Chapter Fifteen - Missing Professor

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A few strange days have passed. I've noticed Elaina coming into the room late at night, more and more. All of a sudden, the door creaked. "Where have you been?" I asked. "Nowhere," Marinaro said. "Just, with Harry...y'know." . "No, I don't know." I snapped back. "Look, I don't know what your deal is. Just because you're in Slytherin, doesn't mean you have to act like it." She remonstrated. "What are you to tell me who I am? I am proud of who I am! Seems you aren't though. Hanging out with the low-life trio, don't make Blaise's prophecy true." I raged at her. "Prophecy...?" She queered. "Don't worry about it." I said, turning away from her. "Goodnight."

As usual, I woke up to the...usual morning. Tidied up, especially since it was the End-of-Term Feast; brushed my hair, and trudged out of the Common Room. Thank Merlin for the weekend, no classes. No more dying of exhaustion, just sit back and relax all summer-long. I resumed walking all alone in the dungeon. I couldn't tell if I was early or late. "Excuse me!" A voice called out. I turned around swiftly to meet who was approaching me, only for to find myself blushing harshly. A very, very attractive boy stood before me. Older, taller, and a...Hufflepuff? Good gosh, have I been sorted wrong? Hufflepuff is blessed with this masterpiece in their house! "Y-yes?" I managed to say. "Have you seen AbbeyRose? She said she was taking food down here and I was wondering if you'd ran into at all or something." He said. I stood there in confusion. "Right, sorry. I'm Cedric. Cedric Diggory!" Cedric gave a gorgeous grin, holding his hand out to shake. I gladly took it. "Yeah, uh...I am friends with AbbeyRose, but I haven't seen her. I saw a plate of biscuits on the desk but I'm afraid I didn't catch her. Perhaps she's in the Great Hall already?" I suggested, still being blinded by this delicious art in front of me. "Oh well, thank you anyway," Diggory frowned. "I mean, unless you want to join me? Y'know, walking up to the Great Hall?" Oh boy would I ever! "Of course!" I happily agreed, trotting along side him. "You never told me your name." Cedric reminded me. "Oh, I'm Y/N. Y/N, L/N." His eyes widened at my name. "You're a...L/N?" He hesitated. "Yes, is...there something wrong?" He directed his eyes upward, smiling and shaking his head. "No, no not at all. Just the fact that my Father mentioned being friends with your father I may recall." Cedric gifted me a dreamy smirk. "Huh, never knew!" I attempted to play it cool, but butterflies are throwing a party in my stomach. We climbed up our last pair of steps before taking a path to the Great Hall. "Well, it was nice meeting you Cedric!" I smiled lightly. "Same here, Y/N! Even though it's the end of the year...I hope I see you next time." Cedric said, giving me a light hug. I know it wasn't really anything but it still drove me nuts. "AbbeyRose! There you are!" I could hear him yell in the background as I walked towards Draco and the rest.

"Diggory. Really?"  Draco eyed me. "I just helped him out, chill." I mumbled. "He hugged you." Malfoy responded, low and bluntly. "I am aware of that. We happened to make friends." . Draco huffed and turned back around. "Look at her. Pathetic, that girl is." Blaise referred to Elaina, sitting with Harry and the rest. "Lay off Blaise, she just doesn't know what she's gotten herself into." I lazily drawled. "Are you sticking up for her?" Zabini said, raising his voice. "I never said I was, was I?" I leaned forward, glaring. A hand gripped my shoulder, pulling me back. I turned to look into the eyes of my favorite Slytherin guy. His orbs put off a pure sense of worry, almost as if he was telling me something. I noticed his lips lightly pull into a smile, causing me to giggle a little. "Have you guys realized that Professor Quirrell isn't at the table?" Crabbe cut in. "What do you mean, he's right th- oh dear Merlin! He's not there!" I panicked. "I bet you it has something to do with Potter!" Malfoy spat. "Isn't it always Potter?" Goyle said with a mouthful of food. I processed everything. From the night in the library, the "stone" Marinaro mentioned. My eyes began to narrow in the girl's direction. She turned around, greeting my stare with a startled face. 'I know what you did.'  My thoughts attempted to travel to her head. Elaina slowly turned back around to face Granger, frightened for sure.

I couldn't think straight. What happened? What did Potter do? Did Quirrell quit? Did he just skip? Did Potter do something at all if so? Is Quirrell....dead?  I shuddered at me questioning myself. Draco placed his hand over mine, "Are you okay, love?" He whispered in my ear. "Never better, I suppose." Turning my head away from him. I could feel his stare burn into my head before he leaned in over me. "Oh come on..." Malfoy pouted. "Nngh." I grunted. His arm traveled across my back, meeting my side. He quickly tickled me, causing me to shoot up...hitting his chin. "Ow! For Merlin's sake, Y/N!" Draco yelped, tending to his mouth. "No, no, no! Are you okay?" I asked, removing his hand to inspect the damage. I felt terrible, he bit his lip from the impact causing him to bleed. "Is there anything I can do?" I proffered as I took a napkin to clear the blood. "You can kiss it." He conceded. My face lit up a vivid red. "A---Are you serious? Like, like really s--serious?" I blabbered. "Well. That's up to you..." Draco shamefully trailed off. I continued to feel bad, so I decided to give him a quick peck on the cheek. For so happening, I caught a glimpse of the stupid, annoying, dim-witted rat treating me with a deathly stare. My lips sneaked into a prideful, cunning grin. "Blaise, I suppose you should pay more attention to your...girlfriend."  I clarified. "Why is that?" He judged. "Oh, I dunno. Perhaps, the face that she's written jealous. Or maybe I misunderstood from the shallow glare I received from her.". Blaise derided in disbelief. I threw my hands up in a 'Aye, I'm tellin' ya!'  kind of way, yet he paid no attention to it.

I straightened my hat as I saw Slytherin banners line the Great Hall. I smiled, knowing what it meant. Clinking sounds were made from Dumbledore's glass. "Another year...gone." He began. Dumbledore was right, leaving a new one to begin.

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