Chapter One - Meeting The Malfoys

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"Y/N, sweetie wake up! We have to head to Diagon Alley!" My mother shouts from the living room. I shoot up from my pillow. Must be Sunday, the day before my first day at Hogwarts! Just a few weeks before, I recieved an acceptance letter. Well, of course I would. My family was one of the richest and well respected families in the Wizarding World. I smirk at my own realization. My first year should be grand...right? "I'm coming mother, allow me to get dressed first!" I shout back in a hurry as I trudged to my luxurious dresser drawers. I pulled on a light green cardigan over a white blouse; then sliding on a white skirt, to match underneath my cardigan before making my way downstairs. The house was gorgeous. Beautiful golden rails, creamy white velvet drapes blocking the little morning sunlight. The scent of honey and lavendar filled my nose as I snapped around to meet my house elf. "Why goodmorning Monrey!" I smile as he hands me my shiny white flats. Italian of course. "Do you mind grabbing my tea for me Monrey? I expect it before I meet my mother downstairs." I grinned as I threw my long dirty blonde hair over my shoulder. "Of course Y/N, it would be my pleasure." He replied cowardly before hobbling quickly to the kitchen.

"Why Y/N, you look absolutely dashing. Oh! And you're wearing your soon to be house colors, isn't that right sweetie?" She squeaked as she cupped my face. I knew she was referring to Slytherin. That's all my family has been for the past decades. Cunning after cunning faces you see the second you view our family tree. What else do they expect me to be? A Hufflepuff along a million other puny Mudbloods? Never in a millennium. Reputation was everything in my books. Call me a rude lowlife twat nevertheless, but I am not one to boast. "Why thank you mother!" I replied all innocent before doing a little spin around. "Where's father?", "He went ahead to meet with remember him right? The one with the pretty hair?" I gave her a look of confusion. "Lucius Malfoy, you and his son played together all the time...Draco?" Still keeping my face of confusion almost urging her to carry on with who these, Malfoys are. "You all were only toddlers, you musn't remember. I keep forgetting how much my little kitten has grown over the years." I cringed at her comment. "Now, tut tut. We cannot be late or all of the good quality books will be gone, not that we have to worry much. It's not like the Weasley's will get them before we do, right? They have to be able to afford them first." I snickered before shaking my head in acceptance before grabbing my tea. "Thank you Monrey! I expect my bed to be made the way I like it when I return. Pillows stacked in staircase formation neatley, large to small with my stuffed animals to the right of the curtain." I demanded. "Yes madam!" Monrey quickly replied before running off to get to the task. I give a small smile as I step into the sunlight; a good year indeed this will be.

We soon arrived to Diagon Alley. Crowded as usual. We quickly entered Flourish and Blotts, immediately spotting a blonde blinding, long haired man. "Shiny..." I mumbled under my breath. He turned around, my eyes widening. He must be that Lucius guy my mother was talking about. I then turned to the right, instantly finding my father. Broad and boasting as usual while conversing with the Malfoy. "Y/N! Dear, you remember Draco, correct?" He questioned. "Not really...why?" I quickly shot back. Wrong answer, a rather adorable blondie came out behind Lucius' back. Wait, did I really just imply that? "How could you not remember me? I'm the most memorable guy around, I think you will find that soon easy to believe." The blonde boasted. I scoffed. "Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He winked. He held his hand out to shake. "L/N, Y/N L/N." I slowly replied as I shook his hand, though he pulled me into a hug. My face drew the slightest shade of pink as this happened. Did he really just...? My eyes narrowed at him as he turned to walk up the stairs. I chased after him swiftly grabbing his arm. "Oi, what was that for?" I demanded. "L/N, you will quickly learn that most girls would actually appreciate that hug." he chuckled. "Why you filthy, ...little git!" I nearly screamed quickly looking over to see if mine or his parents heard the foul name I just called the boastful little brat. "Shame, I actually seem to be taking a liking to your little attitude." He lifted my chin up. I was a little shorter than him...but it won't stop me from beating his soon to be sorry arse.

Draco's POV

She was cute. I won't lie. I remembered her, though she seemed not to remember me. I was actually a little hurt by the gesture. "L/N, Y/N L/N." She slowly replied as she shook my hand. I pulled her into a hug hoping to get a little something out of it. A bit of memory to come back perhaps? She blushed a little. I couldn't tell if she liked it or not. She narrowed her eyes as I turned to walk away, I soon felt a tight grip on my arm. "Oi, what was that for?" She demanded. Me, the jerk I am...I just had to boast about "how many girls would enjoy the incident". Oh how I mentally kicked my self in the balls for that. "L/N, you will quickly learn that most girls would actually appreciate that hug." I chuckled. Then it came. The insult, I knew it was coming. She liked being in dominance...she didn't like to feel weak. It was too easy to tell, I liked it though. She seemed determined. She was so like me, yet so unlike her. You could tell by looking into her sterling blue eyes that she wanted to be appreciated, almost like something tragic happened along the way. I almost felt bad for her. "Why you filthy," she was at a lost of words. I stood there smirking. "...little git!" She nearly screamed. Ouch, there it was. "Shame, I actually seem to be taking a liking to your little attitude." I lifted her chin up; and quite the git I was, wasn't I.

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