Chapter One - Reunion

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You're Invited To  ... The L/N's Residence for a Before School Reunion on the Fifteenth of August at noon. If Questions, Please Owl:  13 Macalester Court, Wiltshire, London

It was the day of date, soon everyone was to arrive. Or most every Pureblood  family that is. "Y/N Darling, can you come help me?" Mum called out. "Yes, I'll be right there!" I responded, questioning why she didn't just get Monrey to help. I ran down the stairs to the ballroom in a hurry. "What is it?" I groaned. "Don't give me attitude! Monrey is out clipping the gardens and your Father is double checking the invitation list. Now tell me, which compliments the curtains better? Silver or gold?" Mum asked my opinion, holding up the luxurious silk drapes. "Gold, adds a nice flash against the ivory." I insisted. With a flick of her wand, the drapes swiftly found their way to the ceiling. "Can I go see who dad decided to invite?" I wondered. She signaled me a thumbs up, keeping her focus on the decorations. I skipped over to my father, who steadily went over a long list of families. "Hey, pumpkin!" My father cheered. "Hey dad, who all have you invited so far?" I asked, plopping in a chair near him. "Well, here are a few. The Buckley's, which if I am correct, AbbeyRose is their daughter?" He said. I smiled happily and nodded. "The Malfoy's of course, Zabini's, Diggory's, Marinaro's, Parkinson's..." I cut him off. "What?! You mean you are allowing that demented child of theirs into our house. My  territory?" I snarled angrily. "We have to, her father could really tie us in with the ministry more so." Dad explained. I groaned unpleasantly at that brat in my house. He continued his list, some other families I didn't know.

The doorbell rang. "Mum, I thought you said they aren't coming until six! It's only four!" I screeched. "Pumpkin, calm down! It's just Lucius, he's helping me check over the list and so what." Father informed me. I perked up at what this meant. Monrey opened the door, revealing Narcissa, Lucius, and Dragon Boy. I met his eyes with a cheered expression, running into his arms. "Aw come on, don't mess up my suit!" Draco squealed while lifting me off the ground. I was shocked at his voice, and his height. I hadn't seen him since the two weeks he spent at my house in early July. He's changed so much in such little time. Not to mention how sharp he I shook my head from my thoughts, denying what I just said. "Are you okay, love?" He asked, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Yeah,'re different." I stammered. He grinned without saying anything other than pulling me into another small hug. "Y/N! Dear, how are you?" Cissy chimed in, giving me a light yet caring hug. "I'm fine! Thank you, and you?" I respectfully replied. "Oh just lovely now that I'm here! We had a stuggle getting Draco out of the house, he wouldn't stop making sure he looked nice." She said. I laughed lightly at her comment before parting to lightly hug Lucius. "Y/N, go get ready!" My mother demanded. I nodded as I took off to run up the stairs, having a little Malfoy following me behind. "Draco, why are you following me?" I whined. "I'm bored. "You really expect me to sit down stairs while you spend hours to get ready?" Malfoy complained. I sighed to his complaint, turning the knob to enter my room. "Just sit on the bed or something while I do my make-up." I said. Draco plopped onto my bed, messing up the pillow arrangement. I scrambled to lay out my make-up. "Why do you wear make-up?" Draco questioned as I began priming my face. "Because, it hides all my flaws." I explained, gaining a flirty comment from the boy. "What flaws?" He smirked. "Shut up." I chuckled, throwing a brush towards his direction. He yelped due to the unexpected feat. I continued onto my hair. I curled the long blonde locks, pulled some back and let my bangs hang loose. I slipped a ivory rose where the two strands of hair met behind my head.

Nearly an hour passed as I finished my make-up and hair. I didn't put on a lot, or so it looked like. I went with a natural look just to bring out my features. "Are you finished?" Draco groaned. "If you paid attention, you would've known that yes! I am finished, I just need to get dressed." I said. Malfoy grumbled under his breath in protest. I entered my large, walk in closet. Turning to the side containing a variation of elegant gowns, I chose an ivory lacey long sleeve dress with a open 'v' shape back. The lace stopped at the waste, leading to a long, flowy silk bottom. The dress was almost wedding like, yet informal enough for a fancy reunion ball party. I had trouble zipping part of the back so I scooted out of the closet to get aid. "Draco, I can't reach the back! Help me." I drawled. I glared at his as he stared in shock. "Are you going to stand there like you've just seen a dementor? Or are you going to help me for Merlin's sake?" , "Sorry, you just look really pretty Kitten." He smiled, hopping up to help me. "But this is a little awkward..." He said. "Just zip it up!" I snapped. "Okay, okay!" He whimpered. "Draco! Y/N! Get down here, the Buckley's have arrived!" Mum called out. I gasped in excitement and took off to meet AbbeyRose. "Ah, Michael!" My father smiled, shaking hands with Mr. Buckley. "Hello Amy!" My mum greeted Mrs. Buckley with a hug. "You look gorgeous darling!" Cissy said, pulling me into a hug. "Thank you Mrs. Malfoy!" I gleefully said. "Y/N!" AbbeyRose waved. I ran over to her, hugging her tightly. "Aw you look so pretty!" She gushed. I blushed from the compliment. I'm still not used to the whole nice thing. "Same to you!" I replied softly. "Ooh, Draco and Y/N! Ship it!" She sung. "Oh shut up." I said. "Hey! You're not denying it, and Draco is blushing like crazy behind you." She informed me causing me to dart around to look at Draco's face. She wasn't wrong. I gave him a light smile causing him to look at the ground.

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