Chapter Ten - A Malfoy Christmas

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It's been nearly weeks since Draco and I have talked, his last words said to me continuously haunted me in the back of my head. At this point, I didn't even care anymore. I had no hugs, no one to play fight with, and no one's hands to hold. I missed it yes, but if he doesn't know how to react to me flirting with be it. I sighed as I finished up folding my belongings in my trunk. It was silent, no one paired with me in my room. I was either the last one assigned a room, or I was lucky enough to just be put here. No one to talk to, considering I barely got to see AbbeyRose. Maybe it's just me, I don't get out and socialize enough. Memories slowly burned into my brain of Draco. His laugh, his hugs, his smile. I tightly shut my eyes trying to remove the pained past. Christmas is going to become more depressing than I thought. All of a sudden, my family owl appeared in my window with a letter in her mouth. Dropping the items in my hand, I ran over to read the message.

Dearest Daughter,

It has come to my notice to remind you that we will be spending the holidays with the Malfoy's. Isn't that lovely? We considered that you weren't all to close with them, for you haven't remembered the family all too well so we decided that this would be the perfect opportunity! We will be at the station to meet with you!

                                                                                         Lots Of Love,

                                                                                                           Mother & Father

Or so I thought. Lovely isn't it? I have to go spend my favorite holiday with the one that refuses to converse with me! I slammed my trunk down furiously before being startled by a familiar face in the doorway. Malfoy. "So you finally found out?" He smugly said. I was stubborn. I was still injured from his demand of being unwilling to talk to me. "Yes, I have. So what?" I replied tensely. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it." Draco whined. "Since when did you care all of a sudden? You deemed not to three weeks ago." . "Yeah, three weeks ago. Can you not get over one bloody thing I said?" Malfoy nearly yelled. I didn't know what to say. I kept my gaze down, staring at my bed. "Y/N...." I heard him quietly say, pleading for my forgiveness. At this, I grabbed my trunk and shoved past him. He was right, I couldn't get over one bloody thing he said. A Malfoy Christmas it'll be.

Minutes seemed like hours as I arrived to London. I sat in a compartment to myself in effort to clear my mind. The train whined as it stopped, many voices began to rise in volume. For everyone seemed eager to spend their time away from school, while I on the other hand yearned to stay at the location. One step out of the train, I was instantly greeted with hugs from my family. "Welcome back Kitten!" My mother sweetly said as she spun me in the air. "Mum, not in public." I complained before my father rubbed his knuckles into my head. "It's been awhile squirt!" He chuckled while I attempted to fix my hair. "Let's go shall we, Cissy and Lucius are waiting for our arrival." Mum stated. She seemed happy, as so my dad...unlike me. I gave a weak smile as we began to walk to our car. About an hour passed as we arrived to our beautiful ruled residence. I was confused as to why were we here, considering the Malfoy's expected us. "Quickly run inside and grab a few formal dresses. Cissy told me they were planning on hosting a party." Mum informed me. A party? Well, I haven't attended those in so long! My mood instantly brightened as I ran up the spiral stair case to grab some dresses from my closet. I snatched my favorites. A slim black and white floral, knee high dress. The sleeves were rather short and the back was cut out slightly to compliment my toned yet pale skin. The lower part fanned out slightly making it fun to twist around in. I loved it, as well as a baby blue long-sleeved dress that had a laced top with a sweetheart neck line. I had slightly trouble walking in the dress considering how long it was, leaving me no choice but to wear heels with it. Though before leaving, I decided to change into a creamy white dress that brought out my figure and was lightly pleated at the bottom. I was ecstatic to leave as I hopped in the car.

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