drama party

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*contains smut*

i look over to the passenger's seat and see Liza texting gabbie to know that we've arrived. i put the car in park and we both get out. i cant stop looking at how beautiful she is with her cropped striped tee, and her high waisted jeans. she was just perfect in every way, shape and form. 

from the amount of cars parked out on the street, i already knew that this party was going to be chaotic but Liza and I both made a promise to Gabbie that we would be here. due to this party being at scotty's house we both knew that there was going to be a shit tonne of alcohol which neither one of us will be touching! 

"HEY!!! DIZA'S HERE!" Zane shouts out over the loud music and mismatched conversations going on around the room. we both chuckle and go our separate ways, she goes to find Gabbie while i stick around Zane and our mates whom i could tell were already slightly intoxicated!

"hows my boy David doing tonight, you good baby?" heath says, with his vlog accent on. 

"good dude, by the looks of things here, your doing good as well!" heath sparks up a conversation with Todd so i turn to Zane. the last time i talked to Zane was a couple weeks back now and he had come to me for advice. 

"so did you follow through with your plan?" he looked down into his cup with disappointment on his face. 

"david, i chickened out. how was it so easy for you to ask liza to be your girlfriend but so difficult for me to ask Gabbie?" i felt bad for the dude.

"Zane, asking Liza out was anything but easy. trust me man, i had to wait for ages for her to give me a signal when she was ready, along with other rules..." i was trying to make Zane feel better about the situation that he was in, exaggerating a little on my story, but little did i know that Liza was standing right behind me hearing everything that i was saying.

"anything but easy huh?" i turned around immediately and saw her standing there with her arms crossed and anger and hurt spread across her face. oh god have i blown it this time! 

"no liza that's not what i meant... LIZA!" i called after her as she walked away. i pushed my way through the crowd and followed her to the kitchen. "Liza baby please listen to me its not what i meant i was only trying to make Zane feel better about asking Gabbie out so i exaggerated a little.." 

"you lied to me?" oh god this time Zane was behind me. tonight was not my night! 

"no Zane i was only trying to help and make you feel less like an idiot!" 

"an idiot? so thats what you think i am? wow screw you David!" Zane pushes his way outside. i turn back around to Liza. she still looks pissed. 

"if i was so difficult to ask out then you should have given up before you began. you know what for the rest of the night stay away from me." and then there was just me standing by myself in a crowded kitchen with strangers that i dont know. thankfully heath walks in. 

"baby i dont know whats going on, but honey you gotta relax for the rest of the night, here drink this while momma has to goes and have a smoke." he was so out of it and i could already smell the potent odor of the vodka that he had handed me. 

i was going to tip it in the sink but then i remembered that all of the drama that had already gone down. so regardless if i was legal or not, i tilted my head back and downed the vodka, feeling the burn go down my throat. 

although the taste and the aftertaste was horrid, i poured myself another cup, and then another and another after that one. after i had had a few cups of the stuff, i didn't remember much from there.

12 hours later

aghh! i woke up with a pounding headache and a sour taste in my mouth. where was I and how did i get here i thought to myself when a blurry figure walked through a door way ahead of me. i couldn't quite make out the fine details but i could see enough to know that it was my little brown girl standing infront of my with a glass of water and two aspirin. 

"hey, how you feeling?" i tried to sit up but she gently pushed me back down.

"hey don't move too quickly, you'll get sick. " she hadned me the water and pills and i took them handing her back the glass. 

"babe what happened last night and why am i feeling like i have just woken up from a 3 month coma?" 

"i thought you would ask that. well you tried to psych zane up to ask Gabbie out but you over did it a little too much, hurting my feelings for a short time until i realised that i had been overreacting and that i probably would have done the same thing, then getting into another fight with zane whom later decided to hook up with some Andrea chick, pissing Gabbie off and causing her to storm out of the party in tears, and by this time heath had already illegally given you alcohol which lead you to drinking a whole bottle of straight vodka causing you to black out and then having me drive us back here to my apartment where you are now." 

i wanted so badly to hug her but first i felt last night's drinking binge coming up. i leapt out of the bed and headed straight for the toilet, puking my guts out.

"babe, i dont feel to good." liza came and sat next to me with a clean change of clothes and some towels. 

" i know baby but this should teach you a lesson so then you wont do it again. come here and let me take your clothes off, you need a shower." i let her take off my t-shirt while i handled my pants leaving me in just my boxers. she helped me up and was about to leave when i tried to make the best out of this situation. 

"pookie" she turned around with a smile on her face. 

"yes babe" 

" i dont think that its a good idea to leave me all alone in a shower in my current position." her grin grins grows and and she slowly walks back up to me. 

"oh really, is that so mr Dobrik, so what alternative did you have in mind?" 

"i bet i could show you better than i could tell you" i turn the shower head on and lead her under it, clothes and all. 

"DAVID!" she giggles. i started kissing her intensely which she reciprocates. i pull off her tank top and all the other garments of clothing that she had on leaving both of us naked. just as i was about to take it to the next level i had to make sure of something first.

"you're still on birth control right?" i ask as she kisses up and down my neck. 

"yeah, just took this morning's dose before." i back her up to the wall of the shower and starting grinding on her, causing her to moan every now and then. her kisses moving from my neck to my chest and then to my lips. i started off slow and started to finger her and by her facial expressions i could tell that she enjoyed it!

"david go faster!" she said so i obeyed, i pumped faster until i saw her bite her lip, that always meant that she was getting close, and with the fact that i was totally excited down below , i knew it was time to actually enter her. i thrusted in and out of her faster and faster until finally we both reached our limits. 

the hot water running down our backs while we continued to keep kissing. 

"i love you pookie so much" she said as she nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck.

"i love you to little brown girl" 

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