Over before it even began???

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David's POV

"Damn it!" i looked down at the fried memory chip in my hands, knowing that i had just lost all of my footage that i had ever created. as if this morning wasn't bad enough already. my phone stopped charging throughout the night so therefore my alarm didn't wake me, i stubbed my toe on the foot of Liza's bed and now i just spilled my drink bottle all over my memory chip frying it and losing all my vlog footage ever made! 

i hear scuffling coming from the hallway and look up to find Liza. "Hey baby" she says to me as she walks over to give me a morning kiss. i turn my head away from her lips and shake me head.

"not now Liza im dealing with stuff" i say shooing her away. i didn't want to think about if i hurt her or not but i just needed to get my footage back and deal with this and having to deal with Liza was the last thing i needed. 

"geez someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning! im gonna go take a shower." she says and walks away. 

"whatever" i jump on my laptop and check to see how fast i can get another memory chip but all the stores are closed today and tomorrow. i shut my laptop and throw it down on the couch. what the hell am i going to do now??? i have a video that needs to be posted today and i nee all of my footage back plus i still need to shoot more footage for another vlog. 

"maybe Liza has a spare memory card somewhere around here?" i start to scramble around the apartment digging through draws, baskets, bags. but sadly not luck. on my way out of  her room i run into Liza exiting from the bathroom with wet hair and one of my jumpers on.

"watch it liza, geez" i try to push past her but she stops me before i can. 

"ok what if with you this morning. look just because you've had a shitty morning doesn't mean that you can take it out on me. now tell me whats wrong and what put you in such a shitty mood." 

i roll my eyes and answer her question while moving back to her living room and jumping onto google to find a solution. "my phone stopped charging, i stubbed my toe and i fried my memory chip from my camera therefore loosing every bit of footage that i have ever filmed in my life. there you happy now" 

she sits down next to me and puts her hand on my shoulder. "baby its ok we will just order you a new one ok and then we will work out what to do with the lost footage ok baby." while she was saying this she was looking a something on her phone which just pissed me off even more. all of my patience was gone and in that moment i just lost it with her. i stood up from the couch removing her hand from my shoulder.

"no, not ok Liza, it's not okay." i say shouting at her. "you wouldn't like it if you lost all your footage so why is it an 'ok' when i lose mine. god, you always think that you know how to handle and solve everything but you don't Liza. ok, so stop meddling with my life and thinking you can solve. god your so stupid and annoying sometimes. oh and another thing, stop wearing my clothes, you have your own, and just because we are dating doesn't mean that all of my clothes belong to you. god it annoys me" i knew in that moment that i had just taken all of my problems out on her and i didn't mean any of it, but at the time i wasn't even thinking straight or about how she was feeling. 

she stood up from the couch already with tears forming in her eyes. the look of hurt on her face was something that i could never erase from my mind. she fiddled with the ring on her finger before taking it off and throwing it at me. 

"here you can have this back, leave and take all of your shit with you." she takes of my jumper and throws that at me as well. i bend to pick up the ring and the jumper that were both no at my feet, while Liza walked passed me and into her room. within two minutes she walks back out with a box of all of my things and all of the gifts that i have ever given her. she drops it at my feet and tells me to leave. 

"if i had known that this is who you really were then i would never have said yes to becoming a part of your life. i never want to see you again." and with that i left. i don't know why i left or why i didn't fight for her but i was just so caught up in the moment that i just walked away. little did i know that in that moment i had just lost the girl of my dreams.

Liza's POV

i slam the door in David's face and slide down it tears falling from my face. the hardest part was hearing David actually walking away from my apartment until i couldn't hear him anymore. he left, he actually left. why was i so stupid to actually let myself get into this situation and let him into my life. i drag myself up from the floor and call Gabbie and Kristen. sometimes when your heartbreaks all you need is your best friends. 

within half an hour of calling them they were both here. Kristen came with Ice cream and gabbie with movies and chocolates. they both encased me in tight hug, with me still crying and led me over to the couch.

"honey im so sorry, if i had known David was going to hurt you i would have never pushed for you two to be together. i feel so responsible." 

"it wasn't your fault gabbie" i said in-between sobs. 

"scotts not happy with David knowing what he said to you. he wants to beat him up but i said save that for liza!' Kristen made me laugh with her comment. 

for the rest of the day, i just sat around ate ice cream and chocolate, watched soppy love stories like the notebook and when the girls left later that night i laid in my bed, crying my eyes out. i couldn't stop thinking of all the happy memories that David and i had created and all of the happy times that we had had together. now all of those memories and moments were just sad and depressing thoughts. this is why i should never have let myself fall in love again. 

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