counting down the days...

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It has only been two days but it already feels like a century since I last saw Liza. if you guys are wondering where she went, she is all the way down under in Australia with Gabbie, where was supposed to be but due to a recent legal battle with DACA, all of my travel privileges have been taken away from me. 

I glance down at my phone and wait for a response from my girl to show up on my screen. the only thing that has been getting me through these past few days is the fact that she only has one more day and then she is home, back in my arms safe and sound. 

"the more you look at that thing the slower the time will go man," Jason says, sitting in the passenger side of my Tesla. 

"cheer up Dave, one more day that's it." I look at him and put my phone down returning my focus onto the road and turning off the autopilot. 

"I know Jason but I should be there with her right now making memories you know, meeting fans, travelling together. I miss her Jason. I just want her back home." 

the rest of the car ride we both sat in silence until we reached the vlog house. I took my camera out and got on with the rest of the day, begging for the nights to come fast. 

**2 days later** 

"my boy, my sweet sweet boy!" Liza yelled out at me across the airports terminal as I embraced her with open arms. she looked so tired but so cute. she can literally pull off any look! 

I carried her luggage for her and we both agreed to not get into any discussions about the trip until we were back at my place and after she had had a shower. 

"welcome home baby" I pulled her into my arms on my couch her wet hair dripping onto my t-shirt. " I missed you so so much. I'm pretty sure Jason even has footage of me crying!" she puts my face in her warm hands and pulled my lips into hers. they felt so soft and warm. they were my drug. 

"Oh I almost forgot." she jumped up and ran to her backpack which was sat on my hallway floor below the painting that she had got painted for me. she runs back and sits back onto my lap holding a small wrapped present. 

"here, since you couldn't go to Australia, I brought Australia to you." she kissed me on the lips again and handed me the parcel. I opened it with a smile on my face which only grew bigger the minute I saw what was inside the wrapping paper. she had bought me a tiny little koala keychain. 

"babe I love it thank you. this is going straight on my backpack! now I don't know about you but you and I have a lot of catching up to do if you know what I mean." I flashed her one of my seductive smiles which she reciprocated. 

"and what do you mean by that Mr Dobrik?" she bit her lip seductively knowing that this was my weakness. damn, I loved this girl. 

I jumped up off the couch with her legs wrapped around my torso and her arms around my neck. my arms held onto her small waist securely but softly. "well first I'm going to make up for all of the kisses that we have missed on for the past three days, then all of the hugs and everything else in between." we both chuckled as we made our way to my bedroom. 

I backed her up onto my bed and laid her down on her back, taking off my shirt well she did the same only with hers. I laid back on top of her, our arms making their way around one another, with no intentions of ever letting go. 

"I love you so much Dobrik, nothing will ever tear us apart, not work, not friends and definitely not distance, promise" she held out her pinky finger. 

"I promise, do you promise?" I held out mine.

"I pookie promise" we both made a Pookie promise to each other and well, I can imagine you know what happened after that. what happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom

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