So... they know

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Only five days until I leave to Australia. The days leading up to the trip seem to be dragging on and on leaving me and David in an uncomfortable anticipation. Our friends apart from the two that we told still don't know about Dave and I nor have they picked up on anything. Let's just hope that it can stay that way until we reach Aus.
"Five days, Liza, only five days"

I turn off my car and walk into the main studio building, my nerves building as I hold the white bound booklet in my hand, holding a story that is yet to be brought to life
A few days ago when David and I were moving all of my stuff into my new home that I had just bought, I got a phone call from my manager. There's a TV show that is yet to be in production, and apparently the producer asked for me to audition for a role. I couldn't be more stoked as well as nervous. Today was auction day and I knew that I had to ace it. This is what I came out to la for in the first place right?

I met my manager standing outside double doors, embracing me in a hug.
"Alright Liza, I know your nervous but you got this, I believe in you so just go in there and smash. Bring this character to life and own those producers. It's show time little brown girl"

-two hours later-
"So did you get it? How did it go? Were the producers nice? Did you remember the lines?" David ambushed me with a million questions the minute I walked through my front door. I chuckled as I we walked upstairs.
"Babe calm down. The producers said they will give me a call in a day or too to tell me yes or no, and yes they were really nice and I remembered all of my lines."
  "Baby I'm so proud of you Come here" he pulled me into his arms and gave me a kiss on the forehead. Just as we were about to take the kiss further, we hear a knock at the door. Both David and I gave each other an annoyed look as we knew who were the source of knocking.

"I forgot that you invited them all to lunch" David muttered under his breath as I  playfully slapped his shoulder on my decent down my stairs to the door. Before I opened it I turned around to David standing at the top of the steps.
"Just remember act casual, as of now we are friends" he gave me a nod of understanding and I opened the door to find our squad standing on the other side. 

Through the afternoon, we all hung out, talked about Australia, discussed my audition this morning and laughed at the most random things. Everything was going smoothly, well that was until this happened:
Toddy walked over to where David, Scott, Kristen and I were standing talking about our channels and such.
"Dave do you have a charger in your backpack my phones nearly flat." Of course David being David, had a charger. It wasn't until Todd walked back into the room did I notice what was about to go down. In his hand he held not the charger but a card that had to my girlfriend on the front of it. Everyone in my living room stopped talking and turned their attention on both Todd, Dave and me!
"Dude why do you have this? And more importantly who do you have this for?"
  "Ah that, that's not mine."
"Then why is it in your bag?"
  "Um, well Alex, Alex  and I are going to do this skit so I needed that card" David crossed his arms over this chest as if he was proud of that answer. I knew that everyone could see right through him.

The room was still silent until Scott stepped forward.
"Your back together aren't you." He said looking back to me and David. I kens that there was no getting out of this one, so I decided that it was time for me to speak up.
  "Ok fine, yes me and David are back together, we have been together again for a few weeks now and we were going to tell you all in Australia but apparently that plan fell through.

"Finally! They finally cracked!" Dave and I look over to Heath who had just said that. Everyone else in the room muttered the same sort of sentence.
  "Wait, so you guys knew?" David asked puzzled. They all nodded and laughed.
"Well I mean you guys didn't make it half obvious with all the eye contact across the room, 'accidental' touches, the convenient times that you both had to use the bathroom in Liza's room."  Zane added.
"Son of a bitch!" David said making all of us including me laugh. "Well I guess that means I can do this now." David adds before pulling me into his arms and kissing me passionately on the lips.
"Well it's offical, the whole gang is back together!" Scotts says as everyone went back to the conversations they were previously enjoying.

After everyone had left, leaving only me and David, we washed all of the dishes together and got into bed. He held me tightly in his arms, as we both snuggled up together listening to the soft rain that had begun to fall.
"Hey Dave" I ask. "Can. Ask you something" he nods. "What did you mean when you said the other night that one day your going to marry me?" He smiled his famous smile of his before giving me an answer.
  "That my dear is something that you just has to wait for." He gave me one last kiss on my forehead and then closed his eyes, hinting that I should do the same.
"Your lucky I love you Dobrik." I say playfully.
  "Yes, yes I am"

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