Chapter Fourteen - Undercover

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"Class dismissed." McGonagall vocalized. I groaned in exhaustion as I rose from my bench. Transfiguration is literally the definition of boring, I am just glad it was the last of classes today. I caught a quick glance of Elaina and Harry take off rather quickly. "Y/N!" , "Yes, Draco?" . "You saw that too, right? Marinaro and Potter?" He questioned. "Um, yeah. I'm kind of confused as to why but, I don't think we need to worry about it." I persuaded as my tracks began to lead to the Great Hall. "No, Y/N. We have to worry about it. You can never trust Potter." Draco spat. "How so is that, barely anything has happened this year other than the quidditch incident that everyone threw a fit over. Before you say for me to quit protecting him, I'm not. I just don't see why we need to worry. Then again, he is the 'Boy Who Lived' and things can be very unpre-" Draco cut me off by putting a finger to my lips. "You are talking way too much than you usually do. What's wrong." He asked me worriedly. "Nothing." I shrugged his hand off of my shoulder. Malfoy let out a sigh before grabbing me by the arm, leading me towards the library. "Draco!" I prattled. "Let me go!" . "No can do, princess." The determined blonde admitted. He yanked me around a corner causing me to whimper a bit before finding the trio of glory seekers plus a peculiar Slytherin enter the library. I could've sworn I took a double take. "Come on, just stay quiet." Draco whispered, crouching down in effort to enter without being noticed. Before the door halted to a stop, we slid in quickly retreating to the back of the library. "Hey guys!" A feminine voice murmured. "Lumos!" I uttered, revealing AbbeyRose by my side. "What are you guys doing here? Snog session?" Abbey teased. "What no! We are only eleven!" I whisper-screamed. "I don't mind." Draco muttered. I swiftly slapped his arm. "Ouch! Don't slap me!" He pouted. "Aw why don't you two just date already?" She awed as she watched the two of us effortlessly flirt. "Because, we have better  things to spy on these four nitwits in front of us! Now be quiet!" I ordered.

"So, you think there is a three-headed dog and something having to do with a guy who worked with Dumbledore named who again?" I heard one American sounding voice. Elaina. My eyes widened at what she said. "Or that's the information I have obtained so far. We think Snape is trying to get it, but he's getting Professor Quirrell to do it! Just a little more research and we should be able to figure it all out." Another voice rung out. It had to be Hermione. Bloody know it all git. "Harry what's wrong? You look sick!" A particular red-head worried. Speaking quietly so no one else could hear, Harry told the other three about Snape's sudden desire to be a Quidditch referee. "Then don't play," Said Mudblood Granger at once. "Say you're ill," Said Ron. "Pretend to break your leg," Elaina suggested. "Really  break your leg," Said Ron once again. "I can't," Said Harry. "There isn't a reserve Seeker. If I can't play, then that mean Gryffindor doesn't play either." Draco perked up at this. A malicious grin slid across his face. "Draco, what ever your thinking...don't. With Snape wanting to referee, we are destined to win." I rebuffed.

At that moment, Neville toppled into the Library. How he managed to make his way down here was anyone's guess, because his legs had once been stuck together. Everyone seemed to fall over laughing except Granger who leapt up and performed a counter curse. Neville's legs sprang apart and he got up onto his feet, trembling. "Neville, what happened?" The mudblood asked him, leading him to sit with the other three. "Malfoy," said Longbottom shakily. "I met him right after class. He said he'd been looking for someone to practice that on." I almost gave away my location, holding back a burst of laughter. "Good one, Draco!" I giggled. "Go to Professor McGonagall!" Elaina chimed. Neville shook his head. "I don't want more trouble," He mumbled. "You have to stand up to people like that Neville! I bet Malfoy is used to doing that all the time. You can't give him the power!" The girl carried on. I scoffed. Wow, Blaise was right. She had the nobility of a Gryffindor. "There's no need to tell me that I'm not brave enough to be in Gryffindor, Malfoy's already done that." Neville choked up. I saw Harry reach in his pocket, handing it to Neville. "You're worth twelve of Malfoy," Harry said. "The Sorting Hat put you in Gryffindor for a reason. And where's Malfoy? Stinking Slytherin." Draco and I snapped at his words.

