Chapter Eleven - Blaise Zabini

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The bright early sun lit up my face. A warm presence lined my back as I looked down finding a pair of arms around my body. I smiled as I found a sleeping Draco. He seemed so peaceful, but of course I had to ruin it. I poked his nose. "Draco..." He grunted in effort to stay asleep. I poked him again. "Dray..." He turned around avoiding my touch. I groaned in frustration. "Draco Malfoy!" I screamed as I grabbed a pillow, hitting him in the face. "Okay! I'm up!" He shot up in response. I looked at him in shock. His pale chest glowed against the sunlight. "Like what you see?" He teased, smiling as he rubbed his tired eyes. His messy hair made him look much older than he was. "Get on a shirt." I bluntly replied before releasing the covers off of my body. I grabbed my toothbrush before continuing to mess with the boy. "You're a cuddler you know?" I smirked. "Shut up, I am not." . "Yes, yes you are Dray. I woke up to you cuddling me like a stuffed animal!" I argued back. "I would never cuddle you." Malfoy protested. "Just like you would never kiss me?" He stayed quiet at my catty remark. I continued to brush my teeth before I realized something. "Zabini is coming over!" I panicked. "Yeah, uh huh. You care why?" I could practically hear Draco roll his eyes. "He's our friend isn't he?" I implied. "Now get in the bathroom, I'm going to change and get ready." , "Why can't I watch?" Draco whined. "What's gotten into you?" I scoffed. "Oh nothing, just feel like messing with you this morning." Malfoy gabbed. "Well, stop. We're eleven. Don't go ahead in time."

About an hour passed, making it nearly eleven in the morning. A knock struck the door. "Are you two ready?" My mother's voice echoed on the other side. "No, Draco is taking forever and I can't do my hair right!" I complained, pulling at my failed up-do. My mother quickly entered the room and grabbed her wand. "Let me help you." My mum waved her wand causing my hair to curl into a some up, some down hairstyle. "Oh, look at you!" She gushed at my appearance. My baby blue gown grazed the ground. Mum hugged me tightly before noticing Draco in the room as well. "Isn't she gorgeous Draco?" Mum interrogated him. He was silent before he mumbled in agreement. "Well, we better get going. Right mum?" I politely suggested. "Oh yes, the Zabini's should come at any moment!" 

A ring came from the doorbell. I stood by my dad and Draco as we welcomed the Zabini's. "Welcome Mrs. Zabini!" I gleefully smiled, as well welcoming Mr. Zabini. Blaise approached me, kissing my hand. "Nice to see you again, Y/N." He slyly said. I blushed in shock. I suppose Draco noticed this considering the elbow in the side I earned. "You too Blaise." I awkwardly smiled back. "Draco." Blaise acknowledged, shaking his hand. "Wasn't it your birthday a few days ago?" Draco asked. "Ah yes, I'm twelve now." The Italian bragged. I rolled my eyes. Oh yes, because that just made Blaise so much better! Other guests joined the Zabini's, leaving us to welcome them as well. Once the last person entered, I was quickly led outside. "I don't like him here." Draco spat in my face. "What do you mean?" I tilted my head in confusion. "Blaise." He forcefully gnarled. "He is giving me weird vibes, I don't know." . "Maybe you're just over thinking it."  I said in a soothing tone, leading him towards the frozen over pond. "What are you doing?" Malfoy yelped. "Have you never ice skated before?" I grinned. "No, never." A face of fear took over the boy's emotions. I put a spell on our shoes, causing blades to appear. "What are you doing?" He frantically demanded. "Relax. Just hold on to me." I urged, pulling him closer to me. He slowly slid onto the ice. "I'm going to die!" Draco screamed. "No, you are not going to die you knobhead!" I embraced him a bit closer to me, giving him full support. We were now in the middle of the pond. "See, it's not that hard." I softly said. "I guess not, I think I've got it down now." , "What? I barely did anything!" I bewailed. "Trust me!" He insisted as he let go of my hands, pushing him further from me as he took off in spins. I stared him down. "You cheeky liar! You know how to skate!" I loudly inveighed. He shrugged his shoulders as he began to skate circles around me, yet facing backwards. "Show-off!" I giggled before taking off after him. We spent five minutes chasing each other, throwing snow and showing off our skills. He approached me from behind, grabbing my waist and turning me around. He lifted my chin up to meet his eyes. "Oh admit it, you can't stand hating me." He whispered. His eyes contained a sense of care and acceptance. "Fine, I suppose I can't." I returned his sass as he held me into his arms. Everything was great, until sarcastic clapping was heard from behind us.

"What a show!" Blaise exaggerated. "What do you want, Blaise." Draco tensed at Zabini's presence. "I just figured I'd talk with Y/N for a bit, I don't get much time to know her at school. You're always hogging her unless you're giving Parkinson a stare!" The tanned boy shouted at Malfoy. At this, I slowly backed away. "You don't have any say as to what I've been doing!" Malfoy fired back. "It'll just be a moment Dray, don't worry about it." I attempted to tranquil Draco. "Y/N..." He looked at me with begging eyes, not wanting me to leave. I continued on, deciding to go ahead with Blaise.

"You know, you didn't get me anything for my birthday." Zabini mentioned. "Yes, I am fully aware of that." I sassed. We walked down a path in the garden before he strongly pushed me against a stone pillar. "We can fix that. Since I am twelve now, I think I have the right to do this." I felt his hand wrap around my lower back as he began to lean in. My face wore a mask of pure timidity, leaving me too scared to react. "Get your bloody hands off her you manky!" I heard Malfoy shrill. Blaise swiftly removed his grip on me. "Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it you old cad?" I was flabbergasted at their choice of vocabulary. "I promise you that you will never see the light of day again! For I will take those eyes you abusively use upon Y/N, and I will shove them up your arse! Don't you dare try me, bastard." Draco shoved Blaise backwards causing the Italian to brood in his failure. As the boy walked away Malfoy rapidly came to my aid. "Did he hurt you?" He phrased. I shook my head in denial, burying my face into his neck. Dread filled my thoughts as I remembered, I have to spend 6 more years with Blaise the Blighter. I felt Draco's cold lips meet the top of my head. "I promise he'll never talk to you again."

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