Chapter Three - The Sorting Ceremony

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Soon everyone reached the other side of the Black Lake, standing at the base of Hogwarts. It was massive. You stood in awe as a lady in an emerald green robe approached you. "Welcome to Hogwarts! School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I am Professor Minerva McGonagall! As soon as you walk through these doors, you will sit down with your classmates. Yet before you do so, you will be sorted into houses. There is Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin." She explained. I was still beside Draco at this point, he grinned and nodded at the word Slytherin. How confident can that boy get? "While you are here, your house will be your fami-" All of a sudden, the little boy... Neville is it? Quickly jumped out screaming "Trever!" as he reached down to grab his toad. Professor gave him an enquiry look as he stood up. There was a pause of silence before she started talking again. "Now if you will please follow me in a line at the best of your capabilities so we can get you sorted as soon as possible." McGonagall smiled as she waved for us to come to the Great Hall. "So Harry Potter has really came to Hogwarts?" Draco blurted out. Potter gave him a cautious look. "Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." Ron instantly let out a giggle. "Think my name is funny, do you?" Draco towered over him as the tubby Weasley leaned to coward down. "Let's see, red hair, hand me down robe. You must be a Weasley. Belonging in a family with too many kids to afford." Ron had a shameful look on his face. "Harry, you will soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others. I can help you out with that one." Draco held his hand out for Potter to shake. "I think I can figure out who's the wrong sort by myself thank you." Harry shot back avoiding his hand. Draco stood shocked. I put a hand on his shoulder trying to lead him towards the direction the other students are heading. He shook my hand off before storming towards Crabbe and Goyle. Ugh! That boy, he had utterly no appreciation. Soon as we walked in, hundreds of eyes older than ours took it upon there selves to give us a stare. I glared at some of them, for their watching eyes made me feel rather uneasy. Soon, we were all in position towards the front, in front of us...a raggedy hat that looked like it had it's way round one too many times. I could here the kids gossiping about how this "ceremony" would work out, for example: they said it would hurt, or it's a test. Such nincompoops. It's just an old crusty hat. I contorted at their words.

There was now silence. We all stared at the hat, almost as if we were at complete loss of words. The hat opened his mouth leaving me struck. He began to sing a rather catchy tune.

"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,  But don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find; a hat smarter than me. You keep your bowlers black, your top hats sleek and tall, For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat; and I can cap them all. There's nothing hidden in your head, The Sorting Hat can't see, So try me on and I will tell you where you ought to be!"

I promise you half of the students stood there, mouths gaped open. I looked around before I heard Professor McGonagall announce if we should begin the sorting or not. The other students seemed rather excited to see who ends up in their house. "Hermione Granger!" Professor yelled. She placed the hat on her head. "Gryffindor!" The hat excitedly screeched. The students cheered as she skipped down to join her classmates. "Draco Malfoy", "Slytherin!" I heard another clamor of cheers. The hat didn't even touch his head...quite quick to jump to class. "Suzanne Bones","Hufflepuff!" Pathetic. "Ronald Weasley!", "Ha! Another Weasley, I know just what to do with you. Gryffindor!" The hat informed. He looked ecstatic as the red head went to join his brothers. "Harry Potter" McGonagall's voice boomed through the Hall. You could hear whispering gossip as he climbed up the stairs, gaining some stares from the other professors. The hat was slowly placed upon his head. "Hmmm, difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage indeed, not a bad mind either. There's talent, oh yes. You could be the first to prove yourself, but where to put you?" The hat pondered. "Not Slytherin, not Slytherin." I saw Potter plead. I glared as the hat repeated what he said. "Not Slytherin, eh? Are you sure? You could be great you know. It's all here in you head, and Slytherin can help you along the way to greatness! There's no doubt about that." There was an addition to the inaudible pleading of the boy. "Well if you're sure, you must be Gryffindor!" His classmates were thrilled. "We got The Boy Who Lived!" I heard. I shook my head before my name was called. "Y/N L/N!" I began to make my way up to the chair. I took a seat as the cap was placed before me. "Definitely not Hufflepuff." There was a pause. I felt terrified. I thought to myself hoping the hat would hear me. 'I swear if you put me in with Gryffindor I will kill myself.' Turning my gaze to glare at the bushy haired girl. The hat seemed to take note of this as he chuckled before announcing my sort. "SLYTHERIN!" I felt a rush of relief. Yes! I pumped my fist in triumph. I quickly trotted my way to the table joining my peers spotting a seat next to Malfoy.

"Congrats L/N." Draco smiled at me. "Why thank you Draco." I returned the smile. I noticed his hand on top of mine as he met me in the eye. His eyes, I got lost in them unwillingly as I intertwined my fingers between his. "It's gonna be a great year y'know F/N? We just have to stick together. I'm aware that I might get on your nerves but I really want to make it up to you. I was a really pathetic prat yesterday wasn't I?" He asked for forgiveness. "Indeed you were, but I really do hope that you're right." I smirked as I looked up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes slowly as the sound of cheers and clamoring heeled to silent. It seemed as if him and I were the only people in the room. I didn't want to leave. Everything right then... just seemed so great though, I had a feeling it would change the next day. He can never keep a constant attitude. One day, he will be all sweet and caring to me then a terrible, stuck up git the next...and frankly, I hated it. Very much so.

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