Chapter Six - Mudblood

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It was Tuesday, my favorite day of the whole entire week! For some odd reason, I was up two hours before initial "class" time. I jumped up out of my bed, careful not to wake the others. Before reaching towards the door handle, a mischievous idea popped in my head. Smirking, I opened my trunk pulling out a quill with semi-permanent ink. I dipped the quill in before quietly shuffling to Rat-arse's bed. I held myself from giggling as I connected her two bushy brows with the ink. I popped my hand back, admiring my work. I'm quite the prat aren't I. Self-satisfied, I staggered out the door. Carefully making my way up the steps to the Common Room, I was shocked to see who it was.  Draco Malfoy, in a trance as he looked into the fire. "What in bloody-hell are you doing here, Dray?" I consulted. He shook his head before turning to look at me. A drop of embarrassment crossed my face as I noticed him looking me up and down. I was still in my silky black pajamas. "Dray?" The boy's face scrunched up in the most distasteful way. "Yes, Dray" I over-extended the 'ay' part. "I am just so intrigued as to why you're out here." I exaggerated, swooning as I plopped onto the couch. He flouted before rolling his eyes as he gave in to the little nickname I have given him. "Well if you must know...Kitten..." He grinned in victory as I wore an appalled face. "How did you know that was my nick name?!" I shot up. "Please, I've known you since forever." He replied. I sat back down realizing he was right. I revolved my head towards him, studying his features. He looked tired. "Why didn't you get any sleep?" I pondered. "What?" He yelled in defense. "I got plenty of sleep!". "Mhm, so why do your eyes look like their packed for an expedition trip or something?" I ranted, poking him in the cheek. He glared at me. "In my defense, Goyle snores like a boat. I got like two hours of barely touched sleep." . "Congrats." I lightly said as I stared in disbelief.

About an hour has passed before being greeted with a friendly little, "What the hell!" a girl shrieked from the dorms. I smiled in triumph. "I guess Ratty noticed the little present I left on her face." I boasted. "Present?" Malfoy asked. "Oh yes you see, I drew on h-" I was discontinued as the ugly little girl stomped towards my direction, finger pointed at me. "You!" She yelled. "Hey now, put that finger away...I don't know where it's been." I calmly said, simpering. I heard a small laugh slip out of Draco as the rat swung her fist at my face. I caught her hand, yanking her towards me. "This is just a warning." I whispered. "Didn't I tell you to stay out of my way. This is what happens when naughty little rats don't listen." She growled at my comment. She was about to speak before I cut her off. "Have fun getting it off." I grinned before shoving her out of personal bubble. She heaved in response before running off to the bathrooms. "You're an evil little girl." Draco shook his head. "I learned from the best." I teased, motioning my hand towards his direction, causing him to smile. A Hufflepuff quickly skipped into the room, holding a plate of biscuits. I noticed the girl, I ran into her on the train but I never really took it into memory. As I reached for a biscuit I thanked her. "" I stopped. "AbbeyRose, most people just call me Abbey though." She gleefully informed me. I shook my head in acknowledgement. She glanced at Draco. "Why does it look like you haven't met up with a nice little thing called sleep in the past week?" Abbey teased. "Hey! I would watch what you say you little prick." Malfoy quickly stood from his seat, blood boiling. "Calm down 'Barbie', I'm much like you. Pureblood, yet wit beyond measure...unlike you. You can't seem to tell when to keep your defense mechanisms to yourself." She said innocently. I raised my hand to prevent myself from laughing as I commented on how he just got burned. "I like you." I giggled pointing at her. Draco groaned in irritation. "Question, why was bob-head running to the bathroom cursing?" She wondered. "Oh Ratty?" I knew instantly who she was talking about. Referring to the little girl with short cut hair and bangs. Draco spoke up before I could. "They don't get along. It's quite funny really. Parkinson always has something to say about me and it's annoying. Unlike others, L/N actually does something about it." It was silent as Draco realized what he just said. "Why is that Y/N?" He grinned. He put me on the spot as my face beamed a bright pink. "Aw, she's blushing!" AbbeyRose glowed with excitement. I quickly slapped her in the arm before telling her to shut up. I saw Draco blushing a bit out of the corner of my eye. I quickly retrieved my to my room, changing into my robes before walking to my next class with my new friend.

"So what's your next class?" She questioned. "Transfiguration." I sneered. "I have that class as well! Do you not like that class...?" Abbey asked. "I absolutely hate it!" , "How come?" The Hufflepuff worried lightly. "Because we have the know it all git in our class." I groaned. Right as I said that, the bushy haired twat knocked my books out of my hands while in the process of running to our class. "Oi!" I screamed. She kept running before I took off after her. AbbeyRose wore a 'oh no she didn't' face as she followed after me. "Are you kidding me?!" I got up in her face. "I didn't see you there, my bad!" She sweetly said. "How could you not?!" I scowled. She didn't even apologize or insist on helping me. "I'm just trying to get to my class." The muggleborn tried to push past me. "I don't know where you think you stand Mudblood, but definitely not high enough to lodge my books out of my hands and you think it's alright!" I snarled. I tipped her folder out of her hand as I stormed off. "Damn, Y/N. That was a lot." Abbey said. "That prat deserved it." I grumbled. I gained stares as I made my way through the halls. I shot back icy glares before seeing Ron and Harry looking at me with confusion. I just blew them off, giving them a scoff continuing to McGonagall's class.

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