"Is that so?" I challenged, stepping into the light revealing me and Draco. I looked back to see AbbeyRose with a worried look on her face. "How long have you guys been there?" Ron demanded an answer. "Long enough to have the right to beat some of you into a pulp!" I threatened, raising my fist. I saw Harry twisting a card from a chocolate frog box before handing it to Hermione. He then whispered something into her ear causing her to instantly rise up in hope. "Sorry, but we have business to tend to." Hermione declared, raising her perky nose into the air and swishing her hair into my face. "Come on, Elaina," Harry insisted. "You have better people to be around." I couldn't believe them. "Wow, that was...something wasn't it?" AbbeyRose slugged towards us. "No kidding. What gives them a right to call us Stinking Slytherin?" I pouted. "Don't worry they aren't worth it. Let's get to bed, we have a game to win tomorrow. Goodnight Abbey." Draco commented as his fingers met mine, leading me to bed.

As the match drew nearer, however, other houses became more and more nervous. Of course, some of us still confident for a Hufflepuff victory, with Snape referring. Slytherin hasn't lost the title of the House Championship for seven years, and some of us were scared this would be our ending reign soon. That of course, if Gryffindor repeatedly continued to win. I rose from my bed, stretching my arms. I was startled by Marinaro's presence, due to not being used to having someone in my room still. "Oh- Goodmorning." I nodded. "Not really morning, it's noon." Elaina informed me. "What?" I screeched, jumping up to quickly brush my teeth. "No way! I need to get ready for the game!" I cried. I brushed my teeth at lightning speed, grabbing my green and silver scarf to pair with my grey sweater. "Well, I am going to head down there now." The girl awkwardly left in a hurry. Strange, I thought we could at least socialize. I suppose after the library incident, she has a different view on me. I ran out of the room in effort to find someone to walk with. "Malfoy!" I excitedly barked. Just my luck! "Glad to see you, Y/N. Come on, we have a victory to attend!" Draco chirped as I jumped onto his back. "Aw, you two are cringey!" Goyle delineated. "Shut up, Goyle!" Draco implored. "I rather be cringey than lonely." , "Dang, he burned you!" I jabbered. We soon found ourselves at the Quidditch pitch, deciding to pick on a Weasley.

"Look --- they're off! Ouch!" Ron wailed. "Oh, sorry, Weasley, didn't see you there." Malfoy grinned broadly at Crabbe and Goyle. "Wonder how long Potter's going to stay on his broom this time. Anyone want to take bets, how about you Weasely?" Ron didn't answer; Snape had just awarded Hufflepuff for George Weasely had hit a Bludger at him. I noticed Squirrel had all of her fingers crossed in her lap. Like that would do a slice of anything. I chuckled at her stupidity. Seems know-it-all isn't as bright as it seems. "You know how I think they choose people for the Gryffindor team?" I said loudly, gaining Malfoy's interest. "It's people they feel sorry for. See, there's Potter, who's got no parents, then there's the Weasley's who's got no money." I smirked. "You should be on there Neville, you've got no brains!" Malfoy added in. Neville squirmed in embarrassment. "I-I'm worth twelve of you Malfoy." Neville glared at the blonde. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle howled in laughter while I stood with a smug grin. "Longbottom, if brains were gold you'd be poorer that Weasley!" Malfoy proclaimed. Ron took a step forward. "I promise, one more word from you guys and ---," The red head intimidated before being interrupted by Granger. "Look Harry!" I glanced up to see Harry plummeting towards the ground after the Snitch. "Oh look Weasley, Potter has spotted some money on the ground! It's your lucky day!" My laughter bursted at Malfoy's catty commentary. In a flash, Ron found himself on top of Draco -- swinging at him. "Don't touch him!" I shrieked, launching myself on Ron's back. I started to swing at his back in attempt for him to release off Draco. "RON! GET UP! We won!" Squirrel cheered. I let go of Weasley in disgust. "Draco let's get out of here..." I offered. "My father will hear about this!" The angered blondie hollered. We walked off in frustration as a timidity trickled down my back. The Slytherin reign is going to fall.

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