shutting down the past

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*this is the edit that i had made on youtube called almost lover, just thought that it would suit this chapter!!! and ik it sux* 

it took me three whole days to want to leave my room and interact with other humans after the whole David fiasco but finally i was feeling better and was ready to start moving forward with my life. Sam hasn't left my side either, everyday he would bring me my favourite coffee order from Starbucks and would sometimes even throw in a muffin or a bagel. right now things were looking pretty good for me. 

"Hey honey" my dad said to me as i walked down stairs into the kitchen, where my mom was cooking my favourite breakfast. 

"hey Dad, hey Mom, so i was wondering if Sam could maybe stay here for a few nights, his parents are out of tow for the weekend and he didn't want to be alone. please!!!!" i pleaded with my parents, giving them puppy dog eyes and everything. they both laughed and agreed to let him stay. 

after breakfast i went upstairs to go and make my bed but as i was doing so an old photo caught my eye. i hadn't looked at this photo since i had gotten back to Houston which was now a month and a half! the photo captured me and my best friends from high school; Alondra and Jordan, standing in our dorm room that we all shared when i was at Houston college. did i miss being with them, sharing new memories and living the life of a college student? it only now just occurred to me that i did miss it and that maybe youtube and being a social influencer wasn't right for me after all. 

it took me a good couple of hours to really think my life plans through and if this would be best for me and finally i knew what ended to be done. i walked downstairs to the living room to find my dad sitting on the couch watching a football game.

"hey dad can we talk for a second?" i asked him. he instantly got a worried and concerned look upon his face but  laughed as i reassured him that it was good news. his face softened at this. 

"sure sweetheart, whats going on?" i sat down next to him and angled my body so that mine was facing his. 

"ok well, i know that even though you and mom supported my decision when i wanted to leave college and explore the world and see where youtube and vine would take me, you both were a little bit disappointed that i wasn't finishing college like my sisters did, and thats ok im not upset or mad, im the opposite actually." my dad looked completely confused at this point. 

"im not quite sure what you mean honey?" i grab both my dads hands and place them in mine as i continue explaining

"well, what im trying to say here dad is that i want to go back to Houston  College and i want to see where that takes me. ill take a course in business and marketing and who knows maybe i might even fall in love with it!" i looked at my dad feeling anxious as i waited for him to say something. he showed a warm and enthusiastic smile towards me and all my worry went away. 

"Honey im so so happy for you but please don't just do this because of your mother and i, we both want you to be happy and i know that youtube and vine made you happy"

"Dad, they did make me happy for a while but as im getting older im realising that i don't want to just be 'that girl on youtube' or 'that girl from vine' i want to accomplish something with my life dad and that girl that left college for youtube is realising now that it was a mistake, Dad, i really want to go back." 


"well thats the last of the boxes from the car, now are you sure you want to still do this, i mean its not to late to change your mind honey" my mom said to me as both her and my dad embraced me in a hug so tight that it was cutting off my oxygen, but luckily i still managed to get some words out.

"yes im sure and its not like this is the first time you'll be leaving here at college! besides i get to share my room with the coolest chicks i know!" my parents let go off me and my two best friends Jordan and Alondra took their place. 

as weeks went by i settled in nicely to my dorm and getting back into the feel of college. plus sharing a room with my girls was the best fun i had ever had! 

i was sitting at my desk working on an essay for one of my classes when Jordan came into the  room holding a box of red roses. 

"hey Liza, someone left them outside of our door, their addressed to you" she places them down infant of me, all three of us eager to find out who sent them. i picked out the card from the roses and read the cursive writing that had been printed. it read;

Liza, i saw these and they reminded me of how beautiful you truly are. i hope you haven't already got plans for tonight because im taking you out to a real nice restaurant not to far from your campus. lots of love- Sam xx

"ooooo girl, you got yourself a real nice man!" we all oooed and ahhhhed until panic set in about what i was going to wear tonight! thankfully Jordan helped pull an outfit together while Aly worked o my hair and makeup. we must have got lost in time because before we knew it there was a knock at the door and an extremely handsome Sam on the other side. 

"wow you look beautiful!" he said in awe as he looked me up and down and i couldn't help but blush. 

"why thank you sir, you don't look too bad yourself!" we both laughed and he held my hand all the way down to the car. the whole night we spent laughing and flirting with each other and for the first time in a long time that warm fuzzy feeling that i thought i had lost came back to me, i think i am falling in love with Sam!

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