Holding on tight

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Beep... beep... beep...
The constant beeping of my phone alarm was hard to compete with, leaving me with no choice but to wake up. I had one of my arms free whilst the other arm was still wrapped around a certain little brown girl. I shut off my alarm before it could wake up Liza. She looked so peaceful. I looked back at the time on my phone realising that Liza and I had to be down at the meet and greets by nine, it was now 8:20. I hated doing this but I was going to have to wake her up.

I softly nudged her shoulder, and whispered into her ear, "Liza, wake up beautiful we have to get ready for our meet and greets." She stirred and turned her body so her head was now cuddled up to my chest. Calling Liza beautiful felt so right and so natural. Damn this girl is going to be the death of me! I attempted to wake her up again, finally having success.
"Come on beautiful, you have to get up." I kissed her on her hairline and wrapped both of my arms around her body, holding her as she woke up.

She lifted her head and looked up into my eyes. "Good morning princess." She smiled one of her million dollar smiles.
"Morning Dave, what time is it?" Thankfully she had not remembered me kissing her head or calling her beautiful before. I didn't want to make her feel rushed into a relationship, after all we had both agreed to take things slow.
"It's 8:20 and we have to be there by nine." She grunted in frustration. I ran my fingers through her hair and she buried her head into my chest once again.
"David?" She said softly. I responded with a "yes".
"I felt the kiss..." oh Crap she felt me kiss her. What if she doesn't want me to, what if she feels uncomfortable now. Finally she spoke again.
"I think it's cute." She said with a small chuckle. Then she lifted her head and kiss my cheek. I could feel my heart rate accelerate and my cheeks turn a bright shade of pink as she lifted her body up and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

-time skip to later that night it was now 9:00 on Halloween-
The noise was just about unbearable now at this party, I honestly could not wait to get away all these people that I hardly knew. I pushed my way through the viners with handmade and bought costumes some more creative than others, although I really shouldn't be judging them considering the fact that I didn't even bother to dress up for this Halloween party in the first place!

"David! I've been looking for you all night! Are you ready to go, because Liza, Zane and I have all had enough of the party." Gabbie said, yelling over the pounding music.
"Yeah I'm ready, where's Liza?" Gabbie shrugged her shoulders before telling me that she is going to find Zane and meet me and Liza outside. I agreed and went looking for the little brown girl. Finally I heard that angelic laugh of hers and my eyes landed on her. She was talking to other viners with her vlog camera in one hand. She looked absolutely beautiful in her Halloween costume as well. Everything about her was perfect.

I snuck up behind and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Guess who" I spoke into her ear. She instantly smiled and laughed.
"Hmmm Alex!" I laughed as this was an ongoing joke that Liza and I had!
"Guess again Miss Wednesday Adams!" She laughed again along with me.
"Hey David! Did Gabbie tell you we were all ready to leave?" I nodded and told her that the other two were waiting for us outside.

Liza bid goodbye to the people that she had been talking to and I took her hand in mine and led us outside to meet up with our friends. Zanes arm was around Gabbie and her head was resting upon his shoulder. They did make a pretty cute couple.
"Hey lovebirds! Wanna go get some frozen yogurt, I saw a place about three buildings down?" Gabbie and Zane instantly let go of one another as if they had not been holding each other and agreed to the fro yo. It must have been quite a site seeing us walking down the street with Wednesday Adams from The Adams family and a social media butterfly. Same and I were the only ones who did not dress up.

"David what do you want?" Liza was ordering for me when we got there as there was a pretty long queue. Her and I ended up getting the same order; chocolate and vanilla yogurt with strawberries, and chocolate shavings on top. I pulled my card out when Liza spoke.
"David your not paying for me, I don't want you to pay for me." I laughed at her cuteness.
"Liza it's not that much money, I want to."
"But David..."
"Too late!" I said as I swiped my card through the machine to pay. The cashier was laughing at our fake argument.
"You both make a very cute couple!" Liza looked at me and instantly blushed. I did the same. I wish that we were a could. I expected Liza to say that we weren't together but then she surprised me and thanked the cashier. A smile instantly grew upon my face.
"She doesn't have to know!" She laughed.

Zante and Gabbie stayed at the shop to eat theirs whilst Liza and I walked around the city streets with ours. We found a nice park and sat down on the park bench. She looked cold in the night air so I took my jumper off and handed it to her.
"But David your gonna be cold"
"It's fine Liza, I don't really feel the cold any way!" She thanked me and put on the jumper which was way to big in her but looked so cute in it. I took her empty cup and mine the nearest bin and on the way back I caught her smelling my cologne on my jumper. She didn't see me looking so u played it off as it was nothing but in my head I was thinking that I was so adorable and cute!

"Thank you David for tonight" she rested her head on my shoulder. I put my arms around her small body holding her close to mine.
"You don't need to thank me Liza. I love spending time with you. It makes me happy."
"Me too" I was contemplating weather or not to make a move and kiss her or not. "Come on David. Man up you can do this. Just kiss her!" I spoke to myself in my head. Then I finally got over my fear.
"Hey Liza?" She lifted her head and looked into my eyes.
"Yeah" she spoke softly.
"I love you" my heart pounded in my chest.
"I love you to" a smile spread across both our faces and I leaned in for the kiss. Our lips finally meeting each other once again. Our tongues dancing together. Her arms wrapped around my neck, whilst one of my hands rested upon the back of her head and the other on her waist.

We finally broke apart. Her eyes and smile directly across from mine.
"We should probably get back to the hotel, it's getting late and we are leaving tomorrow which means an early start." I said as we both stood up, her hand in mine all the way back to the hotel.

The minuet that we reached our room and got changed into something more comfortable we both fell asleep. We were so exhausted. She was wrapped in my arms, my head resting on hers. Honestly how lucky was I to be with this girl. I must be the luckiest guy alive. I will forever be holding on tight to her.

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