Chapter Five - The Realization

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I ambled apace down the halls of Hogwarts. I had to make it to our Broom Flying class, especially since my conversation with Harry. I soon arrived to an open green area revealing many students, along with many brooms laid upon the ground. "Welcome to your first flying lesson." Madam Hooch proclaimed. She looked a little bit scary... "Well what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick. Come on now, hurry up." She bugged us. I rolled my eyes in testimony. "Stick your right hand over the broom and say, "Up!"" Many voices filled the outdoors as the word "Up!" was said. We sounded like barking dogs. I got it on the second try...Harry on his first. Tsk. "With feel!" Hooch yelled. A big whack was heard as Ron's broom flew up hitting him straight in the face. Typical Weasley's. A snicker escaped Harry's mouth. "Shut up, Harry!" Ron exclaimed. Draco got it on his first try as well. He grinned, overly proud of himself. "Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. Grip it tight, you don't want to be slipping off the end." A few giggles were heard. Dirty minded freaks...I swung my leg over as Madam Hooch continued her instruction. I prepared to give a forceful push as Hooch blew her whistle; before anyone could come up off of the ground, Longbottom began to levitate out of control. His broom flew everywhere in complete berserk. All of a sudeen, the boy's robe caught on the spear of a statue. Draco began laughing recklessly as you could faintly hear the slow tears of Neville's robe, sending him to meet the ground. I promise you could hear a slight crunch as he made impact. "Is he alright?" Whispers exchanged through out the crowd of students. Madam Hooch ran over in a frantic, nearly shoving kids out of the way to meet with Nevill. "Oh dear, it's a broken wrist." Madam informed Neville. Draco and his cronies surrounded near the injured boy, reaching to grab something. "Everyone keep their feet firmly on the ground as I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts faster than you can say "quidditch"." She glared at our group. Draco swaggered towards the rest of us. "Did you see the look on his face? Maybe if the fat lump had give this thing a squeeze, he would've remembered to land on his fat arse." The class chuckled before Harry had to step in and play hero. "Give it here, Malfoy!" Potter demanded. "No, I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find." He grimly said before tossing the remembrall into the air quickly grasping back into his hands. Draco's feet pushed off the ground, taking off. "What an idiot." I mumbled. Harry began to take off after him. Quite a scene was given as Malfoy showed off his skills. The blondie quickly launched the object through the air, gaining a Potter zooming after it. I out of nowhere, found myself storming off to the Common Room in a tumultuous attitude.

I threw my bag onto the leather couches, beginning to pace back and forth. I couldn't decide between the two reasons why I'd be upset. Considering, Draco didn't even say a word to me due to his childish grudge against me conversing with Harry. Perhaps it was the fact that Draco was too selfish to feel pity for the fat lubber. Quite ironic of me to be troubled over the fact the Malfoy wasn't being nice considering my attitude towards the ol' lad right now. I shook my head in frustration as I heard clicks ricochet off the marble steps. I glanced up. Malfoy, I spat his name through my thoughts. What does he do, follow me? I plopped down onto the sofa as the noise of feet came closer. "It's all about Potter, famous Harry Potter." Draco enraged at his thoughts before taking a seat next to me. "Which is why I don't understand why a girl like you were talking to him." He smugly set his gaze to his hands, digging dirt from beneath his nails as Draco plopped down onto the sofa next to me. He just wanted to thank me." I mumbled. "I don't see why. I was just expressing my feelings, I've had a headache hurting like hell all bloody day!" I fussed. Good gosh, this conversation was heading nowhere. I was just merely overreacting. Girl hormones I guess, but listening his bickering doesn't make it better. "Sorry..." He apologized. It was then still before I cleared my throat. "Me too." I replied somewhat forcefully. "Why should you be sorry? I was the git." Draco laughed a bit. I was about to add to our chat until heavy steps stormed towards my direction. I swung my head around, angered by her presence. Rat-arse.

"What do you want now?" I snapped, rising from my seat. "There you go again, just because you have him now it won't last forever!" she screeched. "Oh yeah? How are you supposed to tell that, you can't even depict on when to keep your trap shut!" I glowered into her eyes, sending pierces of daggers. This was war. She didn't respond, I took the opportunity to speak up. "At least you do now." I smirked, turning to scoff. Footsteps approached me at a fast pace as I almost instantaneously pivoted around to see rat-arse aiming to swing at me before Malfoy jumped in, grabbing her arm. "Don't you dare touch her Parkinson." He narrowed his eyes in quite a distasteful manner. She growled and turned to exit the common room, as she did this, I began to curse under my breath. "You should've let her hit me." I mumbled, grinning as I looked towards my feet. "No, I couldn't let her do that." Draco replied, almost showing a genuine sense of care. I laughed, "Why not?" . "Because, if you got hurt, I would hate myself for just standing there." He said. "Like she'd even give me a bruise. I can handle her trust me..." I groaned, taking a step closer. Out of shock, he pulled me once more into a hug. "Yes, that's why you almost started crying." Malfoy remarked. I wanted to smack and push him away...but I couldn't. He wasn't lying, but it wasn't because she upset me. I was just frustrated, and this comfort right here is what I needed. I tightened my grip on his robe. "You're impossible." I giggled as I released my grasp around him. "How so?" The boy questioned me, tilting his head in confusion. I just stood there before tackling him to the couch. "What the hell Y/N, what's the reason for this?!" He complained. I was now sitting upon him, taking the advantage as I slapped him in the arm. "This is for being a git." I slapped him again. "This is for making my life miserable." I finally slapped him once more. "And this is for making me forgive you for all of it out of doing literally nothing." I smiled as I looked down at him. He wore a smug look before he started to chuckle a bit before sitting up, pushing me underneath him. He kissed my forehead. "That's for making me so flustered." Draco whispered. My face became red from pure embarrassment and...and... What was this feeling? I laid there in shock, processing what just happened.

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