapped his arms around me and twisted me around, our laughter spreading through the terminal. i thought since we were waiting to board our plane i might as well through in a few puns and jokes along the way. David was standing next to me so i pulled my ticket out of the back pocket of my jeans and zoomed the camera in on it. 

"we going from LAX to JFK (pronouncing it jfkg)" David just shook his head and laughed at my stupidity, well it was worth a shot! 

not soon after that and we were on the plane, David and i just so happened to get the seats right next to each other. "David's trying to think of new vine ideas" i push the camera in David's direction where he has put his head forward onto a seat in front of him and placed a top over his face. once i had turned the camera off he lifted his head and removed the top. we both played back the footage that i had just filmed when David paused the screen and pointed to something. 

"Liza, is that what i think it is?" i zoomed into where he was pointing and was shocked to find the results. in the background of my filming, Gabbie and Zane were holding holds, not in a friendly way either, in more of a we're in a relationship but no one knows sort of way! and i know this all to well! 

"do you think that they are dating?" David asks. i nod my head. 

"im so gonna use this as leverage!" David lightly slapped my arm and then we continued to look at the footage. 

"Hello New York!" i spoke into my camera as we walked through the New York airport that we had just touched down in. David walked closely behind me. we were all now on our way over to the hotel that we would be staying at for the weekend for Playlist live.  

Zane walked up to the front desk to get our assigned rooms that we had booked. Gabbie, David and i were talking as we waited. suddenly Zane's voice shrieked through the whole lobby, causing our heads amongst every other persons to turn as well. 

"WHAT!!! what do you mean that the rooms got switched?" we all walked over to where he was. the receptionist seemed to not even care about what was happening. 

"I'm sorry sir, but we are not able to swap them, it is to late. here are your room keys, enjoy your stay." and with that she walked to the back room. 

"Zane, whats going on?" David asked. 

"well, when i booked the rooms, the receptionist must have thought that i meant two seperate couples, as in you and Liza, me and Gabbie, so now our assigned rooms are that way and it is to late to change them. secretly i was high giving myself. i get to spend a whole weekend in the same room as David! i feel like David felt the same way, as he flashed me one of his David Dobrik smiles. 

"come on dude, it could be worse. anyway, last time Liza and i checked you and Gabbs had no problem with being close." him and gabbie gave us both strange looks, thats when i brought out my camera and showed them the footage that i had gotten on the plane of them holding hands. they both gasped as i nodded my head and put my camera back into my backpack. 

"you know they are right, i mean, its only for a couple of days." Gabbie said facing zane, clearly embarrassed about what had just shown her. finally after about another five minutes of arguing in the lobby we were finally able to make it up to our rooms. they were right across the hall from each other. David was a true gentleman and opened the door for me and even helped me carry up one of my bags for me even though he already had enough for himself. 

"home sweet home!" he said as he plunged himself onto the bed. thats when he shot up and we looked at each other at the same time. there was only one double bed. this weekend just keeps getting better and better i thought! i went and sat next to him on the bed. 

"so we have an hour to kill before we meet up with other viners and you tubers for dinner. what do you want to do?" my mind was thinking kissing and cuddling while my heart was telling me to go slow, so i went with a bit of both!

"why don't you and i watch a movie together? he smiled another one of his charming smiles and got the tv remote. 

"lets have a look at what they have on Netflix." it took us about a minute and a half until we decide to watch the tv show Catfish. he hoped back up onto the bed and sat right next to me, if he sat any closer he would be on my lap! i didn't mind though, feeling his body next to mine was relaxing and made me feel safe.  

as we were watching the show, David moved his arm around my back and placed it upon my waist, holding me nice and close. i rested my head on his shoulder, continuing to watch CatFish. in my head i was hoping that he would kiss me, i myself was to scared to make the first move! finally he moved his head, i could hear his breathing pattern change. i tilted my head upward and found that his eyes were now level with mine. our heads moved closer and just as our lips were about to touch, there was a knock on the door. David let out a sigh and got up to check who it was. just as i suspected, it was Gabbie and zane, damn they have the worst timing in the world!

Gabbie and Zane decided that they didn't want to leave and wanted to join us to watch the show with us until it was time to go to dinner. that time couldn't go faster! when it was time we reached the restaurant and greeted all of the other participants of Playlist. the whole time that we were at dinner David and i kept our eyes on each other. 

this dinner was going longer that i had anticipated. all i really wanted to do was to get back to the hotel room and sleep! David had the same thoughts. he got up from the table. 

"alright guys i have a lot of editing to do, so I'm gonna call it a night." he gave me a signal as if to say come with him, so i jumped up as well. "yeah, same here, I'm gonna turn in. goodnight guys. see you all tomorrow." then we left and went back to the hotel. 

"i am so tired!" i complained as we made it into our room. 

"same here." i rummaged through my bag and found my pj shorts and black tank top. 

"I'm going to go change, ill be back in a second." i went into the bathroom to get changed then walked out to find David in his boxers with no top on, his bare chest exposed. he must have seen me with my mouth agape staring at his perfect body because he smiled and asked the following question;

"i could sleep with more clothes on if you don't feel comfortable." 

"oh, no no its fine, sorry i just didn't expect to come out and see you like that!" i blushed. i was so tired that my eyes were barley staying open! 

"goodnight David" i spoke, in a surprisingly soft voice. he hops into the other side of the bed and turns over so that our faces are now inches apart from each others.

"Goodnight little brown girl!" i laughed when he said this, so did he. we both turned off our lamps and then waited to go to sleep. what surprised me was that David wrapped me up in his arms and thats when we both feel asleep.


I just want to say thankyou to those who commented on my story. i have decided to keep going with this due to your support. hopefully more will be coming soon.

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