Chapter Seven - First Tears

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It was about Halloween, a week before to be exact. My year was turning into annoyance. Many people in Gryffindor despised me after me lashing out at that Mudblood Granger. I looked down at my plate, twirling my fork as I poked the food. I didn't regret it though. It's not like anything changed. I had a new respect in Slytherin, a great new friend, and new rivals. Perfect wouldn't you say. I laughed out loud in response to my thoughts. "What must tickle your fancy to make you laugh like that?" I heard, looking up across the table to see Goyle. Good God, he sounded like an idiot. "Nothing, just thinking about the year so far." I sighed. I noticed Draco wasn't around. "Where's Malfoy?" I asked Goyle. He shrugged his shoulders before opening his mouth. "I would tell you but I think it'd anger you." The plump boy warned me, nodding off in Draco's direction before taking another bite. He was talking to plunger? My face recoiled in anger. I couldn't recall why I had this feeling of property invasion. Wow, nice going L/N! Way to make that reference. I stared in disbelief as she met my eyes. A fiery sensation blew up in me as she wore a look of 'Ha! Take that!'. I drove the fork into the table, puncturing it. "Are you alright, Y/N?" Goyle wore a worried look on his face. "Never better." I forced out of my mouth, teeth clenched. Rolling my eyes, I quickly evacuated my seat to make my grand exit from the Great Hall. I turned around, now walking backwards to send Malfoy a glare, allowing him to meet my favorite finger.

The sound of my feet thundered through the empty halls as I made my way to the nearest bench. I could hear a commotion of noise faintly as I looked in the direction of the incident. I hate that girl for Merlin's sake, and he knows that. I pulled my knees up to my chest as I buried my face. I haven't cried for five years and I wasn't going to now. I'm not weak. I'm not worthless. I am powerful. I am a L/N, the best family out there! I chuckled sarcastically realizing the person I wanted to remember that the most, seemed not to. A teardrop landed onto my knee cap. I winced at my failure not to cry. What could possibly be so special about that stupid little prat that he would rather talk to her than me. Is it because she's nice? For sure not that reason. She was a present made from hell. Thanks Satan. Maybe it's because she actually showed an interest to Draco and he was desperate. I tried to cheer myself up over the thought of him just talking to her out of pure boredom, but then again it failed considering the fact that I was there too. Am I...boring? Another tear drop fell from my eye as I continued to hug my knees.

After a bit, I looked up to rub my nose. I took a noticing that I was no longer alone. It was that boy, Potter. The great and glorious Harry Potter. I rolled my eyes before asking what he wanted. "I was just a little concerned, I know you're tough and all...considering what Hermione told me. It took me quite a bit of convincing to make them let me come check on you." He quietly said. I glanced at him, taking note as he looked at the ground. "Thanks, I guess." I mumbled. "May I?" Potter asked. I nodded as he took a seat next to me. "What happened, if you don't mind me asking?" . "Nothing really, I just suppose someone has been giving me a hard time and it's really just been back and forth. I didn't necessarily mind considering the fun I had out of it, but that's before one of the people I am closest to was talking to her. He knows that I most certainly do not take liking towards her, though she seems to have one towards him." I ranted. "Malfoy?" , I nodded once again. "I'm going to regret saying this, but do you think you're jealous?" Harry added. "Are you kidding me? For the sake of Merlin, I'm so much better than her in so many ways! Why would I be jealous?" I scowled. He sat there, lip pursed to the side paired with a raised eyebrow. "I meant the attention he's getting from her instead of you." He nagged on. I stayed quiet as I shook my head, denying what he just said. It was all quiet before he wrapped his arm around me, rubbing my shoulder. "It's going to be alright." He smiled at me, and out of instinct I smiled back before resting my head on him.''

The boy I was born to hate, I took a liking to. Not because I really like him, but because he was friendly. Even after I called his little friend a foul name. What can I say, foul name for a foul girl. Too bad I can't call Ratty that. I frowned at my thought. All of a sudden, Harry removed his hand from my shoulder as the one and only, Draco Lucius Malfoy entered our area. "Don't think I didn't see that Potter." He spat. I refused to look at him. "I'm sorry about him, Y/N. You're strong, you can handle him. I believe in you." He gave me a small smile, putting his hand on my shoulder as I looked up to him. I guess Draco noticed I've been crying because he gave me a look of confusion as Harry walked away. Harry sent the blonde a cold stare before returning to Weasel and Squirrel. Aw, more rodent names for more rat-like people. "What's your deal?" Malfoy asked me a bit sternly. "I will have you know that it's not my deal. It's yours." . "What, my conversation with Pansy?" He taunted. I flinched at her name. "Why, aren't you a little ray of sunshine?" I leered before cracking my knuckles into a fist. "Are you seriously jealous?" He shot at me. I felt like I was stabbed in the heart as he said that word. I quickly snapped out of it. "Jealous or not, you know how I feel about her. Remember when you romanced to Harry about how he will soon find that some wizarding families are better than other? Yeah, well obviously not you!" I emitted. He stood there flabbergasted. "What do you think I am, gay?!" The brat argued back. "I don't know, with how much you acknowledge Potter, possibly so!" I rallied. He took a few steps towards me before grabbing my waist towards him, quickly meeting me face to face. I queued in stupor trying to compute with what was happening until I felt his lips on my forehead. Draco pulled back whispering into my ear. "Don't ever imply that again Y/N." I grinned happily as he wrapped his arms around me for a hug.

I haven't forgiven the boy yet. Not just for the whole 'Oh! Let me talk to the girl that Y/N absolutely hates just to tick her off!' incident, but for kissing me against my own free will. I gave in to Malfoy instead of standing my ground...Fan-freaking-tabulous. I grimaced at the concept. Besides, he is just a shiver looking for someones spine to run up.

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